over 6 years
ago -
Anthem Game
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | [Music] |
20s | [Music] |
26s | hello everyone and welcome to another |
28s | anthem livestream my name is Ben Irving |
31s | I'm one of the lead producers on the |
33s | project and today I will be your host |
35s | for the stream joining me we have two of |
39s | our amazing developers we have Francis |
41s | and Leah I will have them do intros in a |
43s | second the topic of our stream today is |
46s | going to be javelin personalization so |
49s | what that means is all the really cool |
51s | ways you can personalize the appearance |
54s | of your javelins and make yourself look |
56s | really amazing so we won't be covering |
59s | things like loadouts and gear and |
62s | weapons we're just going to be focusing |
65s | on the appearance of the javelin so |
67s | Francis and Leah do you guys want to |
69s | introduce yourselves please |
70s | yes I'm Francis lacunae and the |
72s | character director and hey everyone i'm |
75s | leanne Kooskia I'm a producer here on |
77s | the anthem team awesome welcome so for |
81s | the streams going forward kind of what |
82s | Mike and I thought we would do is we'd |
85s | probably rotate hosting the show and |
86s | then we'd bring on some of our awesome |
89s | developers who who know a lot more about |
90s | the inner workings of the game and than |
92s | we did and are responsible for building |
94s | it so before we dive into this system |
97s | Francis I just wanted to ask you you |
100s | know many moons ago when we were |
102s | thinking about hey how do we want |
104s | players to be able to to customize their |
106s | appearances what was some of the |
108s | philosophy that went into like what were |
110s | you guys trying to achieve yeah so the |
112s | nice thing was starting with the new IP |
113s | one thing we really wanted to do on |
115s | anthem was make some of the things we've |
118s | done in the past on Bioware games when |
120s | they came to direct your your appearance |
123s | in a lot of our other games like like |
125s | Mass Effect with Shepherd shepherd |
128s | always look great the party always |
130s | looked great but when it came time to |
134s | equipping new armors or if you get |
136s | upgrades throughout the game the armors |
138s | always looked a little less great now |
141s | were they're always a little flatter the |
142s | quality wasn't as good as it should have |
144s | been so on this with anthem what we did |
147s | was we established our visual target |
149s | first and that we deconstructed that and |
152s | rebuilt the entire personalizations mr. |
154s | around that with all the stuff you see |
156s | of all our trailers our cinematic assets |
158s | it is built with the same tools that the |
161s | players will have to customize direct |
164s | awesome and can we go in one level a |
167s | little further yep so the next question |
170s | is fuel eeeh so so Francis and the team |
173s | had these lofty goals of being able to |
175s | do all this amazing stuff which |
176s | inherently is quite complicated and and |
179s | you and your team had to build a system |
180s | that supported this so before we dive |
183s | into how it all works can you tell us a |
185s | little bit about how you guys went into |
187s | about designing the system yeah |
190s | absolutely so I think for most of our |
192s | UIs and the user experience is really |
194s | driven around the idea that it should be |
197s | frictionless easy to use and sort of |
199s | something that you can just spend time |
201s | really enjoying the work that Francis |
204s | has put together so I don't want to say |
207s | get out of the way but essentially get |
208s | out of the way and so really what we've |
212s | done here is the forge which is where |
216s | you'll be able to customize your |
217s | loadouts we've put all these little |
219s | interaction points on the suit which are |
221s | your jumpring points into all the places |
223s | you can customize your XL and that's |
226s | your starting point cool and so we're |
229s | gonna dive in here a second but there's |
231s | a lot to there's a lot to digest here so |
233s | do you mind Lea just describing what are |
236s | kind of the main sessions for how you |
238s | can customize your appearance and then |
240s | we'll have Francis dive in and we'll get |
242s | going sure so as you can see Francis is |
245s | sort of hovering around the different |
246s | points we've got elements that can |
249s | change sort of the silhouette of your |
251s | suit and then elements that are going to |
253s | be able to change how they look so your |
255s | helmet your arms your legs are all |
259s | towards the silhouette and then we've |
261s | got things like Oh in the chest and then |
263s | of course your paints your vinyls and |
265s | your wear state we'll all adjust the |
267s | physical appearance of the suit and then |
270s | ultra special very fun animations which |
273s | will be for your moats your landing ends |
275s | in the victory pose awesome so I think |
278s | what we're going to try to do today is |
282s | will do the Ranger and we'll try for |
284s | three appearances and so Francis is just |
287s | going to do here |
288s | MAGIX and we're all watching all maybe |
291s | gonna stop with paint but why don't you |
293s | take us away Frances sure thing now in |
295s | the paint options we have six regions on |
