4 months ago - Albion Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello and welcome to another game
2s director react video in this video I
5s want to react and respond to some of the
7s comments that you have left on our
9s recent death talk um go a little bit in
13s depth with our thought process behind
15s some of these things provide some
17s answers or just provide a reaction
19s whatever the comment is so let's get
21s started with a comment on combat so
24s here's the request for more q and W
26s combo skills improved passives to have a
29s greater identity of the weapon
31s many passives are limited to basic
33s attacks um while the combat team
36s constantly
38s reviews which weapons have have
40s interesting enough choices which weapons
42s get played so we do go over weapons and
44s we do add new q and W AB abilities where
48s we feel they are needed um you will be
50s glad to hear that passives in particular
54s uh is something that we've thought about
56s actually theming an update around and
58s doing a pretty major overhaul of passive
60s we haven't put a timeline on that so I
63s can't give you any promises but it's
64s definitely an area where we do also see
67s improvements are possible the next
69s comment is maybe something for three
72s players hell Gates 3 versus three Mists
74s for
75s three so the challenge with doing
78s something like Mists for three is of
80s course a question of do we have enough
83s people to fill each particular mode um
86s in Mists that might be a possibility in
88s other content that is more Niche like
90s hgat uh we simply do not have the player
93s numbers to fill uh all of these uh
96s different modes with players because
98s obviously you need a rather large player
100s base playing a Content at a particular
102s point in time to actually fill it with
104s an active player base and do and have
106s enough players in the pool for
107s matchmaking so while we would love to
110s support three versus three and various
112s kinds of content we always have to weigh
114s whether a particular kind of content has
116s enough interest in it to support all the
119s different modes that we want to offer
121s for it the next comment says a serious
124s request is that they improve the
126s anti-che so that there are fewer hackers
128s with radar in the game since many guilds
131s benefit from this as do many ganker
133s groups
135s well so this is a topic I need to talk
138s about a little bit
140s more because we've actually made some
143s pretty important changes
144s recently um we've been aware of certain
147s possibilities to run raders
150s that are outside of our game
154s client um for quite a while um and we've
158s been monitoring and taking as much
160s action on this topic as was possible but
163s we have been looking for a better
166s technical solution that does not impair
169s albian high performance large scale
172s battles because these Raiders operate on
176s um player positions knowing where
178s players are movement and obviously all
181s of that stuff is very time critical and
183s needs to run on high
185s performance for our uh yeah large scale
188s World battles um recently though we have
191s made some pretty important changes that
193s have brought us forward a lot um I don't
196s want to go into details because
197s obviously that's a
199s security uh topic and we don't want to
202s give our game away we're in a constant
204s battle but we do think that with the
206s recent changes we just rolled out in a
208s patch we struck a major blow to anybody
211s trying to gain an unfair Advantage from
213s radar and that any future attempts to
218s um try to read player positions and
222s display them on a radar will lead to
224s detection from anti our antiche software
227s and therefore also to bans so um we're
231s quite happy that we can report we've
233s made some big progress in here and of
235s course this will be an ongoing battle
237s and we will keep fighting that fight now
239s the next comment says buff solo tracking
242s rewards they will surely make the open
244s world more versatile and attractive um
247s thanks for that comment uh we will
250s certainly take another look at the
252s tracking rewards for solo players in the
254s future a general comment on balancing uh
256s because this is a very challenging topic
258s so first off the loot rewards from
262s tracking are essentially balanced by the
265s player base because the price for them
268s depends on the demand for Shape Shifter
271s items so while we could increase the
274s output of
276s ingredients that would not necessarily
279s uh translate into greater rewards
281s because essentially the price for these
283s items would go down and you would still
286s be earning the same same amount of money
288s from the marketplace so realistically
291s the only thing that we can really
292s control is any kind of silver that we
295s inject as a reward onto the tracking
298s mobs so we can in particular look at the
300s treasure mobs that you're tracking we
302s could also consider adding some silver
304s to other tracking mobs
307s although the reason we why we haven't
309s done that on a large scale is because we
311s don't like to mix
314s motivations we want to have economic
316s activities that generate resources to be
319s their own motivation and have silver
