about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Silversilence1

Not sure if this was posted, there is a ton to read so I apologize if this is not the first one.

While playing a stronghold it became clear to me there was one thing I think we should be able to do. I went down was stuck waiting for a revive and my teammates all blues ran past me when they cleared the area and moved on. They had no interest in helping. I feel that when playing a matchmaker game mode we should be able to revive ourselves (or respawn) after a set period of time. I spent a long time just sitting around staring at empty space as I waited for a teammate who felt sorry for me to revive me. It's a bit discouraging being stuck sitting around waiting fifteen minutes for them to decide to help.

Edit: from the below discussion. Some.of the issue is that we cant see downed allies very well in the game. If anthem could have a beacon that pops out of your suit that is visible to teammates then we can be more likely to assist.

The squad widget for launch will help. It will show that a squad mate is downed. Without it, it’s definitely hard to tell


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by BiowareBen

I've had this thought myself. We as the dev team need to have a real talk discussion about the player experience while downed and we need to improve it. /u/biocamden Since this is all you. :)

I vote Peggle or maybe minesweeper added to the UI.