298s | your exosuit that you can customize |
300s | they are very in-depth region it's not |
305s | just the color like how we've done in |
307s | the past and there are other games it is |
308s | a full material so if I go into here I |
311s | can pick a main region here and I can |
315s | apply a physical material to that it's |
318s | like the metal for the fabric pattern |
322s | fabric and so one of the rhythm of one |
326s | of the things again here is when you're |
327s | picking these materials it's not just |
329s | the color it is the physical material so |
333s | that effect affect the reflectance the |
335s | smoothness and the color of the material |
337s | and I love the patterns because they can |
342s | have two colors I realized that I forgot |
347s | to do some disclaimers so shame on Ben |
351s | but a couple disclaimers real quick |
353s | we're going to show you a lot of stuff |
355s | that's in here not all of it is |
357s | available at the very beginning some |
359s | things you unlock through the game in |
361s | various ways we also today don't want to |
363s | talk about how many things there are how |
366s | you unlock them other things that that |
368s | you pay for other things that you can |
370s | earn in-game that's all a topic for a |
373s | different time we just want to focus on |
374s | the really cool ways you can customize |
376s | your appearance so I just wanted to make |
378s | sure that was clear that you know none |
381s | of what you see in here is either the |
383s | total amount or a subset of them out |
384s | we're just not really going into that we |
386s | just want to focus on showing you guys a |
387s | bunch of cool stuff today yep yep so I'm |
392s | going through here is I'm just kind of |
393s | resetting the default look of the Ranger |
396s | and I am putting in just a blank slate |
399s | just so just a white canvas the start |
401s | with spotting some random materials here |
407s | the fabric so once you've kind of picked |
411s | the materials that you like you can go |
413s | ahead and start picking the colors we |
416s | have a whole bunch of custom colors here |
420s | yes so you can actually make your own |
423s | color palettes as you see Francis has |
425s | been trying this picture out quite |
427s | heavily I expect we'll all spend a lot |
430s | of time doing this and you can use sort |
433s | of any color you want the full color |
435s | wheels available here there's tons of |
437s | really cool options and as you create |
440s | different colors they're all saved into |
441s | this palette so you can use them for |
443s | later yep so I'm just kind of pre |
446s | setting some colors that I want to use |
448s | here for customizing my Ranger so while |
456s | you guys are doing this we also have AJ |
458s | and Jesse helping us out on our |
461s | community team reading through the chat |
463s | for questions please just make sure you |
465s | guys ask questions as we go I think the |
468s | easiest way is if you all ask questions |
470s | about the section we're in at the time |
472s | then we can answer them as we go instead |
474s | of trying to wait till the end of do Q&A |
475s | so |
476s | so make sure you ask questions about |
477s | what you're seeing right now where do |
479s | you have questions on paint or materials |
481s | and then we can we can direct them to |
483s | Francis and Leah |
498s | all right so what are you trying to aim |
500s | for here France it's like do you have a |
502s | vision in mind of what you're trying to |
504s | achieve yeah I'm kind of going for for a |
506s | bounty hunter look cool I thought you're |
511s | gonna make me the Australian rugby union |
514s | jersey again well I can do that |
515s | it's fine maybe we could do that late a |
517s | little later I know when one doesn't |
522s | know about their friends so one of the |
528s | nice things is yeah once you've picked |
529s | your colors here you can go ahead and |
532s | just pick any material and colors will |
534s | store and they'll save so you don't you |
536s | know lose your settings you can go back |
537s | and iterate things on the fly yeah but |
542s | when you guys would trying to work out |
543s | the regions because I think it's |
544s | interesting we have those six different |
546s | regions how did you work out like how to |
548s | split up those regions so here are just |
551s | going through the regions from top to |
552s | bottom the regions are named in the same |
555s | way that the artists had originally |
557s | built the suit so the Ranger suits have |
560s | three hard surfaces and three soft |
562s | surfaces again the player can pick |
564s | whichever region they want but at least |
566s | gives them some guidance and as to where |
569s | these materials would look best so I |
571s | could go ahead in here and I could make |
573s | this a medal although it might look a |
576s | little weird that if it's for example on |
578s | the storm cape you'll be a little weird |
580s | to have a metallic cape you could go |
582s | ahead and do that if you want I |
584s | personally feel it looks cool but as an |
587s | artist it might be weird |
588s | I met okay but it still flows am i right |
591s | it does it's very shiny there's nothing |
596s | super shiny questions coming through |
599s | chat that I'll ask you guys so can you |
603s | make custom logos in-game no you cannot |
608s | currently make custom logos but you do |
