almost 3 years
ago -
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To clear up the confusion a little bit: the schedule for Season 15 has changed slightly, with Invasion Day #2 happening 1 week earlier than originally planned. We have corrected the season schedules and posts accordingly.
These are the correct times as displayed in the game:
For more information about Season 15, you can:
To clear up the confusion a little bit: the schedule for Season 15 has changed slightly, with Invasion Day #2 happening 1 week earlier than originally planned. We have corrected the season schedules and posts accordingly.
These are the correct times as displayed in the game:
05.03.2022 (Saturday): Season starts, Invasion Day #1, all Territories Reset
06.03.2022 (Sunday): Scoring starts (by time zone)
07.03.2022 (Monday): Territory Battles Start
26.03.2022 (Saturday): Invasion Day #2 - Energy/Season Point Storage Payout, all Territories Reset
30.04.2022 (Saturday): Invasion Day #3 - Energy/Season Point Storage Payout, all Territories Reset, Territory and Castle scoring doubles, Might and Favor for killing Siphoning Mages doubles
28.05.2022 (Saturday): Scoring of Territories and Castles Ends, Energy/Season Point Storage Payout
29.05.2022 (Sunday): Final 5v5 Crystal League Matches
30.05.2022 (Monday): Season Ends at 9:59 UTC, Offseason period begins
For more information about Season 15, you can:
Read the article here:
Check out the full season schedule and changes here: Season 15 Schedule and Changes