We hope you had a peaceful holiday as we ejected 2024, and we’re excited to kick off yet another year of mischief and chaos with our first updates.

First things first, we’re excited to share that Innersloth just turned 10 years old! Technically, our 10th anniversary was on January 5th LOL but shhh…. We were still vacationing, so this is close enough.
Now that we’re back though, we're excited to party with you and will be giving away an exclusive Sloth mask! The mask will drop on
January 8 at 18:00 UTC and be available until
April 8 at 17:00 UTC, so keep your visors peeled.
A Message from Our Co-Founders Our Sloth Fathers, PuffballsUnited and ForteBass wanted to pass along a message to everyone reading.
Hello everyone!
Marcus and Forest here, we j...
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