321s generating activities separately because
323s otherwise you get silver generation
326s motivated by um an economic activity and
330s that injects silver and thus inflation
334s into the game drives up prices for
337s everybody um so yes we can take another
340s look at this but there are some
342s challenges in the balancing the next
344s comment here says I like a new solo
346s player
348s update well um this upcoming update is
352s largely aimed at solo players uh or
355s parts of it are largely aimed solo
357s players in particular the solo open
358s World Experience where which despite the
360s challenges that it faces we still
362s believe that Alban's open world is
365s should be a place for everybody and
366s we're trying to make it much more
368s accessible for solo players with the
369s next update the next comment is critical
372s of the proposed changes that we want to
374s make to the Royal continent as we're
378s also revisiting the outlands so the
380s comment says T6 in the yellow zone is
383s absolutely the worst destroying the
385s economy and absolutely the opposite of
387s what he said people will not leave the
390s yellow zone why risk it when you can
392s Farm tier six resource safe and easily
395s arrive to craft tier 7 that's very bad
397s for gather and for the market economy
399s it's true that for a very long time we
401s have not had anything higher than tier
404s five available in the yellow zones
407s however with the upcoming update we're
410s making pretty significant changes to the
412s reward structure in the outlands um
415s significantly improving rewards in the
417s outlands so we feel there's some space
420s there where um we can offer a little bit
423s more rewards in the safe zones for
425s players who are still early in the game
427s to offer them a bit more progression um
429s to try out the game before they feel
431s forced into PVP zones and that has a
434s benefit to the game overall because
436s obviously more players that have more of
439s a chance to explore the game mean more
442s more players for
443s everybody um in terms of the risks to
448s the uh resource eon economy I'm not
450s particularly worried
452s because we will be
455s adding some tier six zones to the Royal
458s continent in the yellow zone those will
460s provide some tier six resources but
463s compared to the vast scale of the
465s outlands and the vast scale of the roads
467s and all the resources in The Mists the
470s amount of resources that will spawn
471s there will be very minor in fact I think
474s in terms of resources there will be a
476s massive competition between players for
478s those tier six resources on the Royal
480s continent and the incentive to graduate
483s into PVP content will simply be that
485s these zones will potentially be farmed
487s out most of the time and we will not be
489s increasing the spawn rates there to
491s accommodate players to do this safely I
494s can say that from the very beginning so
495s don't have that be your expectation this
497s is to provide some way of seeing those R
501s resources but most importantly actually
503s some way of participating in a bit
505s higher tier
506s PVE um but if you do want to get more
510s advanced Rewards or higher Gathering
512s rates then you will still need to go to
515s the PVP zones eventually but this will
517s open up some opportunities to explore
519s content safely before taking that step
522s will there be farming gardening
525s Fame I don't know what that means in
528s particular because we of course have
530s Fame for farming already you make your
532s progress with farming Fame on the
534s Destiny Board um I can see this to mean
538s two things like one is this maybe
540s rankings for farming that's something we
542s could think about the other could be are
544s you asking about Journal progression for
547s a farming that is something that's
549s coming in the future of the
551s journal um so please clarify if I didn't
554s get that right um the next one is is
557s there any chance we can get a laborer UI
559s update and a farma
561s laborer
563s um well we've been wanting to rework the
565s laborer system for quite a while it's
569s challenging to do because a lot of
570s players are very invested in the way
572s that the system works right now
575s um and at the same time from a design
578s perspective there's various things that
580s we want to change about it um and we
582s haven't found the perfect answer at this
584s point yet so we are kind of not adding
586s any content to it knowing that we still
588s want to make changes which is also why
591s the UI is still one of the oldest uis in
593s the game um we will eventually get
596s around to do it I can't give you a
597s timeline because this is really a
599s question of having the right idea for
601s Laborers that we all believe in that
602s that that our players can also get
605s behind um but when we get around to
608s doing it we will certainly consider a
610s Farming Farming laborer as well can we
613s display our mounts in our Island maybe a
616s new building for or a mount home so this
621s is actually an idea we've had for a very
623s long time which we would love to
625s do um the reality is we haven't gotten
629s around
630s to focus on sort of these vanity things
634s that don't really provide
636s content that players can play but that
