about 6 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

27s hello everyone and welcome to another
29s anthem livestream I'm Ben oving one of
32s the lead producers for the game and we
33s have a very special guest joining us
35s today for the very first time in anthem
38s livestream history Chad Robertson Chad
41s why don't you tell us a little bit about
42s who you are
43s hi I'm Chad yeah I'm the head of life
45s service for Bioware I've been in the
48s industry for quite a while
49s anthems been a real joy to be part of
52s development for it but it's actually in
54s my career I've been doing online games
56s for almost 20 years now so I've seen a
58s lot of stuff and I think what we're
60s doing with anthem is really gonna be
61s amazing for the fans awesome so we have
63s a pretty cool agenda today we are going
65s to talk through a few things we have
68s Chad here so we'll talk a little bit
69s about the demo and are we ready to go
71s for early access here real soon
74s we're going to play a little bit of a
76s game but more just as background for
78s chatting we wanted to as part of
80s discussing the demo talk about some of
82s the cool things we've done since then
83s there's a lot of quality of life stuff
85s that went into the game that really came
87s from player feedback so we'll talk a
88s little bit about that and then we'll
91s play a little bit of free play and just
92s answer some questions and and that'll be
94s the stream for today so it's pretty fun
96s we're not playing a stronghold we are
98s gonna play free play and do other things
100s so there is one super important question
103s Chad that the whole of the the universe
106s of anthem community has been asking and
108s it is this what date and time do we go
111s live with early access that's a great
114s question yeah and we we understand
116s there's been a little bit of a confusion
118s maybe and interpreting exactly our open
120s date for early access it's this Friday
122s February 15th at 9:00 a.m. Central time
125s we can't wait to everybody join us yeah
127s and we will not be doing the
128s translations but if they is the sum of
130s all the internet out there cuz it might
132s help 9 essentially I'm into all the
134s other time zones of the world people
136s that would be helpful but it is a global
139s launch at the same time for all regions
141s right correct yeah super excited cool
143s I can feel chat going wild so this is
146s exciting so get that cleared up we did
151s the demo a few weeks ago and you have
153s some pretty cool infographics you made
155s for some internal meetings
157s that we were going to show here as well
158s can we swap over and you want to talk
160s through them yes
165s and then of course there are innocent
167s crab it's the
173s so like see what was going down there
175s but every rule has it scheduled yeah
177s exactly and I think like has the
181s community looked at those things up
182s close because they're they're amazing
184s but they're also a little terrifying so
185s I can understand the response that the
187s players had to that I can't wait to see
189s how those numbers trend once the game is
191s really live starting what time Ben hits
194s at 9:00 a.m. Central on Friday the 15th
196s of February we're ready we're ready
198s let's go okay so can we swap to the game
203s please so the next agenda item we had
208s Chad was you know we did the demo you
211s released the blogs that was really great
213s I think the community was was super
215s happy with the transparency though that
217s everyone had and a lot of that was from
219s the blogs you were doing throughout
221s those weekends did you want to just
223s summarize some of the lessons learned
224s and and ultimately I think the question
226s people have is I'll be ready full Friday
229s yeah Photo Lee accent absolutely I think
231s first off yeah I think we're ready we're
234s super excited about what we've got I've
236s said that several times but if you look
238s at this momentum that's been building
239s with the development team as we've
241s solved problems to the course of the
242s demo weekend's you're seeing things come
246s together really nicely and wait a second
248s you're moving I'm showing fourth class
252s the sprint speed Oh which is amazing oh
254s I see it looks a little faster than I
256s was faking it because this is walking
258s but this is running yeah and then that's
260s that's nice yeah go back to the question
263s yeah I think oh fast I think we have
266s obviously in that first VIP weekend we
268s had some challenges but the team and the
271s technology responded really well and the
273s game I think itself was still something
275s that stood really strongly for our
276s players and for our community and then
278s the second weekend we had an enormous
280s turnout of during the open weekend play
282s and that response was overwhelmingly
285s positive and I think that the everything
288s we've done from the platform in the back
289s end to the front end with the game
291s client everything else has been really
293s ready to go and I think the we're ready
295s for this this Friday coolin if anyone
298s has any questions on that
299s Chad's phone number is five one two
302s actually it is hilarious fired tomorrow
305s yeah cool
307s so thanks for the overview so we want to
311s talk about some things that weren't in a
313s demo this is kind of a hit list of
315s things that we think have been asked a
317s lot from the community and there are
