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There is a TLDR at the bottom, don't worry.

EDIT - Due to popular demand I'll start working on a full list of abilities and what affixes they scale on exactly.

Preface: I went through hundreds if not thousands of loading screens for this data and had to meticulously craft gear that had non influential affixes to get clean values. I also have a longstanding bug where I crash once every hour or so. So uh... Here's hoping somebody can benefit from this info. I am also open to corrections and conflicting information, just know that I will almost immediately test the everloving hell out of it again if presented with alternative facts. Some of this might also be "uh, duh?" but hey, better safe than discarding something busted OP.

I also take requests (bear in mind I don't have a full MW collection yet so I'm not always going to be able to scramble a test on one). Also if someone wants to reformat this death wall into something more palatable please let me know. I am more about data, less about pretty print.

Finally, all tests were run at level 30, and because I'm lame I memorized all of the Masterwork names for abilities and keep using those. I'll try to clean this up a bit later.

Do MW and Epic components stack?

  • Yup! For instance equipping both Vanguard's Badge and Advanced Circuitry will give you 60% more melee damage. Not sure if they all stack as an additive though. Also not sure if everything stacks with its underling but they sure seem to.

Are damage values telling the truth?

  • Yep! Damage is damage at any difficulty it will always read properly. There's no BS scaling or behind the scenes number f*ckery. It does exactly what it says on the tin. Any oddities are where you're hitting, modifiers, range falloff, etc.

Do Sigils (consumables) stack?

  • Yes, but only different tiers. You can't stack 3 Epic LMG damage sigils for 90% ammo and damage but you can stack Epic Rare Unc and get 50% ammo and damage.

Do MW specials stack?

  • Not unless specified after a day one hotfix. RIP Double Avengers.

WTF these gear/suit symbols?

  • It has been said in other places but for thoroughness, the cogwheel means it applies only to that given weapon or gear piece and the suit icon means it applies to everything at all times passively.
  • There seems to be a bug with [Cogwheel] +Weapon Ammo. It seems to affect both guns. Please note any other anomalies in comments.

WTF is Physical?

  • Impact AND Blast together. Similarly, Elemental is just anything that isn't Impact or Blast (so Electric, Fire, Acid, Ice).

Does melee scale on anything that doesn't directly specify melee?

  • Yes, Gearscore. It seems to go up by a percentage. If you go up 15% in gearscore your melee damage will go up about 15% Example: GS 400 Ranger will do 1500 or so, GS 460 Ranger will do 1715 or so. This might be a huge misattribution. Seems to actually be related to highest equipped item level (So 36/45/47) instead. Will do more rigorous testing asap.
  • Gear damage and Weapon damage have no effect.
  • Melee does scale on the associated damage type (like Electric for Ranger and Impact for Interceptor).
  • Ranger aerial melees do 33% more.
  • Colossus aerial melees do 45% more.
  • Colossus shield charge melees do 55% less.
  • Colossus shield bash melees do 18% more?
  • Storm has no aerial melee multiplier. My Storm seems bugged, will find values from some kind soul.

WTF is up with Interceptor melee?

  • Interceptor melee has 3 combos that equate to 5 hits in a repeating string.
  • Two hits for a small amount, then a big cross slash hit, then two hits in a small amount again. If we pretend the entire string is one long set of damage for 100% then it's divvied up as 15% 15% 40% 15% 15% or so... look it's easier to chunk it that way ok?
  • Aerial attack is about 50% more damage than the big cross slash hit.
  • Landing "inside" an enemy on the aerial melee hits twice, and landing from an aerial melee can animation cancel into the cross slash which is some solid Interceptor melee burst.
  • Interceptor melee ignores resistances. This means it will do 100% damage on armor and shields.
  • Interceptor melee also circumvents damage nullification. Those annoying crabs in freeplay? Do true damage to them instead of 0! Sadly this does not seem to work on Titans.
  • Interceptor melee scales on Impact and Physical damage as well as Melee damage and Gearscore (Just like Colossus!).

How much damage do Combos do and what influences them?

  • No idea. Unfortunately Combo damage is not displayed. You simply get a COMBO floaty. I can painfully do old Monster Hunter style rock throwing testing to figure it out though. Will update if go through that hell.


  • Does 50% less damage to Armor.
  • Does 50% more damage to Shields.
  • When target is primed it will arc a seemingly negligible amount of damage to nearby targets but does prime them.


  • Does 25% less damage to Armor.
  • Does 25% more damage to Shields

Sidenote: Ice and Electric will overkill shields. If something has 1 shield hp left and you hit it with an electric attack it will take the full 150% hit into its hp. Woo!


  • Does 50% more damage to Armor.
  • Does 50% less damage to Shields.


  • Does 25% more damage to Armor.
  • Does 25% less damage to Shields
  • Burns for 133% initial damage over 13 ticks at 1 tick per second, seems to scale with [Q]/Gear damage too since it snapshots the applying damage. Burn those bosses!


