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Welcome to the 7th and final week of the Cataclysm! I’ll keep this intro short, but let’s have a look at what you can expect this week in the Echoes of Reality, Freeplay and Seasonal Store.

Cataclysm “Echoes of Reality” Changes:

  • Arenas - The last event was added to the Cataclysm in Week 5, so you won’t need to learn any new ones this time. Now, it’s all about maximizing your runs and scores.
  • Inversions - You’ll have a couple of new wrinkles to contend with on Inversions this week:
    • Broken Magazine: Weapons have no spare ammo, but enemies drop ammo more often.
    • Running on Empty: Firing the last shot in a weapon's clip increases all damage for a short time.

Seasonal Store Refresh:

  • War Chest: Ranger, War Chest: Interceptor, War Chest: Storm & War Chest: Colossus (Returning) - Each chest includes 1 Gear, Support or Melee piece for the javelin of that War Chest.
  • War Chest: Weapon (Returning) - Grants one item from the new pool of weapons (which include MW and LEG variants): Pulse Accelerators, Volt Casters and Blade Slingers
  • War Chest: Gear (Returning) - Grants one Gear piece for a random javelin.
  • War Chest: Melee (Returning) - Grants one Melee weapon for a random javelin.
  • War Chest: Support (Returning) - Grants one Support gear piece for a random javelin.
  • Also Returning to the Seasonal Store:
    • Fragmenter Armor Pack (Ranger)
    • Piercer Armor Pack (Interceptor)
    • Shatter Armor Pack (Colossus)
    • Shard Torrent Armor Pack (Storm)
    • Cameraman (Universal Emote)
    • Excited Come Here (Universal Emote)
    • Just… Stop. (Universal Emote)
    • Chest Pound Heavy (Universal Emote)
    • Wrap: Crystal Sky
    • Wrap: Neon Shard
    • Graphic: Shattered Sea
    • Graphic: Greed’s Glisten
    • Graphic: Gleaming Mantle
    • Graphic: Purple Spire
    • Decal: Emerald Wrap
    • Decal: Cobalt Warp
    • Decal: Amber Warp
    • Decal: Amethyst Warp
    • Decal: Jade Warp
    • Decal: Ruby Warp
    • Painted: Amethyst Gemstone
    • Painted: Quartz Gemstone
    • Painted: Diamond Gemstone

Daily Cataclysm Challenge:

  • Daily Cataclysm Arenas Challenge: Javelin War Chest - These challenges continue in the final week of the Cataclysm. Once again, these items within the Chests will be Masterwork (lvl 66) with a chance to roll Legendary (lvl 80). Each one of these can be repeated daily.
    • Power of the Storm (Daily) - Complete 3 Cataclysm arenas using the Storm javelin and be rewarded with one Storm War Chest.
    • Heart of the Ranger (Daily) - Complete 3 Cataclysm arenas using the Ranger javelin and be rewarded with one Ranger War Chest.
    • Strength of the Colossus (Daily) - Complete 3 Cataclysm arenas using the Colossus javelin and be rewarded with one Colossus War Chest
    • Speed of the Interceptor (Daily) - Complete 3 Cataclysm arenas using the Interceptor javelin and be rewarded with one Interceptor War Chest.

NOTE: These are in addition to the other rotating Daily, Weekly and Monthly challenges, so keep an eye on your Path to Glory tab in the Challenges menu.

Leaderboard Refresh:

The Leaderboards will refresh weekly, but let’s have a look at the Freelancers that had the top scores for Week 5 - 6 of the Cataclysm.

Here are the Week 5 - 6 Leaderboard Winners:

PC (20,472,674 total points):

  • Grayfenix
  • --sK--ryPta--
  • Elijin1
  • JRSVengeance

Xbox One (19,533,220 total points):

  • a-falcon-i
  • Sebas_tencho
  • yuusanman
  • manguu777

PlayStation 4 (19,392,904 total points):

  • ldf74
  • xxx23xxxfbry
  • KILL BIL 88
  • michiali92

As always, if you have feedback, we love to hear it! Share your thoughts with us HERE.

Edit: Updated with leaderboard winners (sorry for the late update on all those, but congrats on the high scores!)


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