320s thousands of changes that we've made
322s since a demo so it's like impossible to
324s cover them all raise them more like the
325s ones that just seem to rise up some of
327s them are big some of them are small but
329s some things to talk to can I talk about
331s that for just a second like I got I got
333s a lot of questions too about this just
335s from you know friends and family even
336s like that when you look at the way we
338s created that demo if you go back to the
340s the time needed for us to prep just the
342s demo it very much was a different
344s experience than the main game in terms
346s of the build and all the backend
349s services that went with it and that's
351s out of necessity for us to be ready to
352s make sure the experience is ready for
354s that demo experience in isolation and so
356s like in the blog post that I put out or
358s the tweets that Ben and some other folks
360s were sharing like it's not an
362s exaggeration that thousands of changes
364s all really good in fact you're gonna see
366s some of them right now that but like
369s we've been working really hard to make
370s sure that both of that demo was a great
372s experience but also then improving that
374s knowing from the lessons that we learned
375s to make it a really amazing experience
377s for launch so can't wait for to get in
379s there
379s absolutely so what I think we're going
381s to show I don't think this was in the
382s demo but it's our slot about reputation
384s rewards so we talked about how we added
386s a reputation system there are three
388s factions and by doing certain things you
390s earn favor with them and as you unlock
393s you know or own enough favor with them
396s there are certain different rewards so
398s I'm just showing an example for our kin
399s assault III you know you can see a bunch
401s of materials available and a bunch of
404s you know blueprints for crafting and so
406s just want to show that the information
408s is available under challenges it's one
410s of the things people asked for so that
413s is that I already showed sprinting in
417s for Tarsus one of the most requested
419s things I think it's pretty fast like
421s it's a pretty decent difference yeah
423s everyone will be the judge so it's been
425s a little unnatural I think if it was any
426s faster I think it's a it'll it'll get
428s you where you need to go on time
430s we have a list can you scroll a little
432s further for me over there Jessie please
435s thank you so we'll show a couple things
442s so I have a controller but works on a PC
445s that's how our stream rooms set up there
447s are a couple of settings people had
449s asked for I forget all of them but some
454s of them were okay so we put in HDR mode
462s for PC so that's a thing that's
464s available I think this is for the 22nd
466s no not for the 15th but all this is
469s detailed in the reddit post that that I
470s posted a couple weeks back but just to
473s show that it's there we added so motion
478s blur when you turn it off actually turns
479s off before it was also tied to post
481s processing and we added a camera shake
484s slider so there are a few people who
485s talk about motion sickness and stuff
487s like that so now there's a slider a
489s hundred percent if you want the most
491s immersive experience possible and then
493s you can you can turn it back from there
495s as you see fit that's not all the
498s changes there's some other stuff like
500s field of view are still investigating we
503s don't have that for the 15th or 22nd but
505s Hot Topic where we're on top of it and
508s then I've got the controls so you can't
510s see but we changed the tabbing left and
512s right to Q and E from whatever letters
515s they were before
515s again small quality life stuff but it's
518s something super important to us that
520s we're really listening to the community
521s and even the small things you know like
523s tabbing left and right we think it's
525s important to to turn those around
527s quickly you get them in the game so we
528s kind of show that we're committed to
530s listening right but also making the game
533s better so that's probably enough of that
537s and now let's go play a little one thing
541s you'll notice here I think you think
543s this is cool I think it's cool but when
545s you go to this side of expedition and
547s this is for the 22nd of February not for
549s the 15th but we've got some feedback
552s that the flow of start of expedition was
554s a bit confusing
556s it's a lot easy to say hey like one of
559s the things I can play you pick one and
561s then the rest of the options go from
562s this and today we're gonna play free
563s play so we'll pick free play I want to
567s start at full Tarsus because I love that
569s starting point and after you click those
571s options you pick difficulty and you can
573s start I think we'll just do normal Jesse
576s told me that we have uber gear and that
579s we would be noobs
581s well he'll give it a shot what we're
587s learning Jesse do we have any questions
588s from chat at all or or that's been
591s unprompted but if you could find some
592s questions for us just so we're not
594s chatting and answering anything people
596s want to know that'd be cool I think I
606s said 215 at 9 a.m. Central Time right
609s but don't say 215 because in some
612s countries that's oh that's right thank
613s you
615s February 15 sorry I apologize I grew up
