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I can't enjoy this game when I have to keep restarting my damn game!

Oh, you just join a stronghold? Sure would be a shame if ..... YOU DIDNT HAVE ANY SOUND!

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by afterdarkgtx

it usually happened when there is massive amount of combo bombs going on and you are the receiver.

maybe can relate what was going before the sound bug.

the fact they cant fix that probably points to an engine issue.

Nailed it. It's an engine issue (actually multiple). We have fixed two, one in early access and one in the day one patch. We have actually successfully trapped the worst one (yesterday!) and expect to have that one in one of the next patches. As well, frostbite gave us a preport of a fix for another instance with the reverb system.

So yeah, we know it sucks and are really unhappy with having to have shipped it - we just weren't able to repro this multi faceted bug quickly enough to fix all instances before ship. It will be addressed, if it's the last thing I do before I die :)

Sorry, and thanks for your patience.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by VoxMendax

Thank you all for the amazing communication! Knowing that the bugs are being addressed in a timely fashion gives me even more hope for the future of this game. Btw, was there an accidental loot nerf? I feel like I'm barely getting any gear now even in GM2... still missing the masterwork flak cannon too :'(

No idea, hit to quote the great BenIrvo, 'balance is forever' :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by badcookies

Thanks for fixing this, its really annoying when it happens especially in a stronghold or somewhere that takes a while before you can restart the game.

Since you are the audio guy, do you know if there is supposed to be some background music/audio while in Fort Tarsis? It is way to quiet, there needs to be some noise like you'd expect to hear when walking around a living city. The mechanics making noise when near the javelins, random background chatter from people (that we can't really understand or needs to be really voiced out, just mumbling and such), something like this: https://youtu.be/vNoX632Adi8?t=124

It seems like it should be in the game so not sure if it was an oversight or missing audio files or something causing them to not play, but its just... so quiet which is why I think a lot of people think it feels lifeless.

Yeah it shouldn't be quiet - there is a bunch of exactly what you are describing - I think we need to take a look at the mix again. Thanks for the feedback!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by badcookies

Great! I figured it was missing or incorrectly happening since it was so quiet and usually your games have good ambient noises.

Also enemies hardly make sound as well any attack cues and such might be missing as well?

Really enjoying it overall though!

Thank you! We have taken this feedback and will incorporate it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by badcookies

It's odd I swore one time walking through town when it was about night time I did here a lot more but then other times it was quiet again.

Anyway looking forward to more/fixed sounds :)

Yeah night time is when the party starts :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MCXL

Is it an issue of just running out of voices in the engine?

Sort of - it's actually the cpu spiking when trying to decode all of them.

Basically, the hardest issue about Anthem vs. say MEA for example, is that we have FOUR 'main players'. In the past we can optimize NPC/Enemies a lot more, but with every player being able to equip crazy amounts of gear that play crazy amounts of sound it can real hectic really fast. We have a couple fixes being tested right now for the dropout issue (s) and are continuing to look at ways we can optimize decoding in Frostbite. Hope that helps explain it a bit!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MCXL

I mean I totally get it, most game engines have hardcore safety features it comes to this stuff to make sure that they never go over budget.

It's interesting that it's not an issue for battlefield even though well battlefield games are about as chaotic as it can get.

Super interesting and I appreciate the reply.

Yeah it's an issue of balance - We work really closely with our friends at DICE. They have much simpler requirements for ambience, Foley and music for example, and that gives them a bit more 'headroom' to play with. We have pretty much maxed out what FB can at the moment with four versions of really complex sounds for each players' suit, weapons, abilities (and then add 16 channel music, dynamic weather, day/night, procedural whooshes, etc...).

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by timex100

I used to get this bug every day. Setting in-game sound to 90% made the issue disappear completely.

Whoa - you may be on to something here. We will dig, thanks!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MCXL

16 channels for music is a lot!

I don't really know the nitty gritty of how this engine works, but could you offload music to a prerender, and then play it back on one channel as a submix? Maybe do a similar thing with the sound effects from ally javelins?

I dunno, sound in games is a foreign art to me, I come from a music production and radio production background, with a little film work, so I am sure you guys have considered all this stuff.

Still, I have spent more than a reasonable amount of time watching videos like this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF_jcrTCMsA

Not a terrible idea if the music was static, but it's actually completely dynamically controlled by the game, based on who you're fighting, who's targeting you, how many enemies, and what you are doing in combat, ie. headshot!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by MCXL

Well I mean dynamic music of some kind is the norm for action games these days, but that seems like a whole lot of factors. This strikes me as one of those trade offs of you could use less voices if you made more versions of the tracks on the dick, and then chose those mixes based on those factors (IE go down to a 4 track solution, but have 4 times the music on disc to maintain the same amount of options as far as music corresponding to action.)

Still, would love to see the logic trees that dictate the mix, etc.

Well technically it's 'less' - it's the fact that we play music in quad (Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround).

I actually have a cool presentation I gave at a conference, I'll see if I can dig it up. It explains it much more eloquently :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by mavalent

Mine still cuts out at 35-40% master volume. So don't think it's completely related to that. I do hear it start to pop before it goes out though.

Good to know - we have multiple fixes in the pipe for this so hopefully it's addressed soon :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Jim655321

So, I've tried something on Xbox One that has worked for me.

I changed my audio setting from Home Theater to headphones.

Before changing it, I lost sound in every contract and every stronghold. I haven't lost sound since changing it. I thought of it after seeing that the number of voices might have something to do with it, and figured stereo sound would be less demanding than Home Theater.

Interesting. The issue could be hitting one of the surround channels more often, which would be eliminated in some cases by this setting. Noted, thank you!