639s are more for showing off there certainly
641s is a lot of room for this in albian and
644s I do hope that at some point we get to
645s the point where we can focus more on
648s these sort of things offer more of that
651s um because I think they're a cool social
652s opportunity good way to show off um but
655s at the moment we're still very concerned
657s about making sure that albian has enough
659s content for people to play and that all
661s the systems are working well so um I do
666s want that in the future I can't tell you
668s when unfortunately last question from
670s this comment says will there be daily
673s events for farming um at the moment that
677s doesn't quite fit in with the economic
679s incentives in farming I think um I will
684s have to take
685s this outside of this video though to
687s think a little bit about it um I can't
690s tell you on the spot whether that is a
692s good idea or not I'll think about it
694s make more Island decorations and more
697s options for the direction of
700s buildings um I'm not sure about the
703s second part of this question I think it
704s might have to do with the rotation that
707s you can play buildings in there's a
709s reason why you can't rotate them the
711s other way around because well that the
714s assets simply weren't designed in that
716s way to be to be worked from that side um
721s and the whole accessibility readability
724s usability of it it just isn't designed
727s for that um in terms of adding more
730s Island decorations we absolutely feel
733s there is a room for having more Island
737s vanity Island social life and all these
740s things
742s um however we feel it needs to be part
744s of a bigger push so if we want to go
748s into that direction we Al want to allow
751s you to have public islands that you can
753s visit maybe have some kind of score or
755s ranking for the for the vanity that's on
758s the island so you can really like invest
761s yourself in making the coolest Island
763s possible we have some concepts for that
766s like I said in a different comment at
767s the moment we're focusing still on the
770s major gameplay systems really making
772s sure that there's enough content in the
774s game for people to play we will
776s eventually get around to doing these
777s things and I'm super excited about that
779s the next question I have here um asks
782s about whether it be possible to have the
784s Royal
785s armor display the guilt colors instead
789s of uh the regular design colors I don't
792s necessarily think that's a good idea for
794s readability purposes a lot of players
797s learn what gear looks like and we don't
800s want the color of the gear changing
802s based on Guild colors um when it comes
805s to armors because that might make things
808s very hard to read
810s um the second part of this comment asks
812s well the game already has armors created
815s from Royal badges so why aren't there
818s weapons that will be created from Royal
820s badges so um Royal weapons is a thing
823s we've been wanting to do for a long long
826s long time and it's definitely on our
828s list of future weapon updates we do of
832s course have other things we're working
834s on we're currently working on the
835s crystal weapons we're aware we still
837s have to provide one more weight Mage
840s type weapon to match the other
842s categories
844s um so long story short they will come
848s eventually faction Wars also deserve a
850s better update 100% you're right um
854s faction Warfare is a feature that we
858s think has a very important role to play
860s in the
861s game faction Warfare for us is an
864s accessible way for players to get into
867s large scale fights um it's supposed to
870s be a an activity that you can just join
872s in and have fun with in large scale
875s battles um it it shouldn't be a
878s pre-organized activity it shouldn't
880s require you to be part of some social
882s group it should be just an anytime play
884s activity in our mind and while that
889s works to some degree in the current
891s faction Warfare system there's a lot to
893s improve
894s there unfortunately it's also a pretty
897s major topic because the faction War not
900s only has a pretty big complexity in
902s terms of the system it's also quite
904s challenging to design something that is
907s in the open world and still reliably
910s Works um with like balancing match you
916s know like like getting you good fights
919s having a good experience just being able
920s to join in finding where you need to go
923s and at the same time not facilitating
925s item teleportation so there's a lot to
927s consider and I'll be honest with you at
929s the moment we don't have a perfect
931s design that we want to implement and
934s when we're when we want to do this we
937s want to do this right so we're 100%
940s agreed we want to do this but we also
943s need to be convinced that there's a
945s really good idea on the table that we
946s want to do another comment here that
948s says did you ever consider adding a new
951s layer of risk to the PVE of the game
953s that would allow you to first of all
955s boost the rewards and second of all
957s create more PVE only content a way in
961s which the risk could be present in PVE
964s uh with partial loss your inventory
966s drops but the equipped items don't um we