617s in Australia but yeah it's it's it's
619s different slash to you there yeah that's
621s right yeah okay sorry you go from it's
624s different story
624s it's like debating the metric system
626s okay are we gonna have someone join us
630s do we think Jesse because we want to
632s share the party widget but a little bit
635s later okay so I'm gonna hand over to
639s Chad and he's gonna fly around a bit and
642s I'm gonna tourist I have to fix
644s something I was saying forget so Chad
647s plays inverted because the only was
649s ridiculous I watched him just before
653s play without changing the settings it
655s was really funny so I was hoping that he
657s would forget that's a bummer so some
660s other things we did oh I should have
662s said this before we solder but whatever
664s grandmaster 1 2 & 3
666s you guys had seen numbers in the demo
668s that's significantly harder we also
672s decided the numbers were misleading like
674s I get hard to understand and give
676s context so we're actually gonna take the
677s numbers out of the strings but for
680s reference they're significantly harder
681s mother you played it but we've also
684s gonna put some guidance in there all the
686s way hey what kind of gear should you
688s have
688s going into this to each grandma's
690s difficulty and then also what kind of
693s loot drops from there so hopefully that
694s that makes it a bit easier to understand
698s one other note there like a lot of
700s feedback is around grandmaster stuff but
702s we purposely made difficulties settings
705s so that it's accessible for the game
706s right so we want people to be able to
709s come and play on easy and enjoy the
711s whole experience or push themselves to
713s normal or hard and if that's what you
716s want to do that's great and then for the
717s people who really want to challenge
718s themselves we have the extra three
720s difficulty so it's kind of up to you
722s guys what you want to do one thing you
724s might note that the Chad's doing here so
727s if you look at the compass at the top
728s there are the red arrows now on the
730s edges that's a new thing we added a
733s little quality life improvement that
735s shows that enemies are off-screen and it
737s gives you a whole you're gonna join the
740s ninja Mike gift Club of of crashing on
744s stream yeah but the red arrows just show
747s the enemies off screen so it instead of
749s like doing a 360 to fine stuff you'd
751s kind of get a better sense of if it's to
754s the left to the right which is pretty
756s cool do we have any any other questions
760s Jesse we have a bunch more stuff to talk
762s about but just to break up me talking
770s it's just laughing a Chad oh gosh I can
776s already see what this is going yeah you
785s know I'm not sure I think we might have
786s renamed blueprints the sigils I actually
789s saw that earlier and was like I should
790s go ask someone that question so let's
793s let's follow up on that after and post
795s the answer
796s my understanding is they other crafting
797s blueprints though like that
799s functionality is the same like it
801s unlocks the ability for you to craft
802s those things and so again in that world
805s if you're not getting the gear that you
807s want you can kind of craft it to to fill
811s in the gaps it's not much it normals
817s makes it even for me yeah is it too easy
820s a little T gonna start it again yeah we
822s should probably start over again so
823s there's a little bit more we don't put
824s on great I love you I apparently with
825s the colossus cuz apparently that's a
827s weak point for me you shoot me but let's
829s sum up these guys off first
830s yeah done let's do it how's the what's
837s the response I don't know if I ever saw
839s numbers in terms of spread from the
841s demos of what would what their favorite
843s javelin was did you see those no we
845s should get on the pulse oh yeah we
847s should just a poll so gambles been doing
850s polls uh has doing calls I did a poll
852s that was like what do you want to see on
853s stream and it was ridiculous like like
856s what was it like twenty twenty six
861s percent twenty six percent twenty six
862s percent twenty two percent or whatever
863s the math works out to be and then the
865s range of one in a tie vote because it
868s was bold on Twitter so I don't know how
870s close it was it doesn't tell you what
872s and then Mike's been doing them and
873s they've been pretty clothes food strata
875s John you're gonna play but we should do
877s a new one let's do a new poll yeah after
879s this one of us can press one and we'll
880s see
881s and then obviously we're just bother
883s ever comes lost so it's fine yeah we
886s went to that
887s we have to talk a little louder for the
888s question so oh I can repeat the question
891s oh sorry yeah so can you craft can you
898s get so the question is can you get
901s blueprints at legendary quality the
902s answer is blueprints quality agnostic so
905s once you unlock like an assault rifle
907s you can craft it at all the different
909s rarities once you get high enough level
911s by getting the correct materials I think
916s at launch we'd have very few that can
919s craft master worker legendaries because
921s they're different they're different
923s blueprints you'd have to actually get
925s like a boss like a legendary blueprint
927s so we have a handful in the game but not
930s for everything I don't think for
933s everything we might have changed that
