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So this has happened to numerous people in my squad and this one made me wonder.

When you are "revealing" MW/Legendary items at the end of expedition screen I think there is a bug where the same item is selected over and over again and no "new" item is rolled. Now before you tell me its just "chance" take this one for a spin. I obtained 2 MW and 1 Legendary during a GM1 expedition in free-play. In the after expedition screen all 3 of them rolled Avenger's Boon. The chance of all 3 of them, including the legendary item rolling the same is astronomically low. Additionally like I said my squad has had this happen with MW items when 2 are revealed to be the same.

This has happened before in Destiny 2 with a bug and repeat exotics and I feel the same is occurring here.

EDIT: I just got another MW and it rolled Avenger's Boon again. I need to go buy a lottery ticket or there is a bug with how they reveal.... Can someone tag the bioware dev's, I do not know their usernames.

EDIT2: Ben Irving replied to my tweet with this, but it does not explain why it happened while I was in GM1 on free-play.


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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Hey thanks for the report. Yeah Hard difficultly has the limit of just Masterwork Weapons, but like you said GM1 freeplay does not. Any additional information would be helpful. Thanks nullifics.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nullifics

What info and how you like this additional info? Reply here, direct message or an email?

Screenshots would be awesome, would love to know if you are seeing exact duplicates of inscriptions on the items. Have you gotten any new Masterworks or Legendary items since? Feel free to DM me.