about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by smita16

I know people are upset regarding the performance of the early release, but biowarejar has answered over 28 posts in just over 24 hrs!

It doesn't make up for some of the concerns, but it shows that they care!

People are gonna downvote me because they think I am a fanboi but I think we should appreciate and encourage communication.

Thanks! I'm trying lol.

There are a LOT of people playing. And a LOT of issues, most of which we didn't see/couldn't anticipate until the game was truly shaken down by millions of people.

This is what we expected, and if you recall Casey Hudson's blog - how this game succeeds is not how good it is out of the gate. It's how we as a team respond to our players and how we quickly we can address issues that are discovered throughout the live service.

We made some good decisions, we made some bad decisions...the important thing is being able to admit that and try to solve the problems as quickly as possible.

I appreciate the shout out - and I want everyone on this sub to know that there are hundreds of people working insane hours *right now* in order to achieve this. It's the directive straight from our GM, and we are all 100% committed to achieving it.

Whether it's a bug or a QoL feature/suggestion; please be patient, constructive in your feedback and it will be tracked and worked on for future releases.

Literally the definition of 'Strong Alone, Stronger Together' :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by smita16

I know people are upset regarding the performance of the early release, but biowarejar has answered over 28 posts in just over 24 hrs!

It doesn't make up for some of the concerns, but it shows that they care!

People are gonna downvote me because they think I am a fanboi but I think we should appreciate and encourage communication.

Also it's 'Jer' not 'Jar' lol :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by executive313

As someone who was beyond skeptical about this game I have to say you guys being so active changed my mind and made me buy the game. I am loving it so far and truly enjoy it.

Awesome to hear - thanks for joining the party :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by smita16

Idk man honestly the sub is very disheartening to look at. I'm not surprised most of the devs have stopped visiting they would get torn to pieces.

To be clear - technically they haven't 'stopped visiting', most are deeply involved with fixing all the issues that are being discovered. Almost all issues here are being looked at by many folks, including Brenon, Cam, Ben etc.

I expect very high engagement post launch madness.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Doing his job. A round of applause everyone!

Well technically I am on sabbatical, but I care deeply about our players' experience so I make sure to respond where I think I can be helpful :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ikbrain

Haha and here I thought caring is releasing a well-polished quality product. Good thing it's just answering posts on rd. My boss will be so excited about my workflow next week!

Well that's a bit mean.

I'm sorry you aren't happy with the result, but rest assured the issues you are seeing are not due to a lack of caring from the devs. People have worked themselves to the bone to make this game as good as they could and deserve some respect for the sacrifices they have made above and beyond the 'job description'.

Also posting on Reddit and fixing issues are not mutually exclusive, I can do both :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Bonk_EU

Oof nothing more uplifiting to do? :) But in that case i applaud your commitment.

Thanks :)

We are trying. Really hard.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchbishopTurpin

Count me in the list of people really impressed by the team's response times and reactions.

You can tell everyone working their asses off over there that I've gone from total skeptic about this game to massively excited. And it is 100% because of these responses and how readily you want to adapt to what we need.

Thank you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by LeSmooze

Can you comment at all about the loading issues people are experiencing? I've currently decided to wait until the 22nd for the day 1 patch because I can't play missions without missing half the content for loading too long.. and then loading again because the team is too far away. I don't wanna bother, I just wanna know if the team is working on an optimization for this, or if it's a server issue or something else.

You mean the long load screen times? I know there were a lot of optimizations to bundle loading (the thing that takes the longest) in the Day 1 Patch, how much better, I am not sure. Are you running off SSD? That has helped some other folks...

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ikbrain

I might be just applying my own work standards. I actually hate how low "OK, let's push it to prod" has fallen these days. And I truly believe that this more than anything nullifies all the "heart and soul" so oftenly mentioned by dev-related people. Plus, getting older kind of taught me to give much more focus to the final result rather than to amount of effort.

It's sad that so many talented people are given such poor management/corporate constraints that they are forced to put their name on a product this... underwhelming. I hope you all are doing fine, but I really can't say "good job".

Hey that's fair. We agree with you that the constraints are difficult and sometimes unfair in this industry and day and age :)

I appreciate the support and good wishes.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MightyMackinac

I, for one, really appreciate the hard work. It shows. The game is beautiful, plays well, and is a joy to play. Obviously, it has it's problems, but that's to be expected. I love that you guys are taking the time to communicate and work with us. Makes me really glad I bought into the game.

Thank you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Eudaimonium

Everybody over at Bioware is my hero! I love what you guys are doing, both the game and the public relations, keep it up!