935s but so we want you to be able to like
937s actually go and discover the loot for
939s yourself but I do know like when we do
942s combat balancing the guys do craft a
945s whole bunch of legendaries to get the
947s perfect inscription rolls so that's
949s definitely a thing you can do but I'm
952s not sure exactly which ones you can or
954s can't do but there are definitely a
956s bunch of legendary and masterwork
959s crafting movements
961s and if I get that wrong we will clarify
964s because these are now good questions
966s that I'm surprised I don't know all the
968s answers to not let me play you might die
974s I wasn't even paying attention to that
977s I'm sorry I was listening to you I was
979s learning okay yeah yeah I'll give it
990s back to Ben just a second I'm sorry
998s that's like that is that like a polite
1000s way to say I'm the worst it's like the
1002s only suit I haven't played is a cousin
1004s and I now come so embarrassed well here
1006s I can't I come oh this is gonna be
1009s perfect
1011s like you can do it
1014s I'm also a PC player side max so let's
1018s just get out of here a second okay well
1027s that's a compliment actually yeah that's
1029s a fair statement
1036s now I missed okay are we good now okay
1044s but I should have stopped talking yeah
1056s so see a little combo action yeah yeah
1058s nice yeah so kind of the feedback from
1062s the demo was hey the Colossus is awesome
1065s when you get all the shield and armor
1066s components but beforehand it was kind of
1069s underpowered and people having a tough
1070s time with it and so what we wanted to do
1072s is smooth that experience out so he made
1074s some changes to like basic health and
1079s shield scaling so that it wouldn't be so
1082s intensive to get to that point where it
1084s felt good so that'll be live there'll be
1087s some more tweaks to do there but yeah
1089s the idea was to not necessarily make you
1091s more powerful the top end just to make
1093s their journey like a little easier so
1095s that was the idea
1102s okay we have a bunch of other stuff to
1105s talk about that's not in the game so we
1106s should maybe wrap that up but man
1110s there's so much cool stuff to fight here
1112s any other obviously good any other
1114s questions we shared nice skit all this
1124s action what did you I know the answer do
1133s you remember yeah yes there will be
1136s yeah the plan for that is we're working
1139s on that for an update after work after
1142s watch sorry is there will we have SLI
1147s support the answer is yes yes after
1150s lunch yeah could say we have DirectX 11
1154s support on the 22nd right right yeah so
1157s I'm sorry I meant after the 5th I meant
1159s after February 15 yeah yeah good
1164s question what else we got Jessie
1172s a lot of people asking about field of
1175s view but I think you addressed that
1176s already yeah so we're gonna look into we
1178s think it's important it's complicated
1181s because of all the different modes we
1182s have between running sprinting flying
1184s and swimming and and titanium so we just
1189s got to get a little bit more time than
1190s we then we thought and so we're on it we
1193s just don't have an update on timing yet
1195s it's been Kinetico he's been getting
1197s accolades now for his place the Colossus
1199s oh I've read Rondo in action but no show
1200s no that is yeah AJ yeah just because
1209s we're in free play right you just
1210s randomly manage I sort of knew who I was
1212s like what's his name
1221s that's perfect then no it's not him can
1223s this reach up there does give a good
1230s knife hooks when he joined nice okay
1233s Dada let's do this so a question someone
1245s just came in can you join a friend and
1247s free play without first forming a group
1249s in Tarsus check this I don't know you
1251s don't look sure did yeah nice the catch
1255s is you've got there's got to be a empty
1257s spot right like if if free play is full
1259s way we can't boot someone for you so in
1262s that case like in that case you'd have
1264s to go back to uh oh nice as a turret
1267s yeah yeah good you'd have to go back to
1269s loops from button back to for Tarsus
1280s so let's talk about the potty widget a
1282s here he is so that is AJ oh no the
1286s turret
1286s it's kind of hard without having any
1288s what are you volume yeah that was all I
1292s guess that is my excuse why I was so
1293s terrible right so you can see the pod we
1296s actually shouldn't some stream before
1297s but just in case like so can he hear me
1300s can age a stand still okay you can see
1307s as we get further away it shows
1310s directionally where he is as well as
1312s like hey what do you call that like a
1315s feel the pizza-pie
1317s that shows like when i'm really far away
1319s it's super it's like our line but when I
1322s get closer look closer it'll assuming
1326s he's coming back
1327s I don't know what word you were looking
1328s for you mean like a proximity sensor
1329s yeah yeah so as we get close to like
1331s that that splits out Danis sure that I'm
1334s close to this is how I know I'm tired I
1338s don't have basic access to words
1340s oh shut up where is he going
1345s is he just doing his own thing yeah I
1346s see yeah as we get closer you can see
1348s that that expands so you get a sense and
1350s then like the dot is like he's close
1352s close and then you can see the like the
1355s blue icon in the screen that shows him
1357s so pretty cool pretty cool stuff