612s | have the options let's hold vinyl yes |
619s | but yeah vinyls are effectively what |
623s | you're asking for they're not custom we |
624s | have a whole lot to show you and Francis |
626s | will show that off later so yeah the |
628s | answer is no for now will there be more |
631s | and more things |
631s | added once the game is live so the |
634s | answer that is yes absolutely we're |
636s | still trying to work out the plan for |
638s | all of that but our goal is to keep |
641s | adding more and more stuff forever as |
642s | long as we can think of cool things to |
644s | add we'll add more stuff to the game |
647s | final question for one of you guys at |
651s | the mem that we have will the Legion of |
652s | Don ARMA have all legs arms chest and |
655s | head as well yep so this is probably |
657s | good time to go dive into the liege the |
659s | dawn |
661s | ok so in here this is as Leah was |
665s | mentioning earlier we have the parts so |
667s | we can go ahead and start equipping |
669s | pieces of gear so for the Legion of dawn |
673s | arms go through picked a helmet and you |
677s | can the player can pick which ones they |
678s | want you have yes I think an interesting |
686s | thing you were explaining in a different |
689s | meeting Francis was how these pots work |
693s | like it's less about like equipping arms |
696s | as much as a bunch of attachments that |
698s | reflects that the character model do you |
700s | want to explain that just a little bit |
702s | right so each of the exosuits think the |
705s | base suit underneath the ranger the |
707s | colossus the storm and the Interceptor |
709s | all have an iconic look which is their |
712s | their lowest level form and then all the |
715s | part attachments that get added on top |
717s | they're topical although you can switch |
719s | out your helmet cool |
724s | so you're putting the Legion of Don |
727s | armor pack on which is available to |
730s | people that pre-order for the arranger |
734s | and if you buy the Legion of dawn |
736s | Edition you can get the Legion of dawn |
739s | Armour packs for all four javelins |
741s | available launch so what one question |
746s | and so many people have seen a legion of |
749s | dawn art on the website probably not |
752s | realizing that hey like that's the armor |
754s | pack but you can also customize it will |
757s | people be able to make it look exactly |
759s | like the image on the website yes |
763s | so what players will do what we will do |
766s | is we will release a set of materials in |
768s | here similar to this and we will have |
769s | them named Legion of dawn so that way |
773s | you give the players some guidance as to |
775s | how to replicate that look so they can |
779s | attach just all the Legion of dawn |
780s | materials to the regions and then just |
782s | pick the colors that they want to go |
783s | with it's pretty simple that one silver |
786s | and silver and gold you can't go wrong |
788s | it looks amazing there people are |
791s | excited a question for you Lia can we |
796s | save these personalization appearances |
801s | to loadouts yes absolutely so we do have |
804s | a section where you can store loadouts |
806s | for all your different javelins and edit |
809s | them change them if you like and it will |
811s | also store all of your gear and |
813s | customization as well so they'll be the |
815s | full package for you to build on awesome |
820s | have a bunch more questions coming in if |
823s | you guys have things to say just stop me |
825s | and keep talking but what are some of |
829s | the ways you can unlock new colors or |
831s | materials so again it's a good question |
834s | it's one of the things we don't want to |
836s | get into today so we're still working |
837s | out for all of vanity and all of our |
841s | personalization options how they're |
843s | going to be unlocked in the game and so |
844s | we're not really ready to share that yet |
846s | but we can share that at a later date |
847s | it's a really good question just I want |
850s | to talk about any of it right now |
853s | can you show how to use Legion dawn |
855s | appearances yes that's what we're doing |
858s | I think I just missed that question |
859s | earlier apologies |
862s | can you change the color of any of the |
864s | unique appearances yes is the answer so |
868s | that's kind of what Francis is doing now |
869s | with the legion of dawn |
871s | i'ma pax he's done a couple of different |
873s | colors which is really cool and I think |
878s | certain materials Francis they have |
880s | either just the paint color that you can |
882s | change and then all of our metallics |
884s | have quite a few different metallic so |
887s | metal with the way our physically based |
889s | rendering works is metal is has an |
892s | actual scientific value behind it so if |
895s | we start breaking that value it tends to |
898s | look not great in real light or leasing |
902s | the game lighting scenario so when you |
904s | the regions are contextual so if you |
907s | pick a metal for example so if you were |
916s | to pick these metals you would get a |
918s | different color palette range so these |
921s | are all physical real world metals in |
923s | real world so you have gold brass copper |
927s | nickel tin silver tungsten there's no |
930s | alien materials no these are all based |
933s | off real world metals so a question |
