about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Ronin13x

In less then 1 week we get access to the VIP demo, and after that everyone gets access to it on the 1st. We'll get a taste but then have to wait a couple more weeks for the actual release. What I was wondering is since we will have a good portion of the game downloaded before then, could we still have access to our Javelins in order to play around with the cosmetic aspect? probably a lot to ask but it would still be fun to play around with that feature while we wait for release.

Sadly I don't think we can do this, it's a bit complicated... but basically if you want to play any part of the game, we need various servers active.

With the time left and everything else going on this is pretty unlikely... Especially on such a short timeline - sorry! 😊