1360s alright I think we've talked about
1364s everything we want to show for now we
1368s have something else to talk about and
1370s then we can finish talking about well we
1371s didn't talk about the there were a lot
1374s of from the demo we can't at least there
1375s were a lot of people had issues with the
1377s holding on to echos and problems with
1379s that problem did we talk about that good
1381s no good point
1382s yeah and also audio we've made a lot of
1384s fixes to audio so I know people were
1385s having problems with that during the
1386s demo week and again the legacy of that
1388s build versus where we are with launch I
1390s think will address a lot of people's
1392s issues there yeah so with the echos
1395s we're making some changes actually not a
1397s hundred percent which build they're
1399s going in because we've had a couple bugs
1400s with it but in the demo it was like if
1404s someone didn't know they were carrying
1405s an echo like there was no way to like
1410s get it from them or whatever and so
1412s people could like
1413s not no or in like less cool situations
1416s people would purposely be not super
1418s friendly and kind of just be mean and
1420s not tournament so what we've changed is
1423s the echos basically have a one minute
1425s carry timer so after a minute you'll del
1429s turn red so you get a visual cue to it
1431s and then you'll drop them and now
1434s respawn at the place we pick them up
1436s from so you can't hide them or whatever
1439s and that's the same with relics so we
1442s had another issue in the stronghold
1443s where like someone would have a relic
1445s and disconnect or quit and that was the
1447s end of it so nice case after a minute
1449s they would respawn or chest action over
1451s here so that's better I can't really
1455s show that without getting a curse oh hey
1457s what's up buddy oh yeah we changed the
1461s emote menu so now they're all bound you
1463s don't scroll so it's kind of quicker
1466s access to all three instead of it being
1468s like having to quickly cycle through and
1471s through one this one's for Mike just
1473s want to throw a little flair out for him
1476s I know it's his favorite thing we miss
1478s you on the stream today bud which won't
1481s listen you when you give me this one
1482s thumbs up oh do it again I see it again
1485s it's still doing it like it oh because
1489s it was like they'll look back like that
1492s one yeah no I see it yeah that's fine we
1496s didn't talk about the thing we didn't
1497s talk about was uh PC controls are we
1499s gonna talk about it any depth did you
1500s wanna hold that to like oh I like this
1503s I'm like I'll be host don't worry yeah
1505s it's actually better for all of you
1509s watching this is why it was so terrible
1510s playing I'm actually not quite that bad
1511s but I'm not that I'm great but it's not
1514s as much easier to what yeah try to talk
1515s and play at the same time at least for
1517s me it was yes so I we posted a reddit
1523s thread on PC controls the two really big
1525s things were there was a bug that caused
1528s the symptom of negative acceleration so
1530s long story short if you moved too fast
1534s like it would slow you down artificially
1536s which made it hard for like snap aiming
1538s which is super important especially for
1542s things like heavy pistol sniper rifles
1544s that kinda
1545s so we fixed that it actually we didn't
1547s have negative acceleration it was a bug
1549s that had the symptom kind of whatever
1551s it's a moot point
1552s so that's fixed which makes a big
1554s difference I think too that sometimes
1555s you're like why what is that aiming feel
1557s weird and that was the answer but yeah
1559s and there's some new options for it too
1561s right and the innocence ooh there is so
1564s that that that's the second half so yeah
1567s because that one was cool because we
1570s wouldn't have found it like that sounds
1572s silly to say but only a community spent
1574s like the energy like we've played it so
1576s much but sometimes you get too close to
1577s it right so just to say thanks the
1580s community yeah the second one was we did
1582s a pass on swim in flight so there are a
1583s couple issues there like we realize who
1586s were balancing to 1200 dpi which I think
1589s sorry to 1800 dpi and by default most
1593s mice plug in at like 1200 dpi so like
1596s that was close my problems there was
1599s also the problem with lag like when you
1601s were trying to fly out on a control I
1603s mean no mouse when you're trying to fly
1604s there was a lag kind of feel like you're
1606s being towed and we realized that that
1609s was the issue so we changed that out now
1611s it's way more responsive and then we
1613s also gave options to basically turn off
1616s all mouse acceleration on flight so I
1619s kind of think mouse acceleration on the
1621s flight like for me I quite like it but I
1623s get that many people want the law input
1625s and so we've created some settings there
1627s and so we rebalance that sensitivity
1628s settings we broadened out how far the
1631s settings go and all that kind of stuff
1633s Asians snap to Center option yeah and it
1636s will reset to center or zero which is
1638s really but yeah after delay and yeah
1641s people ask can we have a toggle for that
1642s it's like yeah that's pretty good point
1644s like we didn't have that but if it's a
1646s problem we could we could probably add