937s | while you're in this screen I think |
939s | maybe is can you zoom and rotate like if |
943s | you want to see more of the character |
945s | yeah so you have controls go ahead and |
947s | at each level be able to interact with |
949s | the exosuit awesome a question was will |
956s | there be a randomized features feature |
958s | for colors that's a great idea I will |
961s | take that one back the nice thing is we |
967s | so on this we have preset colors so we |
969s | the artists have already pre-selected a |
972s | wide range of colors so for people don't |
974s | have to every single time go through the |
976s | color wheel and have to pick it for |
978s | every single material and just so people |
981s | are aware we've also added white and |
983s | black values because I know that a lot |
985s | of people always ask for black |
989s | that kind of ties into a question I had |
991s | sermon but early on we were trying to |
994s | work out how the system would work to |
996s | have a lot of depth but also be simple |
998s | for people like me who aren't the best |
1002s | with fashion and we got to an |
1004s | interesting place where I think it's |
1006s | pretty straightforward for someone who |
1008s | doesn't want to spend too much time or |
1010s | isn't necessarily that good at this kind |
1012s | of stuff in making something look good |
1014s | do you guys want to describe a little |
1016s | bit like if you're a if you're a kind of |
1018s | low-key person who just wants to do |
1020s | something quickly how do we do that so |
1025s | so usually when you're in your loadouts |
1035s | so you will always whenever you create a |
1037s | new loadout you will get your default |
1040s | Ranger anyway so that's one we just go |
1046s | through this so as you create loadouts |
1048s | you can name them whatever you want I |
1050s | don't see if you'd be able to yes this |
1060s | is a really really great way that if you |
1062s | make a couple of things that that you |
1064s | really like you can swap between them |
1065s | easily you know but you can also just do |
1068s | stuff like hey go to all six regions and |
1071s | make them all black and that will just |
1072s | look pretty cool by itself so you don't |
1074s | have to like go through everything and |
1076s | spend lots of time although if you want |
1078s | to you can really make something that |
1080s | that kind of reflects your personal |
1082s | style and flair yeah I mean if I've got |
1086s | a whole bunch of friends playing here at |
1088s | work and I just want to get out I'll |
1090s | just grab the default and change up a |
1091s | few colors typically all-metal very fast |
1095s | while they're waiting for me so that I |
1097s | can play my favorite bender from |
1099s | Futurama look I'm always good no it's |
1105s | super quick you're in and out well |
1106s | everyone's readying up and you're also |
1109s | very shiny |
1111s | speaking of sizing yeah yeah so we do |
1117s | have wear options as well so again ever |
1120s | since everything is built in the layered |
1121s | fashion |
1122s | we kind of built it in the way so that |
1127s | the players can choose how they want |
1129s | their excellent to look do they want |
1130s | them to look all beat up do we want them |
1132s | to look dirty do we want them to look |
1134s | all chipped and painted or have chipped |
1137s | paint so the players can go ahead and do |
1140s | that or yeah just cover it in grime it's |
1144s | a little harder to see here so that let |
1147s | me just switch up the appearances since |
1149s | it is all material based if you have |
1153s | cloth and you put stains on it it'll |
1154s | stay in a bit more like cloth versus if |
1157s | you were if you had an all-metal suit |
1159s | though the wear would make the metal |
1161s | duller |
1162s | it would make it cover it the way the |
1164s | surface response of the the wear will |
1168s | react differently and I should also |
1173s | mention that you can as we're looking at |
1175s | this you can zoom in and out toggle on |
1177s | and off the little interaction points if |
1179s | you just want to spend time admiring |
1181s | your suit as well is a few of the |
1184s | options we've added in there as well as |
1186s | you can see not in this screen but in |
1188s | other ones there's lots of options so |
1189s | we've added filters as well if you want |
1191s | to quickly get into what you need |
1194s | awesome a question came through that I |
1199s | might we'll see the question is does |
1202s | this only affect your appearance as |
1205s | opposed to stats with things like the |
1207s | Legion of dawn armed attacks or been you |
1214s | want to grab it that's it yeah I can |
1216s | answer so basically there's two there's |
1219s | two big parts of the game one is power |
1221s | and one is vanity and so what we're |
1223s | talking about now is purely vanity |
1225s | personalization appearance all kind of |
1227s | synonyms I guess so everything we're |
1230s | doing now only affects how you look |
1232s | separately to that we have power which |
1235s | is gears guns and if you have a |
1238s | equippable parts we haven't really |
1240s | delved into yet and that's where you get |
1242s | your power and your stats so we've |
1244s | really tried to separate that so that |
1246s | you know there's one part of the game |
1248s | that's all about becoming powerful and |
