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This title is the perfect summary for my case. I have 2 characters in my account and I got banned for 200 years, just for buying premium for alt USING STEAM. Yes, that's it.

It's fine. sh*t happens. This game is massive and they have a support team. Right? I don't know anymore. In 20 days, I got only 2 replies from support saying that they will look into it. I'm gonna explain in a timeline how/what happened and I need people to guide me. I'm clueless what to do because I've never seen a worse support.

I paid RL money, i didnt get my money back, I didnt get the service i purchased, i lost what i owned (other premium in my account expired), i lost my ingame ability to play, I lost my activiy in game, lost my role in my guild, social status with ppl ingame etc etc.

June 6th: I purchased premium


June 9th: I got banned while I was in game


I immediately contacted my bank if there was a problem with the payment. They checked and told me that the payment was successful to STEAM and they gave me a provision number that I can use to fix any issues with steam.

I opened a support ticket to Steam and SBI explaining all these.

June 12th: Steam replies back


Whatever happened between STEAM and SBI has been fixed by Steam and I can see that my payment status in SBI's account page has been changed as redeemed.

June 14th: SBI has no idea

Finally I got a reply to my ticket from SBI 5 days later. The message says we'll look into it and with their exact words: "I am going to escalate this to our Accounts Team for their assistance in resolving this for you. We will follow up with you when we have an update."

June 20th: SBI STILL has no idea

I got another reply saying that they had high volume requests so they were late to reply. Sure, it happens. I thought I was escalated to an "Accounts Team" but I still got a reply from Senior Customer Care Agent just like the first ticket. And when I read the msg I lost it. This is their reply:

"As this disputed purchase was made through the Steam Store, you will need to reach out to them to resolve it.

Once you have settled it with them, you may reach back out to us with a screenshot or transcript of the resolution and we will be able to review the suspension.

We appreciate your patience and we look forward to hearing back from you! "

DUH! It's already settled. It's you who have to fix it!

I wrote my reply with all the screenshots and everything. But I'm really not sure anymore. HOW is this a support? I'm not sure if I wanna play the game anymore. I enjoyed it but I got banned for buying premium? And it takes a month to fix an error?


I receieved a message from support thanks all of you. Tough it was an interesting one;

We have not received any updates from Steam about this. We do not own that platform, and Steam gives us limited information, so in these cases they have to contact us, to settle it with us as well.

Could you please ask them to contact us and let us know so we can clear it with them on our side too? :)

Kind regards

Please note that this is the reply I get AFTER I send them my screenshots from Steam that everything has been resolved. Because that's what they wanted from me in their previous message!


My ban is removed. And they give me 14 days of premium (exact amount of time my ACC was banned) for only 1 of my characters. yay =/


I have been paid back with a total of 1 month premium for each of my 2 characters.

  • Does Albion Online need to work on their support system? Yes
  • Do they need to fix Steam (Dunno about Apple or Google) payment system? Yes
  • Should you be scared to spend money for the company? Naa

In the end, it seems they have people that care who are capable enough to solve problems. I suggest paying Albion Online through their system until they sort it out.

Hope there will be no more similar cases.

Thanks to all of you for helping

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/HellementsAO - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Honestly don't charge back the money if you want this solved quickly with Support. All this does is flag your account for money laundering/fraud and make this whole situation even more difficult for our Customer Support. Wait out a reply from steam and see if they have any clue on what happened. -Hellements

over 3 years ago - /u/HellementsAO - Direct link

Originally posted by AlbionSucks

Steams reply is actually in the post....

Yes I'm sorry, I must have missed it. The case was passed on and should hopefully be solved soon.