Thank you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by LeSmooze

I am running off an HDD, I use my smaller SSD to host my OS and a few key programs i use daily. And while I know an SSD would absolutely help me out, I just don't have funds to invest in one. I love the game to bits, don't get me wrong, I just hate having to wait a little longer to be able to load within a reasonable time, or to play missions solo in order to get the story content and dialogue, as well as an understanding of an objective.

That is totally fair. I hope the day 1 patch resolves this for you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MSsucks

I'm shocked that anyone thinks you guys have stopped visiting. Maybe it's because they only really see you in posts, but I was just telling my wife about how you've posted like a hundred times (maybe more). Most of us understand how launches go, and you've been more communicative that any game/launch I can remember (and I'm old, lol).


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MSsucks

I'm shocked that anyone thinks you guys have stopped visiting. Maybe it's because they only really see you in posts, but I was just telling my wife about how you've posted like a hundred times (maybe more). Most of us understand how launches go, and you've been more communicative that any game/launch I can remember (and I'm old, lol).

I think it's directly related to which issues are being actively investigated/solved - sometimes certain people are not able to peruse the (long) list of issues to chime in because they have very high priority issue they are trying to fix. I think once it's leveled off a bit things will be more consistent.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by LeSmooze

Thanks! And thanks for working on a wonderful game and being transparent with us!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Setharial

So far the Path of exile devs have been a gold standard in the industry for me when it comes to engagement with the community. Be it in terms of transparency, response times or whatever you may think of.

Seeing how you, and all the other bioware devs, handle the launch and responses i'd say you are WELL up there and i love how engaging you guys and how appreciative of the feedback the community is giving.

Hats off to you guys.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by CheetahSnake

Strong Alone, Stronger Together, Except for Console Players. f**k those guys.


Hey whoa now, I am a console gamer :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Tilted_Till_Tuesday

we didn't see/couldn't anticipate

A lot of the things are hard to miss...That's part of the problem. Rare bugs, weird clunky things happen...but a lot of these tiny QoL things add up. It just makes it seem like no one tested the product.

We definitely tested. A lot.

We are only a few hundred people, so a lot of this stuff just doesn't happen inside our network, at a repro rate where we can catch it. Sucks but it's true.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by LeSmooze

Thanks! And thanks for working on a wonderful game and being transparent with us!

Thanks for your patience!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Mordecay1986

I’ve got a jar of Bioware! I’ve got a jar of Bioware! *thump*


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by StaticDrift

Jer, what happened to fixing framerate on Xb1x? I'm still dipping to like 20 just like in the demo.

We haven't heard to many reports specific to XB1X - can you send me your gamertag etc? Can you test at 1080p and see if that improves it?

Is there anything else running in the background, have you tried rebooting (I know sounds stupid, just trying to rule out stuff).

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Bahggs

I just want to throw in my support. I'm experiencing several of the issues reported here, but I can still play. I do really hope the load time issues get fixed. Even understanding that it would be extremely difficult, I hope your team can find a way to reduce the number of load screens. This is really the thing that kills the experience for me. I still love the game and I will still be dumping hours into it. I am VERY excited for the day 1 patch, but I have to admit that it will decide if I keep playing or not.

Once again, thank you and your team for all your hard work. I believe this can be a great game, it's really close already. (Also buff ranger, not bc he needs it... I just play ranger)

Awesome - again not sure how much the loads are improved but there is a chorus of people noting this as a serious issue for them, so you can bet we will look at ways to reduce them entirely and speed them up.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by JonRedcorn862

Why pay for Q/A when we can charge 60 bucks for you guys to do it for us!! The future is now!

I think the answer is both unfortunately. The key thing is how fast we respond to you - and how patient you are willing to be with us as we work to make it better.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by CheetahSnake

Great, and you even seem like a cool guy. But it feels pretty awful to pre order Legion of Dawn, only to be shown I have to choose between actually playing early or getting access to my rewards despite paying for both. Just because I play on Xbox and not the PC Third Reich.

I try really hard not to join hate trains in games, but this stunt left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth.

Ah. That makes sense. That stuff is so far outside the average devs control - I wish I could do more to help!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by SirArciere

In-house play testing can never catch bugs as quickly as a huge community playing the game.

As long as you guys keep up the stellar communication, you have made a supporter out of me. Best of luck with everything :)

That's very true, thanks for understanding. You can't fix what you don't see :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by PullmanWater

I've been working on a bug at work that I can't reproduce in any test environment and it's only reported by a couple users. I feel for your team, it's not a fun position to be in.