1250s | then there's a different part of the |
1251s | game that's about you know changing your |
1253s | appearance to be the way you look and |
1256s | again how you |
1257s | call those things I don't want to go |
1258s | into today but for what we're looking at |
1260s | right now it's purely full your |
1262s | appearance another question can you |
1267s | apply a paint scheme to multiple |
1270s | javelins no we don't have that ability |
1276s | right now but I'm sure as we go into |
1278s | live service we can take some of that |
1280s | feedback and to make this even better |
1283s | for you but great idea one of those ones |
1293s | I'm recording silently good suggestions |
1298s | and things we don't have and I think |
1300s | this is a really really robust system |
1302s | but obviously like any system in any |
1305s | game there's a bunch of things we'd love |
1307s | to do going forward to improve it and so |
1309s | suggestions like that are really helpful |
1311s | for us sometimes they're things we |
1312s | thought about ourselves but sometimes |
1314s | they're not and so having those |
1316s | suggestions is great so thank you all |
1317s | for asking those questions I don't know |
1322s | if we know the answer this I don't but |
1323s | how many personalizations can you save |
1325s | per javelins so I guess that means how |
1327s | many loadouts can you have I know right |
1330s | now we're looking at that I believe it's |
1333s | currently set to 5 but expect that |
1335s | number to change as we go towards Japan |
1340s | cool all right so let's take a little |
1343s | breath from questions for a second where |
1347s | are we at I've been reading and not |
1348s | looking what do you wanna tell us where |
1350s | we at Francis what next we can probably |
1353s | look at the vitals now it's probably a |
1354s | good time fly kit there is a slight bug |
1356s | right now where when I select a loadout |
1358s | I hope you're keeping track of this one |
1361s | layout yes sometimes babes |
1364s | so yeah it's early |
1366s | that's plenty of so the finals again is |
1372s | to answer that question for the custom |
1373s | logos so here we have the final system |
1377s | so awhile we can customize your X you |
1380s | can customize your javelin and you can |
1382s | apply your materials you can pick your |
1383s | colors that's all nice and you can come |
1386s | up with some really cool designs but |
1388s | sometimes you just want a little bit |
1389s | more punch |
1390s | maybe a little reward for for doing |
1393s | things in the game |
1395s | just let me lift in addition you |
1397s | personalize your EXO give you a little |
1399s | bit of flair that's a lot of n7 plugins |
1406s | going on in chat to show you around |
1416s | and the question Frances these vinyls |
1422s | are they javelin specific no so the |
1426s | finals once you you have the vinyl it'll |
1429s | apply on any javelin you have and it |
1433s | should within reason look as good as it |
1436s | does on one javelin as it does on |
1438s | another can't always account for every |
1441s | single looking cranny on the exosuit |
1442s | that the the this little stripe might |
1445s | look in the exact same spot but it is as |
1449s | close as the artist can possibly get to |
1451s | making it look yeah like the spirit of |
1453s | the deco works across all the suits |
1455s | right like I think they look really cool |
1456s | I think you have a keener eye for it |
1458s | than many of us have though this is the |
1463s | one year this is the one that we made |
1464s | for bands specifically for 83 because he |
1467s | requested it it's inspired by their |
1474s | Jersey it's obviously not the Jersey it |
1475s | just uses the same colors which is cool |
1478s | I think this is what I use when I play |
1480s | everyday I do a question that's come up |
1487s | internally I don't didn't catch it in |
1489s | chat I think it might have been there |
1490s | was so you can change all the paint |
1493s | options for the all the other stuff |
1496s | we've seen but what about the vinyls can |
1498s | you change them at all how does that |
1500s | work no so we actually did we debated |
1504s | this topic for a long time and we tried |
1507s | to point full control for the player to |
1509s | customize deckle orange vinyl the |
1512s | problem with that is the amount of |
1515s | formats expense that it has on the |
1516s | system where you're you're tracking more |
1519s | parameters more data which it affect |
1523s | performance negatively |
1524s | and on top of that there was an added |
1526s | complexity so you would have to double |
1528s | up every single one of these menus to |
1530s | that player would have to not only know |
1533s | customize their at their personalized |
1535s | rec so they would also have to go |
1536s | personalize your very vinyl which seemed |
1539s | like an extra bit of work for a very |
1542s | little payoff first is the artist just |
1544s | making you know releasing these |
1546s | cool-looking one-off items which also it |
1549s | really does help to signify things like |
1551s | for challenges to have these iconic |
1554s | looking finals so you see another player |
1557s | who's done something you can see the |
1559s | vital that is associated with it yeah |
1563s | that's the but I was gonna say I think |
1564s | you know Ava's all the technical |
1566s | challenges and the user experience |