969s have thought about this and there's a
971s lot to talk about when it comes to PVE
974s first off we
976s think albian is a great game for for PVP
980s and we will never stop focusing on the
982s PVP but there is room to also think
985s better
987s PVE and um thinking in this direction of
991s like offering harder
992s PVE with some risk is something that
995s we've done a lot the challenge with that
997s is PVE is risky as long as you haven't
1000s figured out how to do it as soon as a
1003s player has figured out how to do it it
1005s will basically be something that they
1008s have Z almost zero risk in because it
1010s just relies on them repeating a pattern
1013s that you learn and that means we it's
1016s very tough to balance in a way where the
1018s risk reward stays
1020s intact because as you're learning it it
1024s feels extremely punishing if you lose
1026s things and you it might not be
1028s profitable but then if we tweak up the
1030s rewards to compensate for that as soon
1033s as you figured out how to do it the
1035s rewards become so good that they compete
1038s with any kind of PVP rewards that we
1040s give out and then suddenly you have a
1042s pretty safe way of getting major rewards
1045s and that is the challenge that we're
1046s always facing with the um hard or
1049s Expeditions where we have to kind of
1052s walk the line of having good rewards for
1055s a challenging PVE experience but
1059s still not competing with actual PVP
1063s rewards because otherwise why would you
1064s risk the PVP if you can safely get the
1067s same rewards in PVE um
1071s so that's the challenge to solve if we
1074s want to bring interesting PVE content
1077s hard PVP PVE content into the game in
1081s this update in the upcoming update we
1084s will be upping the power curve for mobs
1087s in general so we will be making the PVE
1089s more challenging throughout the game um
1093s that's a first step for us though that's
1095s just to make sure that there is actually
1097s PVE in the game that is challenging that
1099s requires you to have good gear that
1101s feels like it's a you know it's an
1103s actual fight and of course we're also
1105s tweaking the rewards to go up along with
1108s that but for us that's just the first
1110s step in terms of thinking about how can
1113s we improve the PVE the next comment says
1116s the idea of a camp in the outlands is
1119s honestly a very great idea considering
1121s that the only available loot in the open
1123s world is basically just a treasure chest
1126s um well I wouldn't agree with that
1128s there's a lot more content in the open
1130s world than just treasure chests but yeah
1132s we like the idea of camps as well um
1136s because they offer an objective in the
1139s open world and while we do have roaming
1142s mobs that can be quite powerful and
1144s quite valuable um they feel quite random
1147s and a lot of people don't really
1148s perceive them as clear objectives having
1150s camps gives you these objective points
1153s and and it's a cool way to offer uh yeah
1157s a kind of guaranteed reward in the
1160s outlands and we're very excited to see
1162s how they play need random dungeon finder
1165s well first off there's a number of
1167s challenges surrounding the you are what
1168s you wear system because of the classless
1171s approach classifying players into what
1174s they are actually playing and what they
1175s should be doing what role they should be
1177s taking can be quite challenging we see
1178s that in systems like Arena and so on
1180s although I think that is a solvable
1182s problem the second part is
1186s um as soon as you want to use this
1189s system outside of the safe
1192s zones it becomes a problem of PVE PVP
1195s and
1196s Trust we have not yet found a design
1200s that prevents a a party finder system or
1204s a dungeon finder system to be used by
1207s people to find victims to kill in the
1210s open world so any implementation of this
1214s would be limited to just the safe zones
1218s so the order of operations for us here
1221s is to figure out the future of PVE in
1224s albian and how we can offer more varied
1226s and interesting PVE experiences
1229s um and then see how do we get random
1233s people together for this in the
1235s meantime there's various way to find
1238s ways to find a group first of you can
1240s start by playing Expeditions as a as a
1243s beginning player where we do have random
1245s uh groups coming together and then of
1248s course you can use looking for group
1249s chat to find a group and of course
1251s joining a guild and finding people there
1253s to to play random dungeons can be good
1256s and even just going out into the open
1258s world world and in the safe zones and
1261s asking people that you find in a static
1262s dungeon can be a good way to find a
1265s group but yes it' be lovely to have a
1268s random group a dungeon
1271s finder given that it's a safe Zone only
1274s thing though we first want to figure out
1276s the rest of things before we Implement
1278s something like that the next question
1280s says when will you improve hardcore
1283s Expeditions many player like many
1285s players like this content and nothing is
1288s done to improve it it we ask the company
1290s to pay attention to this content which
1292s in my opinion is super fun Whoever likes