Arrghh - THIS. Nothing is worse than trying to get something to happen for weeks only to release and all of sudden it's hitting 3/10 people. Thanks for getting it :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ThoughtA

Greatly appreciated! Please stay healthy though :)

Thank you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

You guys must be tired after coming off of a presumed month of 'crunch time'

Actually this one was a bit easier than previous titles - honestly it's weird because people complain that we release something not 100% polished, but it's the fact that it's a live service and we can pace ourselves a bit that is the cause of that.

The other option would have been to kill ourselves to try to get it perfect and not have any gas in the tank for live service content and bug fixing :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by StaticDrift

I've been playing at 1080p. Gamertag is StaticxDriftx. There's nothing running in the background and yes I've tried rebooting. My friends have the same issue. The game feels really choppy.

Where are you playing from? City/Country?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by SirCaptainReynolds

Major kudos to you and the team! Keep up the awesome work and know that the game you’ve been working on IS awesome out of the gate AND will be even better as time goes on.

I hope you don’t feel defeated when you hear a few people out there and on here complaining loudly and and at times, very tactlessly. Most of us with reasonable minds know not everything will be perfect from the get go and know that it takes time to smooth over the bumps of any big launch of a game.

Thanks, that means a lot. Honestly I get why people are pissed. The economy is tough and 60 bucks isn't nothing. That's why I am here engaging with everyone (even the slightly mean comments) because I want people to know that we are human, and therefore definitely not perfect, and are committed to fixing and supporting this game long term :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Uttam_Avabhanakti

Strongly disagree. Saying that how good this game is out of the gate doesn’t matter towards its success is disheartening. I’m glad you have strong plans for future support, and I don’t doubt that you care and work hard for this game, but first impressions do matter. For a game to have been in development for so long and be so highly anticipated to be released and just feel kinda underwhelming is a disappointment.

Sorry that isn't what I meant - I was more trying to explain that we need to ensure we have the ability to react, and support the project long term. I absolutely agree that the game needs to be as great as possible. I'm sorry you feel that way, and hope we can change your mind over time!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by JonRedcorn862

Post launch support is great, however the way in which titles are launching these days doesn't sit well with me. Be that do to publisher time constraints or what but it wasn't always the case.

Yeah you're absolutely right. And it's a different world to make games in too - we used to absolutely push ourselves to the limit to polish as much as possible before launch, now we can (and should) plan a longer curve in order to react to player styles, feature requests, balancing and bug fixing in the live service. But yeah - I agree, it's much different.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by RentalGore

Your transparency is phenomenal. This isn’t just good game support, this is how customer service should be done in every industry. Admit when there’s a problem, admit you’re trying to fix it, and then fix it (we will be patient).

Thank you u/BioWareJer

Thanks! I think the general narrative on 'InTerneT 1S DanGerouS!' has changed a LOT within our (and other) companies.

We need thick skin as it's not always constructive, but I truly believe that if we can engage with folks when they are pissed off, in the way you described, that over time people will realize that we are humans, who aren't perfect, and are working really hard to make things better. One can dream!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Wellhellob

You guys are great!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

Well that's good to hear. People often forget the human and don't fully understand the reality, thanks for being so upfront and transparent it really goes a long way. Just send a blank message if EA locks you guys in the office and we'll know what it means!

I'll blink twice :P

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by SirCaptainReynolds

Hear, hear!

And that’s been something we’ve heard echoing from many people on your team; that you’re here to support this game long term and want to stay engaged with the community throughout that whole process.

That means so much to us!

We appreciate how engaged you guys have been for months leading up to release and how quick you are to get back to us just like this original post was highlighting. I feel like in those rare gaming moments when the game team and community are all on the same page, there’s an opportunity to co-create something truly awesome together. I think we’re crossing that bridge right now with Anthem and I’m really excited to see where it goes from here. If you could, please pass on my gratitude to the team; I’d buy you all a round on me if I could! :)

I will, thanks for the kind words :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by StaticDrift

Connecticut, USA.

Thanks. Forwarding on.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Bootheboy

Are you guys hiring for offsite games testers? I wanna join the team!

Not offsite sorry :(

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Great to hear - thanks for posting!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by RyanB_

Hey man, gonna hop on the train and say I’m having an absolute blast with the game so far and am very excited to see how it changes and grows in the future! Mad respect to you and the rest of the team, I know it can’t be easy to work so long and hard on a project only to get as much shit as there is on this sub.

Strangely - my inbox has been about 90/10 with super nice peeps to mean peeps :)

Even though there are issues, most are understanding - makes me want to help that much more!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by smita16

Ah im so sorry! I knew knew knew I was gonna mess it up! Please forgive me!

Forgiven. Although I must say thanks for the new office nickname lol!