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Everything else is stuff I can deal with, because at the end of the day the core gameplay is fun as hell and I'm having a great time with my Spark dash, Tempest Strike, shotgun toting interceptor.

But joining quick missions is a large part of my end game anthem experience at the moment, and half the time when I join one it's to find there isn't any display objective and people are joining then leaving soon after when they realise nothing is happening. So then I have to quit back to the main screen, wait for the game to load, run all the way up from the Enclave up to my Javelin, climb in, wait for it to load, select quick mission and wait for that to load.

And then half the time it's bugged out again.

It's not fun. At all. This is the first time I've considered just quitting the game and just waiting for what is hopefully the mother of all bug fix updates. And I'm not usually one of those people.

Rant over.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

We are aware of this. Working on it.