1648s it so we were gonna try to show up but
1652s like I don't have a table so I don't I
1654s can't show you the mouse take my word
1658s for it maybe is that a thing that we're
1660s doing I don't know I played it yeah you
1662s think it's better yeah it's way better
1663s yeah yeah I mean playing at home as well
1665s it's way like I mean do you made the
1667s comment earlier I think it's true it's
1668s like we've been playing the game so much
1670s although my play today didn't show it
1672s that we've gotten used to the way the
1674s settings are for the game and so I think
1675s a lot of us have gotten used to just
1676s jamming up
1677s - Tiffany's on on the mouse - like
1680s maximum values and then adjusted or
1683s adjusted mentally - how much we were
1685s moving the mouse on the pad how are you
1686s playing and in reality we conditioned
1688s ourselves in a way that behaviorally I
1690s think then when the when our players got
1692s in and played if they're like whoa this
1693s this this needs some help and right
1695s thanks for the feedback it's it's made
1697s it better yeah same thing like the
1698s specific feedback is what's super
1700s helpful there so that was really cool
1703s but yeah like I used to say like you
1706s know flight is just better on a
1708s controller but actually don't take that
1709s anymore like for me I after playing a
1712s lot of time on a control of a flight I'm
1714s not so great at aiming on a controller
1715s but yeah like PC just never felt great
1720s but now for me that they feel equal
1722s and same with swimming like a lot of the
1724s problems with flight would just
1725s exacerbated in swimming because of the
1727s slower nature of it so that's way better
1733s as well all right so yeah we are going
1736s to poops yes that was huge with we are
1741s going to move now this is anything like
1744s Jessie it's all going to be I'm talking
1745s you know get notes on the screen I'm
1750s crushing yes a what we might do is let
1753s me white these guys out so the last
1755s thing wanted to talk about is something
1757s that that Chad and I are super excited
1759s about we worked on a lot on this is yeah
1762s okay this is all about launch but we
1764s have this really cool live service the
1766s launch is really just the beginning
1768s there's so much more to come and so we
1770s released I don't know when it was a week
1772s ago two weeks ago yeah the start a live
1776s road map and so you just wanted to to
1778s bring that up and I just talked to you
1780s guys through it like we're not
1782s necessarily gonna reveal more
1783s information but we think we can offer
1786s more context to it cuz kind of our goal
1789s for the road map was to really make sure
1791s people get that for us this is just the
1794s beginning and that really committed to
1795s it want to have a rehab service and so I
1797s wouldn't steal the Thunder for we're
1798s gonna talk about but if least so we can
1800s swap out a game I should put the
1804s controller down okay wait so Pat a game
1806s and take us through the road map if we
1810s have it you know I think it's weight is
1820s the best thing is you're gonna live
1821s longer here than I did when I was
1822s playing just stand up well AJ is out
1826s there killing everything for us oh yeah
1827s you didn't have that benefit yeah yeah I
1830s mean Nighthawk and Dragon are brothers
1833s forever forever exactly if you don't get
1835s a nut hook and dragon joke literally
1837s into Google type Nighthawk and Dragon
1839s yes and then picture one of them is me
1842s and one of them is my Campbell that's
1843s right that's the joke so yeah so the
1847s context this is this is one of the
1848s assets that we shared last week talking
1852s about where we're going with this game
1853s for the long-term and hey you know I I
1855s think I take a step back and kind of
1857s intro in this a little bit and say
1858s through the shows that Ben and I have
1860s been doing and the interviews that we've
1862s done one of the main questions we get is
1863s like you know from really you know
1865s committed players what
1867s what's our commitment behind this game
1869s and what's our plans for the long term
1870s and putting this out was a big you know
1872s big moment for us because we've been
1873s working on plans for post-launch for
1875s quite a while and we've got you know and
1878s we've got people working on that now to
1879s help make an amazing experience for our
1881s players after launch and so getting this
1883s out in a way that we could start to talk
1884s about what's gonna come after launch was
1886s really an important event for us and so
1887s this this this first slide or first
1890s image shows kind of a commitment to the
1893s long term for us in terms of the
1895s longevity for this game that we want to
1897s see and that you'll yeah there's some
1898s there's not a lot of details on there
1900s but I think what you'll you'll see and
1901s we have to be careful what we talk about
1902s and what we don't but we think about
1906s anthems post-launch content in the
1908s sequence of acts where an act represents
1910s this this grouping of content and
1912s updates that will do that has a
1914s narrative theme to it that we think is
1916s going to be super compelling for the
1917s players and this first one we're calling
1919s echoes of reality and it leads up to
1921s some detail that I'll let then expand on
1923s with the with the next asset that we had
