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There's a thread of communication between Cypher Ty Garron and Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol. Here's the link from Ben's Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenIrvo/status/1134536010367459328

Also I put it in text for you below:

Cypher Ty Garron:

Testing, testing... @MadameTol? I'm Cypher Ty Garron from Antium. Well, you know, from Esteraat. Your cypher school, er, Satomi.

I'm testing our newest prototype amplifier. Are you getting this Madame Chronicler?

Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol:

Goodness! Of course I can hear you, Cypher Gern. You are using an amplifier. That is their primary function.

You've interrupted me in the midst of organizing astronomical phenomena, and I've quite lost my place.

Cypher Ty Garron:

Yes, Madame. I mean... yes, but no. Sorry, Madame. This amplifier is... well, it's new!

It uses a multi-pronged emitter that boosts transmission over greater distances and enables multiple cyphers to communicate simultaneously!

Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol:

That's grand, Cypher Gordon. Do you require information? I could provide a variety of operational manuals for amplifier maintenance. Or perhaps a book of cypher etiquette?

Cypher Ty Garron:

Actually, the name’s “Garron” – ha! Common mistake. Totally doesn't matter, though.

Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol:

That's what I said. Or was it?

Cypher Ty Garron:

Seriously, I'm just excited to be in contact. I'm linking in other cyphers over the next few days. Stay in touch, ok?

Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol:

"Stay in touch"? Is this a relay race? Do you expect to pass me a note, cypher?

Madame Chronicler Zahra Tol:

If that is all, I shall return to the critical task of documenting the astronomical phenomena of Coda. Good day, Cypher Garrison.

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Testing. Testing.