1295s HC H leave a like for the company to see
1298s well the company I guess that's us
1301s um let's talk about hce uh HC are cool
1307s they're the most challenging PVE content
1309s you can have in the
1311s game however they have a very very very
1314s very small audience um we can see this
1317s in the numbers um
1319s compared to the overall game um they
1322s represent a very small part of the game
1324s and the other challenge with them is as
1327s I've alluded to in another comment
1330s is finding the right balance for them
1332s where they are not competing with PVP
1335s activities for rewards but still feel
1339s rewarding um for a player that's taking
1342s on that
1343s challenge so the HTE at the moment serve
1349s as one of the highend PVE experiences
1352s you can have in albian online the other
1354s being probably avalonian Dungeons and I
1356s don't think we will be doing a lot on
1359s this system until we uh are ready to
1362s talk about the bigger future for PVE in
1366s Alban
1367s online um so if you do have specific
1372s issues that are easy to address please
1375s bring those up because I'm I'm you know
1378s we're happy to address smaller specific
1381s issues in terms of bigger topics like
1383s bringing new content to this it has to
1385s be part of a bigger strategy for PVE in
1388s albian online the next comment here says
1391s I've been saying that this game needs
1393s some more PVE content for years
1395s especially for the PVE only players and
1398s with the new Journal update this should
1399s be a great compliment albian could
1402s become a great MMO RPG moving forward uh
1406s thank you for your comment as I've
1407s alluded to in other comment
1409s we also think that PVE would be a great
1413s addition or Mo focus on PVE would be a
1415s great addition to the game that we
1416s already have again we don't want to lose
1419s focus on our core Vision which is a
1422s player driven world with full PVP and
1426s you know large guilds large Guild
1428s battles that will always be the core of
1430s the game but we do see a room for
1433s expanded PVE content next to this and
1436s we're currently in the middle of the
1438s process of figuring out out how how to
1439s do that exactly the next comment here
1442s says custom UI is the best news I've
1445s heard in 8
1447s years you've been with the game for a
1449s very long time thank you very much um I
1452s do hope that we've had some good things
1456s uh in those eight years but it you know
1458s maybe it's just the best thing that
1459s we've done in the past eight years we're
1461s also super excited about this um the
1464s custom UI well custom UI let's talk
1466s about expectations here so what we're
1468s offering is a a HUD editor right so you
1472s can edit everything that's in the HUD um
1475s it the team has done an amazing job of
1477s making a lot of things possible but we
1480s are focusing on the HUD at the moment
1483s there are further optimizations and
1485s options coming to things like the
1487s inventory specifically which you can
1488s also customize in the next update to
1490s some degree but um the focus here is
1494s currently allowing you to completely
1496s control your HUD experience so I think
1499s that's really cool and that's also the
1501s most important part of things uh and
1503s yeah we're looking forward to your
1504s feedback once it's out what we really
1507s want to see is more inventory slots when
1510s you equip a higher tier bag so a tier
1513s four bag is standard
1515s inventory SI at standard inventory size
1518s T5 to tier eight all going to add an
1521s extra row of
1522s slots for every tier of bag now that
1525s sounds like a cool
1527s idea until until you consider what
1530s happens if your bag gets damaged and
1533s then becomes
1534s unusable um adding new slots based on
1537s inventory let's assume you like you you
1539s want to equip a new load out that
1541s Loadout contains a different bag what
1543s happens to this do we block this it's a
1545s it's a nightmare in terms of inventory
1548s management what happens if you do that
1551s so I don't think that's the answer um I
1554s do think because we have weight and
1557s weight is supposed to be the primary
1558s limiter on inventory we can revisit the
1562s amount of slots uh that you have in your
1564s inventory and especially now that we're
1568s making some changes to the to um how
1570s many slots you can see and how big the
1573s icons are in the inventory look um look
1576s to the next de talks to explain that in
1578s more detail I think there's room to talk
1580s about how many slots you have in the
1581s inventory so maybe not this exact thing
1585s but we can possibly solve your problem
1587s of not enough in slots I hope you add
1591s the ability to locate party members in
1593s the open world
1595s map um yes I hope we do that too at some
1598s point um it's one of those things that
1600s you would say like yeah why don't we
1602s have that the reason is simply a
1605s technical one a complexity one um short
1609s answer is every single zone in the game
1612s is running on a different machine
1614s technically speaking and making all
1617s those machines talk to each other
1619s uh or rather having like one Central
1621s machine that manages this party um
1625s is a little bit of technical overhead
