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It’s complete garbage.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SivirLHD

On the topic of ice, whenever I become frozen and I hit jump to break free, my character takes a few seconds to break loose and then repeatedly jumps in one spot continuously being re-frozen until the ice wears off. Is this a bug or intended? Or maybe it's because I mash jump instead of one press?

That is indeed a bug and is super annoying (personal experience). I believe (memory escapes at the moment) that this is one we’ve already been looking into.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Storm_Worm5364

Is the Storm's combo chain bugged as well?

Right now, chained enemies can't be combo'ed (even though the game says they should be able to).

In other words, chaining can sometimes feel like a detriment, given how it forces you to wait on enemies' status effects to disappear, and makes me feel like I would me much more effective in battle without the chaining (because I would be able to apply those effects much faster myself).

This is intended Storm_Worm, we didn't want a single Storm to be able to permanently lock down 5-6 by freezing targets and spamming melee. It got even worse with more than 1 Storm. The same applies to the Interceptor aura. Enemies that receive the status effect off the chain/aura will still be on fire/frozen/etc but cannot be combo'ed.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Lasmrah

Is there any plan to alter the UI so I can tell which enemies can still be comboed? Maybe making the red hexagon status effect symbol highly transparent if you can't combo off of it.

This would help both clarify storm and interceptor combo effects, and show that you can only get one combo off of a primer.

Against harder enemies it'd be nice as confirmation that the status effect did end and get restarted, as when the hexagon turned solid again you'd know it is combo ready.

Yes this is a bug. It’s supposed to only display the red icon when the creature is able to be combo’ed.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SivirLHD

So I have a follow up question now that the patch notes have been released. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but are we going to get a fix for the "Ice bug" with this patch or is it still being looked into?

Still looking into this one.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Storm_Worm5364

Would you then be able to re-apply a freeze status effect while an enemy is frozen but not primed (as in- apply freeze prime to an enemy that was combo chained and thus has no "nameplate icon").

You can either keep applying ice effect to keep it frozen (won’t make it comboable) or wait to it to fall off and apply it again (comboable).