1568s | problems with it but I think even as a |
1570s | player experience to that exact point |
1572s | it's great when you can see something |
1575s | and identify it you know again what |
1577s | aren't we talking about how you get |
1578s | things but an example might be you |
1581s | complete a really difficult challenge |
1582s | and get a cool vinyl and then you can |
1584s | use that to show off to your friends you |
1587s | got it and if they can look at that and |
1589s | immediately relate that that's where it |
1590s | came from that's what it is I think |
1592s | that's a really cool way to show off |
1593s | even it's a little humble brag so the |
1598s | chat is demanding and I'm sorry they're |
1600s | demanding and seven people have spoken |
1604s | Francis did you I can't remember suit |
1610s | last week was the last week of the week |
1611s | before I was n7 day who knows what date |
1613s | it is anymore and so we kind of a |
1616s | randomly like hey we should make an n7 |
1619s | look and share it on social media fan |
1621s | seven day that's really cool and so did |
1623s | you make this van or did you have it |
1625s | made already I thought I made it it was |
1627s | done the night before this Evan can you |
1632s | so yeah I don't know if I need to |
1634s | replicate the exact look as Francis is |
1646s | doing this AJ and Jesse what are we like |
1649s | on time I mean we're happy to keep going |
1651s | a bit you just give us like a five |
1653s | minute countdown when you need us to |
1654s | start wrapping up |
1657s | so far so good guys okay great |
1662s | let you know so we're gonna do n7 is |
1669s | there anything big in chat you guys |
1671s | would like to see is there something |
1672s | that we haven't shown that you've seen |
1674s | in the menus that you think is cool or |
1676s | something you think we might have missed |
1677s | that you guys want to see this is an |
1686s | interesting question I think the answer |
1687s | is no and a mic go into our cool ideas |
1690s | for the future is there a way to match |
1693s | colors to the decals once you apply them |
1695s | no but that's a really good idea I don't |
1699s | know if we can add a color picker |
1700s | dynamically on top of the screen one or |
1705s | leg I'm not an artist let's be super |
1708s | clear but I don't know if you want the |
1709s | same colors d well that's kind of that |
1711s | is probably the person who asked that |
1714s | was they know this I was trying to match |
1715s | the color yeah I mean if you had it |
1723s | equipped in the paint section we could |
1725s | just have a section like an extra |
1728s | section with related colors so I am |
1733s | saving this up I'm just kidding |
1736s | make a high risk suggestion |
1743s | so chat is asking if we could see a |
1747s | different javelin so I think so first of |
1753s | all can we show a different one question |
1755s | mark right now we have some problems |
1757s | earlier okay sure so we select on so |
1759s | chat you get to demand you have to type |
1762s | a storm or interceptor and then we will |
1765s | pick whichever one has the most |
1772s | and also please give some some pogchamp |
1777s | for the n7 look cuz francis did it |
1779s | without rehearsal yes I can't feel super |
1787s | close for like a no-pressure in front of |
1792s | thousands of people this feels like a |
1795s | pretty good deal alright so the votes |
1800s | are in |
1801s | I've used my eyes skinny chef for five |
1804s | seconds popular and I think the storm |
1807s | was the winner so once we're done with |
1810s | this we might swap over to the storm |
1812s | Frances Lee your question to you so you |
1818s | know all the suits are different is |
1820s | there lots of different setup required |
1822s | for the different javelins like when you |
1824s | guys are building the system with that |
1827s | yes like each of them are set up with |
1830s | their own interaction points they |
1833s | actually have their own names for each |
1834s | of the regions some of them have more |
1836s | regions other ones yes there's actually |
1839s | quite a bit of custom work that goes |
1840s | into setting up each of these from the |
1843s | cameras and all that kind of stuff which |
1847s | makes it all really fun and cool and |
1849s | unique so we might do here Francis's |
1853s | let's let's spend like just two or three |
1855s | minutes oh we already have a cool |
1859s | alchemy but let's your three minutes |
1865s | fiddling around just showing anything |
1867s | you think is kind of cool or different |
1869s | about the storm and then we might take a |
1871s | few more questions and then we'll start |
1873s | wrapping it up because where we're |
1874s | starting to go over time here |
1881s | do you want to try emotes oh yes let's I |
1884s | don't know what they'll do on this storm |
1888s | no no listen I think have we ticked the |
1893s | box of we saw a different javelin and it |
1894s | looked really awesome I think we did |
1898s | we're still finishing a bunch of setup |
1900s | stuff so we want to show you guys some |
1902s | of the animations like emotes and things |
1904s | like that but we only check through them |
1906s | on the ranges so we just want to do that |
1908s | to be safe today so let's jump |
1929s | definitely eat all my shiny suits okay |
1937s | so we're gonna do the Ranger look at |
1938s | some of the animation stuff so things |