  • That little blue broken shield symbol on nonelemental abilities.
  • Only found on Ranger's Pulse Blast confirmed by /u/radvladi333
  • Acts just like Electric damage vs Armor, Shields
  • Need to test still if this scales on Impact/Physical


  • That little gold broken shield symbol on nonelemental abilities.
  • Found on Colossus' Railgun, Interceptor's Plasma Star
  • Acts just like Acid damage vs Armor, Shields
  • Need to test still if this scales on Impact/Physical


  • Cuts Physical damage by 50% (doublecheck)
  • Can be primed and detonated.
  • Takes 50% less damage from shieldcracker abilities.
  • Takes 50% more damage from armorcracker abilities.
  • Damage bonus adheres to crit rules where applicable.
  • Some enemies are classified as Armored despite not having the yellow bar. Skorpion Workers with the giant sacs are considered armored for damage purposes. They can also be crit by normal weapons despite the damage reduction. Bugs are weird.


  • Cuts Physical damage by 25%
  • Prevents elemental status.
  • Prevents priming even if it has 1 hp left.
  • Can still be detonated through shields. Thanks /u/Sinkillas !
  • Takes 50% more damage from shieldcracker abilities.
  • Takes 50% less damage from armorcracker abilities.
  • Cannot be crit.


  • Most Masterwork Gear only counts their own ability as their trigger or only affect the currently drawn weapon for guns. Only noting exceptions to this rule.
  • Every Masterwork that applies bonus damage (i.e. Explosive Blaze) has that damage scale from base damage and does not scale with its associated gear damage (so neither [E] damage increase nor Gear damage increase will affect Explosive Blaze for instance, and Impact damage isn't gonna make Argo's Mace's electric explosion do more). However, they will respond to matching element type increases and general damage increases.



  • Ponder Infinity - This indeed affects ALL electric damage, not just itself.
  • Venomous Blaze - It's about 45% of base as acid damage. By Consecutive hits it just means damage applications. If you hit 3 separate targets with 3 casts it applies acid to the third. If you hit 3 at once it hits the last one that the game decided has the damage applied to it. If you hit 6 at once it will trigger two instances of acid on one cast, etc.


  • Stasis Chain - Explosion is about 50% of the base damage. Chain hits are about 70% the TOTAL damage and unlike a lot of the rest actually scales with Gear/[E] damage.


Assault Launcher

  • Argo's Mace - Explosion does about 65% base damage.
  • Ember Lance - Explosion does about 45% base damage.


  • Explosive Blaze - Explosion is about 65% base damage.
  • Grand Opening - Only triggers on kills with it. My Ranger is bugged and has the UI for the buff pop up randomly. Thanks /u/Sojourner_Truth !
  • The Gambit - Missing plz give for to test



  • Sudden Death - Missing plz give for to test
  • Plasma Star - Credit to /u/Ixziga in that it seems to proc the shield gain from a weakpoint "hit" even if the weakpoint is behind shields.


  • Absolute Zero - Missing plz give for to test


  • Vassa's Arc - Explosion does 260% base damage Yowza!


Divine Vengeance

  • Interestingly enough it counts hitting shielded enemies in the weak point a weak point hit for triggering this explosion. Like, aim at the face on a shielded Scar Scout and boom. Plz no fix.
  • Does not scale with gear score. Does not scale with weapon damage.
  • Does scale with Elemental damage and Fire damage as expected.
  • Seems that it does 900% base weapon damage.

Cycle of Pain

  • Credit to /u/aqua19858 pending personal testing
  • Marksman's Swiftness will proc on weakpoints under shields like Divine Vengeance does.

Wyvern Blitz - Don't have it yet

Sentinel's Vengeance - Don't have it yet

Ralner's Blaze - Don't have it yet

Thunderbolt of Yvenia - Don't have it yet

  • /u/Tkwan777 noted that it does scale on electric/ele like expected.


  • Gear, Weapons, Epic to MW - 32%. Epic to Legendary - 52%
  • Component armor/shield from Epic to MW - 400-440% depending.
  • No seriously, get one MW component and you can basically start doing GM1 Strongholds on farm.

Data extrapolation (aka TLDR):

Masterwork and Epic of the same components stack. Sigils of the same type stack. Suit symbol is everything. Cogwheel is just this thing. Melee scales with element (fire/thunder/impact as expected). Interceptor melee ignores armor and shield resistance. Shieldcracker acts like Electric, Armorcracker acts like Acid. Shields block primers, detonators, statuses. Fire is surprisingly good at sweeping redbars because the cumulative burn damage exceeds the initial hit. Anything that procs a bonus explosion will scale with the p roccer's base damage and the explosion's respective element (i.e. Ranger's Explosive Blaze double dip scales with Elemental and Fire). Component scaling from Epic to Masterwork is roughly 400-440% depending on Javelin. MW weapons and Gear do 32% more damage than Epic. Legendary does 52% more.

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over 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

This is astonishing work /u/Kitsunekinder, absolutely amazing effort put into this. Great job Freelancer!