almost 4 years ago - Seldom - Direct link
Greetings everyone,

We’ve been reading through feedback about the new 10v10 Hellgates released in Call to Arms, as well as watching a lot of great videos players have shared on various social platforms.
We’re definitely happy with the response to the PvP content when it happens but would like to incorporate some of the feedback for improving the accessibility and matchmaking of the feature in Patch 3.
To start, we’ve reduced the Base IP Requirement 1100 to 1000, as well as changed the soft cap from 1300 to 1200 and a scaling factor change from 0.5 to 0.35.
This should significantly decrease the barrier of entry so more of you can experience the content without breaking your banks.
In addition to this, we’ve also reduced the selectivity of the matchmaking progress even further, so teams more readily match with each other. It’s our hope that these changes will increase the frequency of PvP in 10v10 Hellgates significantly. We’ve also made some changes to the PvE component of the Hellgates so that non-player enemies play a less significant role in the experience. Among these changes are:

  • A significant reduction in damage to both auto-attacks and abilities
  • A reduction of HP for all 10v10 NPCs
  • Specific reductions to outlying attacks such as the auto-attacks of Demonic Predators and a 37% reduction to the damage of the Demonic Berserker’s “Raging Onslaught” charge

Finally, we’ve reviewed the rewards for Hellgates and made some significant changes to provide even more incentive to explore the depths of Hell.
The base loot has been tweaked slightly resulting in minor changes across all hellgates. In very few outlying cases the base loot was slightly reduced, but in the vast majority of these cases, the base loot was increased. Furthermore, we’ve made the following changes:

  • Corrected an issue that caused the bonus from Infamy to not display
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Infamy from providing its full bonus in many cases
  • Added Fame to the chests received after successfully defeating opponents in PvP

This will result in a significant increase in the overall rewards for all Hellgates, most notably the 10v10 Hellgates.
Thanks for your continued feedback on this, and we look forward to seeing more epic 10v10 battles from the community soon!