3 months ago - Albion Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
7s hello I am the chosen one and I am here
11s in the sandbox interactive Studios I
14s have been here all week and I have had
15s the great pleasure of hanging out with
17s all the developers and they're giving me
19s the opportunity to do some interviews
21s and right now I'm getting to interview
22s one of my favorite people here I get to
24s interview David the uh CTO of albian
27s online and one of the founders of boox
30s interactive you've been here
33s forever uh 13 years yes almost
37s forever it's half of half of my
39s professional career I've been in this
41s industry for almost 25 years if you can
44s believe that I started as a as a student
46s it was a side hustle when I was still at
48s University and yeah I've been doing this
50s for 13 years now that's
53s amazing I I don't this wasn't in the
55s plan but you want to tell me a little
57s bit about what it was like as a as a
58s student getting into the games industry
60s while you were still here trying to be
61s like okay let's make a little extra
63s scratch um something like that no I've
67s always wanted to be a game developer
69s believe it or not right so I've been in
70s love with with computer games ever since
73s the very beginning and I have to say I'm
75s from East Germany so I grew up under
78s communist rule or that's what you would
80s call it in in in the west I guess um so
83s computers were hard to come by right so
86s was I was 10 years old when I was first
88s exposed to computer games which is old
91s by today standards and I was immediately
94s in in in love with that and I learned
97s programming because back in those days
100s computers came with programming man yeah
103s they came with books that you had to
105s study and so I I I don't know I learned
107s basic as a 10-year-old and then I moved
110s on over you know through Pascal and
112s Assembly Language and c and C++ and uh I
116s spent all my teenage years programming
119s and I always wanted to a game developer
121s but I always thought it's kind of
124s unrealistic uh also Germany was not
126s exactly a great location to be a game
129s developer back then but then when I was
132s in university there was suddenly an
134s opportunity there were suddenly there
136s were three game studios in Berlin out of
139s out of the blue and so I immediately
142s applied and I said okay I I'll do
145s whatever I don't care right I just want
147s I work for free doesn't matter I just
150s ever it takes to whatever whatever it
152s takes I'm a student I'm in I'm in
154s University but I want to be a game
156s developer and so I got my first uh my
159s first job in the industry and uh yeah
163s then I've been part of a couple of
166s different companies I've uh worked on a
169s couple of different
171s games and uh at some point I graduated
175s actually and uh then I created I founded
178s my first own company cuz that's the
181s other thing I always wanted to do yeah
183s make your own company it was like in one
185s sense it was kind of a step backwards
188s right because you uh I was part of
191s bigger teams I was making bigger games
193s up to that point and suddenly I was you
195s know with a couple of friends and and we
198s had to you know make smaller games and
201s uh but we got to do our own stuff which
204s was which was pretty cool so in those
206s days we did games for the Nintendo DS
209s for instance um um and we also had a
211s game engine for the Nintendo that was
214s licensed by other Studios well that's a
217s perfect background to get yourself into
219s you know what you're doing now which was
221s albian online so before we get back into
223s more stories I I do want to talk a
225s little bit about specifically with
228s albian online the network situation
230s because this is something that we hear a
232s lot of players discussing it's like
234s they're like fix the lag and you know
236s why is this like that and you're like
238s the the right guy to go to for this can
241s you tell me a little bit about how at
243s one point you were working on a system
245s that would allow for like different
247s zones to be controlled by different uh
250s locations and they would all still be
252s connected together but not on a
254s centralized node that was one of the
256s very early things we did believe it or
258s not um so we we had this idea of one
262s world one server and of course we were
264s aware that you know ping would be bad
267s for some people so we thought okay maybe
269s we can
271s distribute the server across the world
274s and very early right in the like even
277s before the alphas even before you joined
280s we did have a setup where we had some of
283s the areas in Europe and some of the
286s areas in the United States so the server
290s two server locations and you could
292s literally walk over from one server to
295s the other right you would not see the
297s difference there would be a loading
298s screen and the other same as now just
301s same as same as now just that your ping
304s would change
306s dramatically um and that was one of the
310s downsides of that concept it was not
313s really transparent for the players
315s that's one thing we realized right it's
317s it's kind of fun you know you have
319s everyone in the same world but now you
321s still have to encourage the European
323s players to play in the European regions
326s and you have to encourage the American
327s players to play in the American regions
330s and you have to explain to them which
332s region is which and why the Ping is
334s suddenly changing and and there were
337s lots of technical problems with that as
339s well so we had to jump through a number
341s of Hoops to to even make that
344s work um sometimes it still didn't
347s because there was a transatlantic
349s connection involved and if that
351s connection had problems then the entire
353s game had problems so we we had to do a
356s lot of things technically to make this
358s more stable and and resist
360s to to
362s outages um but in the end we dropped the
365s whole thing yeah because even though we
368s put a lot of work into that telling me
370s like I mean I've talked to a lot of
371s people about the the work that went into
373s that this is this is not lip service you
375s guys really tried to make it a one World
377s server for everybody did so much work on
380s it it it it was a journey and in the end
382s the reason we dropped it was because it
385s wasn't really worth the trouble to be
387s honest the the experience for the play
390s and that's the only thing that counts in
391s the end right was not that great I so I
396s remember like uh so when there was like
398s dauny in Kingsport and queensport and
399s stuff like that it I believe there was
401s some like different server locations
403s still even then cuz you'd go from one
406s like area to the next and you'd go from
409s like you know for me going from 17 ping
411s to
412s 119 like people people would notice
415s people would notice that and have
417s questions and then then you have to
