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After the patch I am getting absolutely wasted on hard mode now even with a javelin level of 400. I'm almost getting one shot by the basic dudes even while hovering.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by King_noa

Most of the major things are still not working, but the HP bug got mentioned so often here and I ask for a fix and u/biocamden said it will be fixed but it is definitely not fixed for me it got way worse.

If you are buged, the cooldown reduction from the components also stop working. I can spam ice shards forever because of the cdr component and then the components glitch out, my ice shards got cd and i get oneshot because the components are gone, it fixes itself when I get lead of the freeplay or rebuild the javelin part by part with start a freeplay after every part.

Got my storm back to a working shield and 8 boxes hp instead of 3, yes after patch it’s not visual.

Can /u/benirvo tell us something about this? I think he is the combat guy

Can you please send me some screenshots of the components you are using as well as your armor bars when they break and when they’re working?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by King_noa


one side with the masterwork components equiped, one side without.

8384 Shield vs 4068 Shield

But i also tested naked, that went bad, there is no need to most a video of me doing this test naked, i died with two hits.

It seems that a) the masterwork components give only 678 Shield like the epic ones or b) the same enemy on the same spot does randomly about double the damage (that would be a bug too, right?).

I really appreciate you taking the time to take these and post this. It was very helpful. We dig into this non-stop today and are continuing to look into it. Thank you again King_noa.