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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Hey Bacon thanks for the post. This looks like just outdated text strings that we failed to catch and update. Apologies for the confusion here, the terms we intended to use are:

Armor: HP or the base health bar of your javelin. This at one point was health but didn’t make a ton of sense for a metal suit.

Shields: Either the blue regenerating energy shields (Storm, Ranger, Interceptor) or the physical shield for the Colossus.

I’ll get a bug in to get this looked at and make sure this is demo only, if not we’ll get it fixed.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBigSoda

Just to confirm, what does that mean we're looking at in the actual stats when it shows both "Javelin Health" and "Javelin Armor" in the OP if "Health" and "Armor" are functionally interchangeable? Does this mean that they're both upgrading your overall "Health", or should one of those (either top or bottom) be "Shields"?

In these screenshots the text in the description is correct and the larger bar that corresponds to it is mislabeled.

So in the first pic Javelin “Health” on the stat line should say Javelin Armor.

In the 2nd it says Javelin “Armor” on the stat line but should say Javelin Shields.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Kazan

I have a BWPls item for shields: can we get the shield bar separated into blocks like the health bar.

also let us turn on numbers on those so we can see our raw health and shield numbers in real time.

Hey Kazan! It’s definitely a good suggestion. And something we’ll probably have to solve soon. Especially as our resident tank Javelin starts to get ludicrous health and the “pips” get smaller and smaller...

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by R3D-RO0K

So shield strength increase components on the Colossus makes his deployable shield stronger?

Yes that’s correct. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by northyorkthrowaway24

Thank you for being so responsive on the forums.

And not just quick responses, but actual great detail. Hugely appreciated and likely to tilt me toward buying the full game!

/epic high five

Thanks North! Just happy to help where I can.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Varicite_

Just out of curiosity, if red = armor and blue = shields, what do you guys refer to the yellow bars as?

Yellow bars are for armored creatures, red is for Javelin armor.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by VisionsDivided

I just have question about this maybe I looked at it wrong but if I have a part that says it increase armor to 303 and then put another one on that says it increases it to 264 do they stack making it 567 or take the highest and makes it only 303?

If you have more than one on, they both add to you armor value and stack.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Ana_Nuann

There's only shields armored hp and unarmored hp. All Javelins are armored. Our hp bars are green because it's common practice for over a decade to clearly differentiate ally and enemy nameplates.

Pretty much this. If we made enemy and javelin bars the same color it might be more confusing. But I understand the feedback.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by VoxMendax

Please tell me you guys are looking into why the colossus' health bars diminish over time? Or why the stqgger animations are so long on a javelin designed to get damaged a ton with no safety net? Just give our thicc boi an over shield (like the other javelins) but it only refreshes when the colossus' manual shield takes damage. Idk I feel like the animations are way too unforgiving on the colossus. It needs a way of feeling like the giant armor-clad tank that it should be. Right now, the most under powered javelin by far. Please help us!

We are going to look at the component issue. For animations and hit reacts it may also be something we look at again too if it continues to be a friction point.

Overall we are talking about the Colossus, primarily around shield use.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Jammie1789

I've said a couple of times in other threads the bars were mislabelled, but thought it was due to an early build and not something that was still missed by BW. Glad it's been brought to notice before release!

I took a look last night and it does appear to be updated on the build that I checked. I only did a brief glance at some components though, hopefully we caught them all. Does like this may have just been a demo thing.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Diribiri

I really would love to be able to see base stats so I know exactly what the numbers actually mean. Like, is +200 a lot? Do I have 100 base stat? Do I have 1000? 10,000? It really helps to know these things. I hope you guys feel the same way and can add the information in the future cus having it be obfuscated is a bit of a pet peeve of mine that too many games do. Trust me, it's not too confusing, and it's not going to scare away casuals.

Also hope the communication continues and y'all don't get driven off.

A statistics page or character sheet is certainly something we want to do, yes.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Linus696

Hello thanks for being so involved in the community, just out of curiosity.. does the same effect other Components?