1628s and has always just been a bit too
1630s complex to just do um but it is on the
1634s list of things that I also would really
1635s like to see because I think it's super
1637s helpful for parties trying to organize
1639s themselves the next comment says I hope
1642s that you'll bring a color blind option
1644s with the new settings update a few
1646s guildmates have been waiting for this
1648s especially for marks on players when
1650s grouped um so unfortunately the new
1653s settings updates does not immediately
1655s include a colorblind option for now it's
1658s uh it's going to be focused on saving
1662s your settings and then switching between
1664s different settings profiles however in
1668s terms of um being able to deal with
1671s color blindness especially for things
1673s like player names um and I don't know
1677s exactly what you're referring to when
1678s you say for marks on players when
1680s [Music]
1682s grouped I'm not sure if you're referring
1684s to the icons overhead that you can that
1687s you can um put on players for that I
1690s would say we offer quite a variety of
1692s different icons in and
1694s shapes so I assume that you have options
1698s to deal with color blindness there if
1700s you don't please leave a specific
1702s comment explaining the challenge with
1704s those icons but of course there's a
1707s number of elements in the game that um
1710s have predefined colors and our solution
1713s for that is that we're hoping to allow
1715s you to customize as many of these colors
1717s as possible down the line so in the
1719s future we're hoping that you're able to
1720s customize things like uh display colors
1723s of names so you can choose what color
1725s you want that to be displayed in so you
1728s can customize it to your specific needs
1730s and that'll be our strategy for for
1732s dealing with color blindness in
1733s particular the next comment I have here
1736s is make a sound setting with an adjust
1738s able bar to automatically mute or reduce
1741s sound in cities tired of the noise of
1744s 100 Mounds plus 20 axis
1747s dueling um so one way you will be able
1751s to address this in a the upcoming uh
1755s update for albian online is by using the
1758s settings presets which we'll still talk
1760s about in in upcoming def talk so you can
1763s then make a setting that controls things
1766s like audio or your graphics settings or
1769s whatever save it and have one for open
1772s world and one for the cities and then
1774s use a hotkey to switch between them so
1777s you can switch to that your city preset
1781s uh on a press of a button controlling
1784s audio to the levels where you like it we
1787s can separately talk about having this as
1788s an automatic option as a bar but that
1792s will be the Practical thing that's
1794s coming in the next update please give us
1796s the ability to switch between weapon
1798s skill
1799s presets uh so it's not so much of a pain
1802s to continuously man manually switch
1804s between PVE to kill mobs and PVP
1808s immediately after if I could Mount up
1810s and press a button to switch between
1812s skill preset one and preset two for my
1814s load out that would be amazing
1818s so essentially you can do this to a
1820s degree by having two different load
1823s outs and I guess what you're asking for
1825s is a hotkey to switch between those two
1828s loadouts I think extending the loadout
1831s system to allow for multiple skill
1833s configurations is another layer layer of
1836s complexity on the loadout system that
1839s probably is a bit too much but allowing
1843s you to fast switch between loadouts
1846s that's something that I can um forward
1849s to the UI team cool changes in the game
1854s most of the weapons are based on some
1856s kind of stacks constantly keeping track
1858s of the number of them during the fight
1859s is sometimes difficult we have to watch
1861s the number of blades around our
1863s character for example or gland at the
1866s top of the screen with the introduction
1868s of shape shifters we got a bar that
1870s shows their Stacks just below health is
1872s there a possibility to introduce such an
1874s option also for the other weapons I mean
1876s will we be able to enable such a bar for
1878s example for swords and daggers um so let
1882s me first talk about what you can do in
1884s the next update for sure which will be
1887s using the editable HUD you can move your
1889s buff bar to the center of the screen
1892s control its scale also control how many
1894s Buffs are being displayed and thus make
1897s all your active Buffs much more visible
1900s to yourself as you need to uh in terms
1903s of making a specific new bar um for a
1907s weapon that's something that we would do
1909s in the course of a weapon update if we
1911s revisit an old weapon and reconsider um
1914s how it works its mechanics it spell
1917s design Etc
1919s and if we then feel that they need such
1920s a bar to really be playable we would
1923s introduce it but I think it would always
1924s have to be based on the specific weapon
1927s cuz some weapons allow you to choose
1928s between builds where you either use the
1930s stacks or you don't use the stacks and
1933s yeah we'll have to make that be context
1935s sensitive and all these things so for
1937s now the Practical solution is use the
