over 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by kaLARSnikov

We don't know for sure, but I expect the demo will be a smaller download that only contains what's relevant for the scope of the demo. It's also alluded to being a separate entry in the Origin launcher, so you'd most likely have to download and install the final release regardless.

So If I purchase premier access right now. My initial order of the game price/charge will not be deducted from my bank account. correct?

They're not mutually exclusive, so if you just buy Premier now and do nothing else, you will still be charged for your pre-order when the time comes and effectively have Premier + the full game separately. (So that you can still play if you cancel Premier.)

Appreciate if someone from EA could help with this.

This is not an official channel for the game, so while you will see some Bioware developers here, you probably won't see anyone from EA support and no one who directly works with support and billing. EA have their own site for that stuff.

We don't know for sure, but I expect the demo will be a smaller download that only contains what's relevant for the scope of the demo. It's also alluded to being a separate entry in the Origin launcher, so you'd most likely have to download and install the final release regardless.

It will be a different release, yes. You won't be able to just convert the demo into the full game. That will have to be downloaded separately.

over 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by MissedAirstrike

Can you speak to the amount of content contained in the demo versus the alpha? Or is that NDA

No... not specifically. I would say we want it to be a good cross-section of the game. 😊