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It made Bioware feel so different from all the other dev teams from games that have let us down recently (Fallout 76, Destiny, Red Dead 2 Online, Black Ops 4, etc.)

But recently it seems like we get a couple meme responses on Reddit now and otherwise we get a generic "This is coming" tweet once or twice a week. People's consoles are hard crashing, people can't stay connected to the game, powerful PC's are getting terrible fps, people are quitting due to lack of end game and loot, people can't launch exhibitions without using work arounds, people getting griefed because you can't do anything when downed, the list goes on and on.

Right now it feels like when things got tough and the game really got criticized for what it is we are quickly descending into even less of what Bungie offered us in terms of communication. I know there is a stream tomorrow. Bungie had dev streams, and announced them much further than 2 days ahead of time. Right now there is an over abundance of issues and it seems that the over abundance of people are unhappy with the state of the game.

First we got "it's the weekend, they have to have days off" excuses despite Destiny 2 being a nearly 2 year old game and their community managers still respond to issues literally this weekend. Same with League, same with Overwatch, same with Apex and Rainbow 6. (All would regularly respond over weekends, can't speak to this weekend specifically). Yet here we are a week and a half after the global launch or the game and we have had one response on Reddit in the last 5 days and it was a meme response, and one tweet announcing the Twitch stream.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by PlayingwithJulia

He's writing patch notes/planning live steam, per his tweet.

Part of the thing to keep in mind too is that the nature of a lot of the posts has changed, I know for myself I don't really feel like there's a lot I can add to some of these conversations beyond stuff like:

"Yeah." 😊

A lot of other posts are just things that I'm not going to comment on... the one on a stats screen is a good example - there's just no good way for me to come into that conversation, which is kind of unfortunate.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by -Boar-

If you don't mind me asking, what in particular makes it difficult for you guys to step into that conversation? Is it just that you're wary of promising things that might not be possible to put into the game?

A bit like the original post one of the things that really made this game feel different is just how open you guys were previously about what you were working on, what was good and what was bad. I completely understand that you guys have put years and a ton of effort into this game and some of the responses must be disheartening but it would be great to see you guys re-engage a bit here if it was possible.

A lot of it has to do with tone, like for example right now... we're having a conversation. 😊

When things shift to be more stuff like: "Why didn't you do X, it's the minimum we should expect for something like this!"

I understand where people are coming from... but if I go into that type of conversation, I feel like I'm on the defensive... and it's not even clear that people want to have an actual discussion, sometimes people just want to vent - and that's cool too!

Edit: Just a quick note, I'm have to bail on this conversation for now as I have to go pick up kids but I'll try to come back later tonight.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by motorboat_mcgee

Yup, it'd be nice to just have a clear and honest answer to some of the stuff.

And I think we'd honestly like to give straightforward answers, but there are complicating factors... let's take the stats screen stuff as an example.

So I can say that we're interested in looking at solutions here (and this is true). This is meant to indicate that it's something that we're thinking about - but is also deliberately non-committal.

What I can't do, is tell you definitively that we are doing a stats screen and when it would likely be coming if we were doing one... mostly due to revenue recognition. I won't bore you with the details, but basically we can get into trouble if we talk about features that aren't about to be released shortly. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Aizle70

That's totally fair for those kinds of posts, which there are many.

However, there are just as many constructive and well thought out posts that aren't getting the same level of attention as in the past.

Additionally, there are a number of ongoing game breaking issues that we've had zero updates on other than "we're working on it". While the acknowledgement is nice, that gives us no timeline or expectation of when to expect a resolution.

I think a post from BioWare about the next planned patch with a date and ongoing list of what bug fixes got into it would be hugely helpful. That would allow the community and mods to quash repeated posts about something that's already fixed in the next patch and go a long way into getting the community here to be more productive and positive.

That's totally fair... and I think we can do more here. We were just talking about a few strategies around this today.

Reddit doesn't necessarily have a great format for disseminating information... so I think we need to have a bit of a think about how we can more effectively communicate what is going on (are we aware of issues, if so what is the status, etc). 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Negation_

Can you comment on stuff that happened behind the scenes? A lot of people have some theories that things went sideways during development and that's why we're missing obvious things like proper loot, stat screen, ui polish on PC, etc. Even if this is the case, I think admitting issues like that would go a long way to changing perception from "six years and we were given this?" to "oh they derailed and had to rebuild". Just my two cents.

Nope, sorry... 😊

I totally understand that people want all the behind the scenes details - as a fan of other games and developers, I'd also really like to know the stories behind the development of their titles.

But, talking about that stuff doesn't really help... beyond maybe at best providing some context. At worst... well...