For instance my Rare Lightning Inscription shows a boost in Javelin Armor at 208 while Health is at 104. There’s no way of verifying as the description doesn’t mention anything — was this as intended?

Hey Linus yes same applies to those. Armor should be shields, and health should be armor (green bar) in this case. Not intended!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by BigCy11

I'd say where it is a little unforgiving right now is after his ult finishes and he's completing the animation of putting the gun away as well as taking a long drop back to the ground and slamming into it briefly. In both of those situations (more concerned about the ult) I feel that he starts to take damage but because you cannot deploy the shield, there's not much you can do about it. I'm happy with having to take a couple hits to use the rail gun for example because it's feels like a good "trade off" but taking damage for being stuck in an animation is not.

Not sure if that makes sense or not.

It 100% makes sense, I complained about the same issue last week haha. I’ll see if we can take a look at it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Buddy_Duffman

Just extend the invulnerable state of the ult to compensate.

Yeah that’s likely what we’d look at doing.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Diribiri

ily camden ty

ily 2 bby

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Calyus

I promise I'm not trying to be dense, but you're saying with the photos from OP it listing Armor/Health/Shield (Demo) and it will be Armor/Shield in live? Where Armor = Health the Green pool and Shield = Blue pool and the Colossus physical shield.

Therefor you will eliminate the word Health from live?

That’s the plan yes, should be exactly as you described.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Viperions

I think colossus' starts to shine more when you get the components involved, because of the sheer amount of armor/shield buff that they tend to give, and the frequency of +health drops. As a colossus', I found that it always encouraged me to be in the thick of things - I prime them, they explode, then everything around us explodes, and then I just keep doing that as I am picking up health drops from those constant explosions.

What becomes trickier is once you're not dealing with mobs that have much in the way of trash around, because suddenly those incidental hits are harder to get rid of - your shield can take a beating, sure, but your health regen seems to require a substantial amount of time out of combat, and you lack the overshield that other classes have to buffer you while you're low and trying to find more health.

I played my colossus' really aggressively, and it worked well. I didn't have a ton of super long ranged weaponry, but I didn't face much in the way of problems. I never did get the firewall mortar to drop, but I was planning to give that +rail gun a try, because I think it would add a LOT of versatility.

In general, I see the colossus less as a 'tank' and more of a brawler - if you get him in his element, it goes great. If you fall behind the curve, it gets a LOT more painful suddenly.

I was typing out a response, but you said it very well Viperions. I find Colossus is rewarded more for being more aggressive than the others.

Feed the beast with armor packs to keep the pain train rolling. Also, knockdown EVERYTHING with your shield. If they are locked up, then they can’t damage you!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Eightysix60

friction friction friction

/poke zap

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by FlameInTheVoid

Does stagger build up to overcome a resistance? The way status effects and primers seem to? Does colossus have a resistance multiplier for these? Or a higher limit perhaps?

It seems like colossus in particular would benefit from a baseline reduction to all incoming stagger (and even damage) rather than a percentage resistance damage modifier.

Something that would basically make small arms fire below some threshold just completely ineffective. Total stagger/damage negation for tiny stuff. And a flat X point reduction before (or after) multipliers for everything else.

When it comes to an AR-15 vs an M1-Abrams, 1 is the same as 20 is the same as 0.

As far as stagger goes, I guess it comes down to momentum. If it weighs 5x as much, it should only get knocked back by 5x as much force.

That’s a good question and good point. I am not sure if the Colossus is on a different scale for our hit reacts. I’ll have to look into that.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by slypherous

Hey, Camden, quick question- on my Storm, my inscriptions add up to 1,800+ shield, and one increases base by %25...and I'm still getting all of my shields and a good chunk of health dropped in one to two hits. Is this just because the storm is inherently weaker than the other classes? It's slightly frustrating...

What are you fighting against and in what difficulty? It’s certainly possible to be killed in two hits depending on what activities you’re doing.