1940s | like emotes but we're also gonna call |
1942s | five final questions so the community |
1945s | guys will skim chat for the final five |
1947s | questions and as we do this will will |
1949s | answer them as we go and then we'll |
1951s | start wrapping up so you wanna just talk |
1953s | through Leah first like what are the |
1954s | sections in this screen represent sure |
1956s | so here you're able to set your victory |
1959s | pose which is at the end of all of our |
1961s | missions you get this really cool fun |
1963s | celebratory wrap up with your friends so |
1966s | you can set anything you want there |
1968s | your rival animation is anytime you |
1970s | enter the game at the start of missions |
1973s | or your helping other people and you |
1976s | make a grand entrance so you can set |
1978s | your arrival animation and then we have |
1980s | email you have any of them that we can |
1982s | show or you know they're not set up in |
1986s | there quite yet |
1986s | but we do have lots of entities |
1990s | yeah how cool you look when you enter |
1993s | the game is one for next time yeah |
1997s | there's lots of really fun emotes here |
1999s | right now we've got three of them that |
2001s | you can use picking game and there's |
2005s | just all sorts of great ones |
2010s | this is my favorite one finger guns yeah |
2013s | yeah |
2016s | that we're kind of playing emote |
2019s | roulette right now because we do not |
2021s | have custom icons in quite yet so yeah |
2025s | but they're all working pretty cool look |
2027s | great shout out to the team for sure so |
2032s | if you see these on the I've heard the |
2041s | Colossus doing a backflip is it's quite |
2043s | fun as well alright so I don't know a |
2048s | Jen Jessie if we have any of those |
2050s | questions coming through we should |
2051s | probably ask them when you guys have a |
2053s | second |
2054s | yeah for sure um one thing Ben that I |
2057s | wanted to touch on if you don't mind uh |
2059s | and Francis do you mind pulling back up |
2063s | the Legion of gone yes let me show that |
2066s | a little bit so a lot of people have |
2068s | been asking about Legion of dawn we've |
2070s | got a link a nifty link on how you you |
2075s | know get all that stuff Ben do you have |
2077s | that stuff in front of you or do you |
2078s | want me to go over it yeah yeah we can |
2081s | look at it real quick so again the |
2083s | Legion of dawn armor pack is is the |
2087s | thing you equipped with your head chest |
2089s | legs etc as we're described as kind of |
2092s | the things that change your silhouette |
2094s | and so if you pre-order the game you get |
2097s | access to the Legion of dawn armor pack |
2100s | for the Ranger which is what we're |
2102s | looking at now super cool and then what |
2107s | I think is one of the most generous |
2109s | offerings in video game history if you |
2112s | purchase the Legion of dawn Edition you |
2115s | get the Legion of dawn armor pack for |
2118s | all four of the javelins so that's four |
2121s | armor packs which is which is I think |
2124s | awesome we're just really excited for |
2126s | people who you know want to be early |
2128s | adopters to the game to be really |
2129s | generous with a really cool look that |
2132s | you can celebrate like hey I've been |
2133s | here from the beginning and so wanted to |
2136s | make sure we reward that the details are |
2138s | on the website I don't know if you have |
2140s | the specific link AJ |
2145s | yeah I think you touched on everything |
2147s | perfectly |
2149s | we're supplying some more questions from |
2150s | the chat as Frances toys around with |
2154s | this this javelin here and he's kind of |
2157s | recreating what you see up there there's |
2162s | really cool one question we're getting |
2165s | been and this might be for you some well |
2168s | asking about and I know we're not |
2170s | talking about weapons or gear yet but |
2172s | they want to know about you know how |
2174s | that works are those part of what you |
2177s | colorize and stuff like that sure so do |
2183s | leader in Francis I can answer that in |
2185s | terms of weapons specifically so wipe in |
2188s | zipper do not receive colorization in |
2192s | the same way as the exosuit weapons will |
2194s | be they will have unique looks and |
2196s | appearances there will probably probably |
2198s | be another stream going over that so you |
2201s | can have really cool-looking guns yeah |
2205s | and kind of same with gear like that |
2207s | there are some variations to how the |
2210s | gear looks but that's based on the |
2212s | functionality of the gear and so it's |
2215s | not tied to things that you can |
2217s | specifically customize but you can tie |
2221s | them together and loadout so you can |
2223s | pick hey I want these three gear pieces |
2225s | these two weapons with disappearance and |
2228s | I saved the whole thing as one loadout |
2230s | so you know you might want to make the |
2233s | red dragon ranger appearance that's all |
2237s | red and then you have equip fire gear |
2240s | and and and you might want to make the |
2243s | frosty warrior I wish I was more |
2246s | creative and make yourself blue and then |
2250s | you clip the frost grenade and save that |
2252s | as a loadout and you think and then swap |
2254s | between both the customization you have |
2256s | of gear and weapons and the appearance |