1925s but then what may take I want everybody
1928s have from this it's just like we're
1930s we're in this for the long haul we want
1931s this to be an amazing experience for for
1933s many years and I think if you look at
1934s the way that buyer wants to evolve games
1937s like anthem it's it's exactly behind
1938s this kind of stuff yep cool so we
1941s flipped to the next one oh it's us again
1943s hey
1943s we're back but maybe for a second I can
1947s kind of just start talking to it as we
1949s maybe get it up but you look like Chad
1953s said you know it's super hard pre-launch
1955s to share the specifics of every update
1957s that we're gonna do because a big part
1959s of going live is is looking at how
1961s players play the game and reacting to it
1963s and so we call that quality of life you
1965s know a lot of the things we've just
1966s spent the stream talking through is like
1968s we see what players are saying and we
1970s fix it and so often to do those things
1972s you kind of have to push out some other
1974s plans and so we wanted to kind of to
1977s start with pre-launch talking themes and
1979s and speak to and we can flip over
1981s whenever you already speak to the the
1985s kind of what are the within act one like
1987s Chad said it's a bag of things and and
1989s in each act like bit different well you
1992s can't see my gestures anymore which is
1993s probably good absolutely but yeah a bag
1995s of things and each act could be
1997s different but in the first act we wanted
1999s to have these three things right
2001s evolving world stronger together and
2003s then the Cataclysm and you know without
2006s going into all the specifics we want to
2008s share like what are those themes mean to
2010s us and like why are they important we
2012s think to anthem the game and so the
2014s whole thing world is really the payoff
2016s that anthem is is dangerous world you
2018s know one of the strengths I think of the
2020s IP the narrative the world building is
2022s that this world is constantly evolving
2024s and it's constantly changing and so we
2025s wanted to pay that off by saying hey
2027s when you come to anthem there's always a
2029s new experience waiting for you and that
2031s might be you know doing a stronghold or
2033s things you know about but it can also
2035s take the form of things like events and
2036s so you know an example of yes one
2040s example of an event
2041s we sure do demo oh yeah that's right
2043s yeah we did you guys like that I thought
2045s it was cool yeah
2046s and so it can be things like that where
2048s it's like hey maybe we spawn Titans in
2049s the world for a couple hours or a couple
2052s days and Titans drop great loot and we
2054s have a challenge associated with it and
2056s then you can collect the lewd and and
2057s complete the challenge and that's like a
2059s fun thing to log into and other things
2061s will be more subtle and I don't want to
2062s talk about the Spartan but there are
2064s small things that we think the players
2065s who play a lot will notice these things
2067s and say what's this about and sometimes
2070s there's cool rewards to that and
2071s sometimes that it leads you into into
2074s something bigger well I think
2076s I think you've really touched on some
2077s nice things that we've talked about for
2078s quite a while during anthems development
2080s and it's like yeah there's that there's
2082s the evolving world piece but it's also
2083s just this sense that there's always
2085s gonna be something new to come back and
2086s discover and and be part of this you
2089s know both the community but also the
2090s game as it evolves over time because
2092s hopefully what you're seeing and what
2093s we've been showing is this you know
2096s really meaningful engagement that we
2098s want to hear feedback from you about
2099s what you like and what you don't like as
2100s you're playing the game and we'll use
2101s that as we go forward with what the live
2103s calendar day just thinks yeah and so
2106s just to take that that passionate story
2109s that we've delivered like this for us
2111s Mill banding take the form of events
2113s that you experience in free play and we
2115s have a lot of cool things we're doing
2116s there specifics aside so we'll get to
2118s that so that was a ball being whirled
2120s the second one was stronger together
2123s and so stronger together is really about
2127s you know the freelancer has done all
2129s this stuff and I went up with the story
2131s and their numbers are growing and and
2134s you're forming together trying to take
2135s on tougher and tougher challenges and we
2138s need some social constructs for that and
2139s so that's all about promoting social
2142s interaction and promoting social
2144s competition so two things that that are
2146s on that page guilds and leader boards
2149s and so you know guilds are a great way
2152s for like-minded people to get together
2154s and and form like a social group where
2156s when you get on you can look who's in
2158s your guild invite people and kind of
2160s group up and do activities and stuff
2162s like that and we understand how
2163s important that is for games of this
2165s style for sure it's it's been part of
2166s what we've done for a bunch of other
2167s games for four years and I think it's
2169s gonna be a really big addition as part
2171s of that stronger together together
2173s element to make to bring that together