1939s editable HUD to make your Stacks more
1941s visible please add the option for
1943s transparent ui/ hod uh in the game as
1948s player tag mini map skills Etc all
1951s static elements to protect OLED users so
1956s the good news is that with the upcoming
1958s editable HUD you should be able to do
1961s just that I think for almost all
1964s elements you will be able to control
1966s transparency there might be a few
1968s elements that in the initial version
1971s cannot be controlled in such a way but
1974s um that is something that we will then
1976s revisit down the line the goal is to
1978s give you as much control over your heart
1980s as possible and transparency control is
1982s also part of that please make customer
1985s control for phone players to where we
1988s can make our own controls and spell
1990s placing so the interesting thing about
1993s the editable HUD is that it was actually
1995s an innovation coming from our mobile
1997s team so our mobile developers started
2001s developing this customizable HUD for the
2003s mobile version and we when we saw it
2005s what what they were doing we told them
2007s you know we would really love to see
2009s this for our PC players
2011s too so now we're rolling it out on both
2014s platforms um and we're very excited
2017s about it in-game mail management needs
2019s an update the most annoying thing from
2021s the beginning of the game is managing
2023s males from the marketplace right now
2025s there's only the option to go one by one
2028s or to mass delete them all it'd be nice
2030s to see all buys or sell in one glance or
2033s at least be able to jump from one mail
2035s to another instead of closing mail and
2037s opening another one um I think I will
2040s just forward that comment directly to
2042s the user interface team uh in terms of
2046s what our vision here is in the long run
2049s we would like to really have like a
2051s separate message tracker for the
2054s marketplace where you um you know have
2056s all the information coming in from the
2059s marketplace somehow filterable and and
2061s all those things but in the meantime
2063s while the mails are the way that we get
2066s those uh messages I can see see some of
2068s this being added to the mail UI without
2071s too much of a hassle so let's see text
2073s selection feature please sometimes we
2075s need to copy Korean or Chinese to
2077s translate it uh yes absolutely uh I I
2081s don't know the intricacies of um you
2085s know what complexity this would add to
2088s the chat in terms of mouse interaction
2092s and so on but generally I completely
2094s understand the need and we'll forward
2096s this and see how we can get it done
2098s the next comment says cool I have
2100s something to ask can you guys give me a
2103s free Mammoth uh well yes absolutely all
2106s you have to do is level up go out kill a
2111s mammoth and get really lucky but it's
2114s all free the next comment I have says
2116s albian is a great game but it feels like
2119s we don't have a purpose sometimes we
2121s wander off slowly and leave the game
2124s this has happened multiple times with me
2126s and many others I know I know we can't
2129s change the game instantly then what if
2132s we host competitions like Minecon where
2134s the whole server completes competes on
2137s different tasks like most silver earned
2139s within the allocated time most kills
2142s most crystal league wins Etc you know
2145s what I actually absolutely love this
2147s comment um I've thought about this kind
2152s of topic a lot um I've more thought
2154s about it from the perspective of
2156s rankings and local rankings and giving
2158s you more opportunity to to show off um
2162s you know something that you're good in
2165s locally so my ideal vision would be that
2168s we have a ranking for almost everything
2170s in the game um but actually I really
2173s like the idea of having temporary
2175s challenges where you're either asking
2178s the whole server or a certain area of
2180s the game to all compete in like earning
2183s the most mob fame or earning the most
2185s silver so that's an idea that I will uh
2189s yeah play out in in my head and see if
2191s we can take it anywhere will there be a
2193s branch of gunpowder weapons in albian
2196s blunder buses
2198s pistols um I this is something I've had
2202s in my mind since the Inception of albian
2205s basically in since the very beginning
2208s since we started to define the story of
2211s the world and where where we actually
2214s play because if you're when we're in
2216s albian we're in the fantastic world
2219s that's being rediscovered that's full of
2221s magic and Technology only comes into
2226s it sparsely like it shouldn't this isn't
2229s a technology driven place however in the
2231s old world which represents the
2235s oppressive uh common dreary life um
2240s blunder brushes and Pistol are a common
2244s thing um and and and black powder black
2248s power weapons on ships also exist so if
2251s we ever see some people coming over from
2255s the old
2256s world there is a good opportunity that
2259s we will also see blunder buses and
2261s pistols the next comment I have here
2264s actually matches the gunpowder question
2266s nicely it's the question whether it's
2268s possible to add Naval battles on
2271s ships um here's the thing about Naval