2259s | can be tied together so that's pretty |
2260s | cool |
2266s | next question AJ sure oh we've got this |
2273s | one that I've seen a few times I don't |
2276s | know if you want to touch on this they |
2277s | saw the the Nifty in seven and of course |
2280s | we're getting questions about a certain |
2283s | other Bioware IP called Dragon Age so |
2288s | yeah well go ahead Francis no I was |
2291s | gonna say we do have plaid weave in the |
2293s | game I think you know the answer to all |
2299s | Bioware IP is that we own is of course |
2303s | we'll do shoutouts and and stuff like |
2305s | that to those ip's I don't think wanna |
2307s | get into the specifics of all of it we |
2309s | obviously made n7 because n7 day was was |
2311s | just a couple weeks ago I'm sure we'll |
2314s | give nods to our IPS you know as we go |
2317s | forward so I'm sure you can expect to |
2318s | see things where it makes sense and |
2320s | where it's you know appropriate all |
2326s | right let's do what two more questions |
2327s | and then we'll call it yeah let's do |
2329s | yeah one or two more and and be sure to |
2332s | drop them in there we're kind of as |
2334s | we're kind of going through this |
2335s | everybody and thanks for joining us |
2337s | today I do want to give a quick shout |
2342s | out to Leah and Francis and I'm sure you |
2344s | were gonna do this Bend but thank you |
2345s | guys for work for joining us today on |
2349s | the on the anthem livestream yeah no |
2351s | problem |
2351s | yeah yes so let's all do a little bit of |
2357s | wrap-up stuff as we get those final |
2359s | questions together so first of all for |
2362s | those of you that are in twitch thank |
2364s | you so much for coming along make sure |
2366s | to follow the channel so you get |
2368s | notified of when we're doing streams in |
2370s | the future it's twitch TV ford slash |
2373s | anthem game I'm sure you know that |
2374s | because you're there right now both mike |
2379s | gamble and i will be kind of rotating |
2381s | hosting the streams probably will kind |
2382s | of rotate week on week so we can bring |
2384s | guests in like I said at the start we'll |
2386s | try to share information about upcoming |
2388s | streams through Twitter through |
2390s | ourselves also through AJ and Jesse and |
2393s | and our main channels but feel free to |
2395s | follow us I'm at Ben Evo |
2398s | on twitter and mike is at gamble Mike on |
2401s | Twitter as for the next stream our goal |
2404s | is to do it in a couple of weeks we're |
2406s | trying to get consistent with this stuff |
2408s | we haven't announced a topic yet |
2410s | although if you're Savin on Twitter you |
2412s | saw Mike posing questions out last night |
2415s | about what you guys would like to see |
2417s | next stream so we'll have some |
2419s | announcements for that coming soon |
2421s | hopefully the next couple of days will |
2422s | give you some more clarity on what we'll |
2425s | do after the next stream okay and then |
2431s | before we sign off let's get the last |
2434s | two questions so can you change the |
2438s | color of the visor on helmets that's a |
2441s | good question |
2443s | the visor and the helmet is it yes I |
2446s | think it's good yes yes I'm like yes can |
2451s | we do it now so we will be able to do it |
2456s | yes good good question I think we asked |
2461s | we answered this question which was can |
2463s | we change the appearance weapons too |
2465s | much Evelyn's so we talked about that |
2467s | already let me see if I can find a |
2469s | random question in chat and your gear |
2472s | does inherit the colors of your oh |
2477s | that's the great clear so I misspoke |
2478s | before I said it didn't yes that's a |
2481s | great clarification awesome a lot of the |
2489s | questions I'm seeing a similar to ones |
2494s | we've answered so let's go ahead and |
2496s | call it there first of all I want to |
2499s | just thank everyone who's involved in |
2501s | putting the stream together it might |
2503s | seem like we just turn up and chat but a |
2506s | lot of pre-work goes into this and so we |
2508s | had a lot of great help from a bunch of |
2510s | production folk a bunch of our QA |
2512s | partners Francis and Leah put a lot of |
2514s | time into this Jesse and AJ put a lot of |
2517s | time into helping getting everything set |
2518s | up so thank you all so much for all of |
2521s | that hard work obviously a special |
2523s | thanks to Francis and Leah for joining |
2526s | us it was great to have you as the |
2528s | experts of all of this I know that we |
2530s | couldn't have covered |
2531s | well without you sir thank you so much |
2532s | for coming on and a final thank you just |
2535s | to everyone who tuned up to watch we've |
2538s | really loved engaging with our community |
2540s | so far everyone has been so supportive |
2541s | and encouraging and if you have no idea |
2545s | how helpful it is for us as we're |
2547s | getting into the last little bit of time |
2548s | here to finish the game it's great to |
2550s | have that support and that positive |
2552s | believe it's in our community so thank |
2553s | you all for tuning in and then again |
2557s | look to Twitter and other parts of |
2559s | social media for announcements on next |
2561s | live stream but once again thank you all |
2563s | so much |
2564s | and we'll see you next time |
2585s | [Music] |