Personally, I'd rather talk about how we move forward... we are where we are and I think the best thing we can do is look at the next thing we need to do to make Anthem better 😊.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by mrgravy20

What I just read was if this game doesn't make the right amount of money, things won't get supported, things that should have been there from day one won't get added.

No... it has nothing to do with that. Rev rec is more about how you count the revenue that you make.

So if for example we announce something (and talking about it on Reddit counts as announcing something) we have to count any of the revenue for that thing in a particular fiscal quarter depending on when it was announced.

Hopefully that helps clarify a bit? 😊

Edit: I'll see if I can track down Mark Darrah's tweet about it... he's better at explaining this kind of thing than I am

Edit2: Hmm... maybe better? 😊 https://twitter.com/BioMarkDarrah/status/857773466141040640

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by ilikeitems

It seems like they are only replying to these types of posts anymore.

“Think we don’t reply anymore? Ha, got em!”

Damn... you caught me 😁

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by dorn3

Preface: I know you aren't a community rep so I don't want to blast you particularly. I hope you can pass this on to people who should actually be talking.

So I can say that we're interested in looking at solutions here (and this is true)

My problem is: You guys don't do this.

  1. You might say "we're listening/reading blah blah" but not indicate that you are aware of all the problems. Silence does not indicate that you are working hard. It indicates that you don't want to talk about it because you're not going to fix it and you don't want to get the backlash.
  2. You guys don't communicate to make sure you even understand the problems. The loot "fix" is a good example of this. You guys never understood the full problem and the result is nobody is happy with the fix.
  3. You guys usually cherry pick stuff EASY STUFF like minor UI changes and say "Yeah we're looking into that." This doesn't fool anyone and furthers the impression of the idea that you are hiding from backlash.

Sorry, I may not have put enough emphasis on that particular part. 😊

We are looking into solutions around showing people more detailed information about your loadout.

In terms of the loot stuff... maybe we could start a new thread on that? I'm curious about what you mean specifically there (and I don't want to derail this thread).

In terms of the other stuff, I mentioned it in another post - but I think there's more we can do to make sure that folks know what's going on (are we aware of an issue, what is the status, etc).

Right now it's a bit chaotic since information is sometimes spread across various platforms and isn't as accessible as I think folks might like. This is something we're actively discussing at the moment.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by raunchyfartbomb

Warframe has a dedicated forum, with a dev-post tracker built in. That design works amazing and is likely worth your investment if the game is going to be really considered a long-life “game as a service”.

That said, my feelings, and many others on the matter of stats screens, as I’m sure everyone is aware, is that they are genre standard ( for good reason) and not only frustrating to see it release without it but mind boggling to be completely honest. It’s essentially an overlay, exactly what a menu is, and should 100% be in the game, no excuses. The information Is already calculated, it’s just having to put in a sheet to display it.

I’m not attacking you on this issue, but it’s glaring faults like this that caused the game to be received the way it did. Something like that is just unacceptable not to have, especially with all the other ones in the genre to take inspiration and lessons from.

This second portion likely hit that tone you referred to where it’s hard to comment on, but when we pay for something that feels incomplete that we want to be passionate about and enjoy, but instead are left frustrated and confused, it’s really hard not to take such a tone. I’m sure the majority of us aren’t trying to attack you guys (though an onslaught of comments like this would feel otherwise), it’s just because we wanted this to be a success. The core loop is great, but it’s a marble floor with duct tape walls.

Thanks, I'm sure our community guys have already looked at it - but personally I'm not up on how Warframe handles some of their community engagement so I'll go check it out. 😊

The second portion does... but as an example... what can I say to that? I don't disagree with the sentiment, but there's not a lot I can actually say on the topic (for reasons) beyond what I've said elsewhere on this thread about it being something we're interested in looking at.

I totally get where you're coming from and I don't fault folks for being upset, it's understandable.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by raunchyfartbomb

Yea, I honestly didn’t really even expect a reply. I understand though, a comment like that is an uphill battle to go against, and your often better off not addressing them individually until a solution is basically ready.

The problem is gamers are so vocal and passionate, it can be hard to have a good dialogue with devs. It’s easy for a mis-saying to be completely crucified, and I feel for you guys.

All that said, definitely take a look at their forum. It’s pretty well organized, with bug sections for each platform, patch notes for each, there is a dev blog they talk about upcoming changes, feedback forums, etc. all that on top of the generic community forum side of things (which IMO is why the other stuff is kept alive. It’s a healthy community site on top of the dev-feedback portion).

You guys could probably reach out to /u/Rebulast (DE Rebecca), Steve, or their other community manager I can’t remember the name of (Taylor I think?). They all seem very open and would likely be happy to talk with you guys dev-to-dev.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a bit of time once other stuff has calmed down a bit and check it out. 😊