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I desperately want this game to succeed and honestly I am so fatigued from the bugs and issues and drama that I am not going to write a full review. I'm just going to say what I need to see to log in again. I'm truly at that point and have barely logged in the past week.

I am NOT able to log in and take this game seriously until at least one of these happens:

1: Up masterwork/legendary drop rate significantly. The current drop rate is abysmal and when combined with point 2 makes me feel like I am genuinely urinating away my time. I do not feel rewarded or stimulated anymore playing, and in a LOOTER SHOOTER this is a gaming sin.

2: Let us have some control over inscriptions or reroll them. I am sick of junk legendaries that are worthless because of poor inscriptions. "But the inscriptions fit!" Sorry but when I get a +3% and +2% global DMG on a piece of masterwork+ gear and people can get +30% global on epic it's unacceptable.

3: Cosmetics store finally opens. Let me at least get my javelin having a phat butt. Elysian strongholds will do too.

So why would I log in even with the 12th patch? For PURPLE DROPS? YAY the white drops are now purple ALL IS SAVED!?!?!? Right? WRONG!!!!

Because I can still grind for 2 hours and only get the mandatory masterwork drops and 0 legendaries and then I look at the masterwork drops and I get +2% damage, +20% ammo, +20% health pack drop rate and +10% lightning damage on a gun!

Purples == white == green == blue.

All of them are a complete bitter dissapointment to loot when all we want is masterworks or legendary gear. It's all the same and that change is the most obscene insulting placebo in the games industry. It changes nothing.

Meaning I just blew 2 hours away and I am no where even remotely closer to a better build.

There is no sense of progression. No sense of working towards something. None of it. I can't reroll inscriptions or make the over 5 legendary weapons I have in my character actually worth crap because their inscriptions are set in stone.

This should have been done at release. And pushing it to end of March is a mistake.

Me and many friends of mine in my discords (where I sadly have over 5) have been AVID defenders of this game and honestly the level 1 defender weapon outdamaging masterwork items ontop of the rest was the final straw that broke the camel's back. And this camel's back, mine, is SPLIT IN HALF.

From someone who is trying desperately to still care when I honestly feel like the developers don't care about me anymore. I genuinely feel like a QA testing loser right now.

Worst comes to worst I spent 4 months of my own time working on a build website and sussing out the math only to feel like Ben squat over me took a heaving post-tacobell dump with the level 1 gun somehow out damaging our other guns. Meaning all my math may as well be thrown out.

I cannot express my frustration with how much work I did for free out of pure love of this game and it's devs only to see it burned in front of me this morning.


I even made a 42 minute long youtube video praising this game (not that it got any views, but I still did it.) And no I can't link it here because I'm not a part of the cool content creators club but I really did spend about 5 days making a 42 minute long movie.

You're losing me and some of your most avid most loyal followers.

Wake. Up.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

I appreciate the attempt at constructive criticism. You lost your way a bit there but thumbs up to anyone who attempts to be constructive.

I don’t really have anything to say at the moment but we have read this, thank you for providing feedback