420s explaining to them that like this is a
422s European area and behind this gate
425s there's an American and but what does it
428s have to do with anything in the game
430s really right you have a whole another
432s sort of of problems and it's a lot of
435s problems to solve for how much gain yeah
439s and we did have the same discussion uh
442s again when we opened the Asian server
444s and now we have a European server as
446s well so there was a very very serious
449s discussion whether we should revisit
451s that concept and say one game world can
455s we
457s like travel between these words somehow
460s you know it doesn't have to be every
462s area or something like that maybe
464s there's like a harbor where you can ship
467s uh over or something we we did have all
469s of these ideas right um and we we did
474s make a technical concept for that so we
476s had a i and my team we sat down very
479s very
480s seriously and and earnestly and we made
482s a concept what would be required to make
486s all of that work the bottom line however
488s was it will be a lot of work mhm just to
493s end up with more or less the same game
496s that we already have a little worse
499s probably so I think it was a good idea
501s honestly in the end to make multiple
503s servers and just focus on making the
505s game play for everybody it's close to
510s equal as possible so that when you're
512s playing in Asia on Albi on Asia you have
515s the same kind of connection that
516s somebody playing in Europe connecting to
518s Alban Europe has that somebody playing
519s in America has the same connection that
522s they have in Alban Americas and so
524s everybody has this really tight
526s connection and that has allowed for some
529s gameplay elements to change as well now
531s there's less stand time with weapons now
534s there's there's less cast time you can
536s actually have a higher skill uh
538s interpretation uh
540s it lets people play the game in a
543s tighter way yeah what players may not be
546s aware of is that how much you have to
548s design for a certain ping actually right
552s it is part of the game design um when
554s you make an MMO with one server location
557s you are aware that people have a ping of
561s around 120 to
563s 150 uh most of them so we designed the
566s game in a way so that this ping would be
570s perfectly normal and perfectly playable
573s and that has an influence on a lot of
575s things including the design of abilities
578s the timing of of pretty much everything
583s in in in the game so yeah but roughly if
585s you have 150 ping it means what whenever
588s you do a click on on your screen it
590s takes at least these 150 milliseconds to
593s reach any other player screen
597s so yeah that that is a bit limiting uh
602s in in regards to abilities and and
604s twitch gameplay right uh so yeah having
608s having separate locations has now
610s allowed us to relax some of the rules
614s that we had and it gave our designers a
617s bit more freedom designing new abilities
620s and especially like skill shots and
623s things like that you see a like you see
626s a lot of newer weapons that are being
628s developed that have a lot higher skill
630s ceiling and that's really cool to see
632s and a lot of that I believe is because
633s it allows you to just interact with the
636s server faster and interact with your
637s opponent and react faster to what
639s they're doing and that is really really
641s cool when you look at like say the phas
642s scale Row for example which gives you
644s three different options that kind of
646s thing is just a much higher skill
647s expression than just hitting this and
649s waiting and then it goes off so you can
653s see it in the gameplay design and that's
655s really cool um but I do have you here
659s and uh we don't get to talk about this
660s and I know a lot of players out there
662s have no idea how albon came about but
666s you were there you were there from the
668s very beginning there were what like five
670s of you guys who started in the very
672s beginning mhm pretty much um I had
675s founded my own
676s company six years earlier roughly right
679s so I graduated from University I started
682s my first own games company I had done
685s games before I had a lot of experience
687s in games but I wanted to have my own
690s company and uh so we did Small Time
693s stuff right and one day a guy came to
697s our to our doorstep uh almost who had an
701s idea a concept for an online game and
704s who who wanted to Pro provide the
706s funding um to some degree it was not a
709s huge amount of money but it was
711s definitely uh enough to get a an
713s interesting project going and uh you
717s probably know him under the for name
719s corn he was a person who had this idea
722s he was looking for a team to build this
725s game with he was looking all over
728s Germany talking to different different
730s companies different players in the in
733s the
734s market and uh in the end he he went with
738s us so with my little team my little
742s company uh yeah because we I guess we
745s somehow clicked right I essentially told
748s him well the is that is a great
751s idea um but what we really need to do is
754s we need to build a prototype right now
756s right we need to build something
757s playable really fast right like give us
761s three four months and in four months we
763s should have a playable version of this
766s which is not going to look great right
768s which is going to look very primitive
770s and and uh but it will either prove or
774s disprove that a we can make this y
777s technically and as a team and it will uh
781s prove or disprove your design ideas for
784s this game and that's what we went with
787s right we made a deal we worked on this
790s on this prototype together and it went
795s it went great right we really clicked
798s yeah the game looked a lot better than
799s we had
800s anticipated and at the end of that
803s prototyping phase we founded
807s sandbox and I wound down my my old
812s company and uh yeah took took most of
815s the people with me right so my my old
818s company we were three founders yeah two
820s of which uh me included uh joined SBI we
824s took some of our employees we took uh a
828s lot of people from our
829s Network and uh many of them are still
832s working here right I'm I'm I'm super
834s proud of that that is amazing that so
836s many people still work here um after so
839s long this has just been a phenomenal
841s week hanging out with all of you getting
843s to meet people face to face yes we've
845s talked before and and gotten to have
847s some wonderful discussions but getting
849s to meet people face to face and spend
851s this time together has just been um
854s super valuable to me and just an
855s incredible experience and I'm looking
857s forward to doing it again so David thank
859s you so much for this time and I'm
860s looking forward to seeing you again than
863s all right and that is going to be it for
864s our interview today and we'll be back
866s again with more shows in the future
867s thanks for watching
870s la
878s [Music]