Original Post — Direct link

First of all I want to really thank all the teams, it was fun and challenging.

This post will not be about us being out of this tournament, but HOW SBI officially have chosen to change one rule, 1 minute before our match started.
The screen I will link here is UTC+1, just to be as clear as possible.

Change of the rule: (https://imgur.com/a/G4fXO)

Stats of the tournament: (https://imgur.com/a/hdGFa)

I will say that, there is no game or tournament in the world, even the most simples and even the ones with no prices, where you can change a rule 1 minute before the starting of a match.
Everyone can see that this rule was created and modified clearly for our match (EZ VS Washed Up Ninjas) cause before the last match we were at this situation: EZ (3-2) // Washed up Ninjas (2-3).

I will not hide that I'm REALLY REALLY disappointed about how this has been managed in an UNFAIR way.

SBI, you have to really care with people that still love your game. If you're not able to set up a tournament, and this is true and undeniable, just copy what Moba/FPS/MMORPGS/Medieval Festivals/Church Tournaments do.

External link →
over 7 years ago - /u/AOChristoph - Direct link

Hello everyone,

I have spoken with Evoque to get information on the background of this rulechange.

This rule change was made shortly before the match, and communicated before it started.

Why was it made at all? The rule change was made to prevent a situation in which a team could have refused to actively fight, hide in their safe area, and still move on to the next round.

It was a decision made at really short notice. Not great for the participants affected, but important for the tournament. Going forward, especially for upcoming tournaments, we will make sure that it is more clear that rules can be changed at any time or even rulings made outside of the scope of the rules to preserve fair play and tournament integrity.