2275s battles absolutely would love
2278s to do it um we've had a concept for this
2282s lying around for ages and I absolutely
2285s do see Naval battles sometime in the
2287s future of albian um
2289s however we have to be aware that this is
2292s a game in a game situation right like
2295s there's not going to be a way to really
2298s make your equipment and your character
2302s matter in a nval battle
2306s so if do this there's going to be
2310s completely different progression
2311s completely different like
2314s controls a lot to rethink so as long as
2318s we still have systems in the core game
2322s that we're not entirely happy with um
2324s this is not something that we're going
2325s to focus on most likely right unless we
2328s have some kind of reason that I don't
2330s see right now but um it is absolutely
2333s something that I have a concept in the
2334s draw for and as soon as we're out of
2337s other ideas to to do and things to fix
2340s it's the first thing that I'm going to
2341s do the next comment here says I would
2344s like to see a guilt Mission board added
2347s to every city where you could do a daily
2349s mission like Gathering hunting
2351s Exterminating and finding items in
2353s dungeons it would be great if we if it
2356s could be managed by players and even put
2358s up wanted posters that count as an
2361s achievement a be grade is an
2363s introductory element and would help
2365s those who are just starting out to learn
2367s the different mechanics of the game in a
2369s didactic
2371s way um well my thoughts on this is we
2374s actually now have quite a lot of guiding
2376s systems for albian um with the journal
2380s we've basically created a centralized
2382s place that is essentially going to cover
2385s everything that you can possibly do in
2387s albian and guide you to to do it to some
2390s degree but at least make you aware of
2393s the existence of something and also give
2395s you some goals um
2398s our next step in terms of the on top of
2402s that we have things like the daily
2403s activities we have adcs we have all
2405s kinds of activities right to me the next
2408s step is to revisit the structure of the
2411s beginning experience of albian and think
2414s about how we integrate the journal
2417s smoothly um possibly rework the initial
2421s narrative and make sure that new players
2424s are um properly guided to their area of
2428s interest in the game and understand the
2431s scale of the game as soon as possible
2434s after joining without being scared off
2438s from the complexity so there's a lot of
2440s thought that will need to go into that I
2442s don't see us adding new daily systems on
2446s top before we've
2449s structured um what we have in a better
2452s way if that makes sense the next comment
2454s I have here says add friendly NPCs in
2457s the open world world where they would
2459s give random quests like delivery killing
2461s mobs clear a dungeon to save other NPCs
2464s etc for rewards now if you're an alpha
2467s player of Alban online you might
2469s actually remember our mission agents
2472s that we had very early um that
2476s essentially were this in a way where we
2479s had NPCs out in the world that would
2482s provide missions that you could play
2485s locally um
2488s I do think that what they were lacking
2490s is a narrative structure and a overall
2493s like reason to
2496s pursue um these
2499s quests uh so we eventually ended up
2502s cutting them from the early versions of
2504s the game however in the context of
2506s thinking about future PVE in albian I
2510s think it's absolutely something that you
2512s know is on in our minds of like how do
2514s we how do we get some interesting PVE
2518s content into the game that doesn't
2519s compete with the PVP um and integrates
2523s well with the game world and will
2525s definitely revisit that line of thinking
2527s and think about is there anything from
2529s that concept that we can save that would
2531s make the game better the next comment
2533s says I'm looking forward to my return to
2536s the black zone I'm also really looking
2538s forward to returning to the black Zone
2540s and maybe we'll have an exciting battle
2542s in the black Zone and your name will end
2544s up in my kill history next question I
2547s have here is what about the server
2549s transfer slch
2551s merges well I think it's too early to
2553s talk about like we like we said in the
2555s context of launching the European server
2557s this is something that we wouldn't be
2558s talking about for quite a while after
2560s the server launch because the economies
2562s need time to develop
2565s um newly freshly started characters on
2568s those servers first need to develop to a
2571s point where any transferred characters
2574s would not be competing with them in
2576s terms of power or wealth or whatever so
2580s um I think that question is too early
2582s it's definitely something that we will
2584s continue to look at uh in the future but
2588s it's not something that we're thinking
2589s about this year and with that we've also
2591s reached the end of the comments that
2593s we've selected for this video it's
2596s already become very long thank you for
2598s listening and I'm looking forward to
2602s presenting the next update to you in the
2604s next de talks