2175s in a nice way yeah for sure
2177s and then leaderboards like I don't wanna
2178s get into with details today but
2180s leaderboards is about social competition
2182s so like if you're like ahead in the
2184s power curve and you've you're starting
2187s to beat some of the more difficult
2188s difficulty levels like grandmas or two
2191s or three and you're starting to get like
2193s decked out in masterwork and Legendary's
2194s you know as that loot chase you know
2197s you're reaching a very powerful level
2199s you want to compete with your friends so
2201s then it becomes more than just can I
2202s beat the content and and can I get the
2205s best loot til two can I do it better
2207s than my friends and what is better than
2209s my friends
2210s that's the stuff that we'll talk about
2211s later as well as what content would have
2215s a leaderboard and how does that work and
2217s is it like a yearly abroad or a weekly
2219s leader but like all those things we need
2221s we don't want to talk about right now
2222s but that's some of the stuff we'll
2224s discuss but just to kind of put that out
2225s there that stronger together is about
2227s things like those two things and that's
2229s not the end of the list of what we want
2230s to do and it's about improving social
2232s interaction across the board they might
2235s be quality life improvements or some
2236s other things we have in mind but just to
2238s give a sense of that theme and then the
2241s third one is the Cataclysm
2244s so the Cataclysm is really and we've
2246s talked a bit about this in press and
2248s interviews and yeah and maybe even on a
2250s stream at some point but it's really
2252s about aspirational content and so you
2254s know players often ask questions like
2256s will you have raids and like we don't
2259s want to use that term raid but like what
2261s is a raid represent it's it's
2262s aspirational content it's the thing that
2264s you do with friends that you might
2266s schedule like Tuesday Thursday nights to
2267s play together and it's like the toughest
2270s challenge with the great rewards and so
2272s for us that that comes in the form of a
2274s Cataclysm and there's a lot of detail to
2277s share there and a lot of information
2278s that that's not for today but that's
2280s what it represents in the ecosystem so
2282s we're kind of saying as you come to
2285s anthem and experience the world you'll
2286s experience this evolving world and
2288s events will will spawn and you'll have
2290s these unique experiences and then you'll
2292s band together in groups and start to
2294s experience social competition and then
2295s that journey takes you to you know the
2299s big the biggest part of the Act which is
2301s the Cataclysm they're saying like now
2303s that you've learnt all these things and
2304s you form these friendships and you have
2305s this power like now go take on a tougher
2308s challenge that's a bit more aspirational
2309s but we still want to be really
2311s accessible so it'll be something that a
2313s group of four players can just go and
2315s play and have a good time it's just that
2317s they might not get the same loot and
2319s rewards as as a highly coordinated group
2321s of more what you would call say a
2324s hardcore players yeah and again none of
2326s that makes a lot of sense that all the
2327s detail yeah so we just want to tease
2329s enough to answer it to say there's some
2331s really cool stuff coming and then as we
2333s get into the live service you know we're
2336s fixing the issues that come up and we're
2338s improving the game we can start sharing
2340s more details about okay hey now we're
2341s also adding news
2342s what is that new stuff and and we'll
2344s keep sharing that but there there are
2346s three themes for act 1 right don't know
2349s I mean a few things I'd add to that just
2350s as like yeah if you look at 2 we can't
2353s share details on it but if you look at
2355s the way the narrative will build over
2356s that I think there's some cool things
2357s that the the fans and players will see
2360s with that too and I think all this ties
2362s together both you know thematically and
2363s systemically in a really nice set of
2365s updates that we're super excited about
2366s because it you know we understand the
2368s importance of tying us all together in a
2371s way that improves the quality of life in
2373s the game improves the experience overall
2375s but also advances advances the story and
2377s does some things that we think are
2378s really cool and unique to the anthem
2380s experience overall one one final point
2382s out I'd add this is all included with
2388s the game so we've got kind of questions
2390s about that too this is not this is not
2391s DLC or purchase content this is part of
2393s what you get with the original you know
2396s the purchase of the game so we are out
2400s of time we went a little bit over as we
2401s always do because we love to chat but
2405s thanks again everyone for tuning in it's
2408s always super exciting for us to get to
2411s interact with the community we are super
2414s close February 15 9 a.m. Central Time is
2418s an early access for PC premiere and PC
2424s origin access correct correct that right
2428s and it's an xbox one also has yeah xbox
2432s EA access xbox EA access yeah yeah so
2435s that's all happening real soon we're
2436s excited really big shout out to say
2440s thank you to our lovely team who put the
2442s stream on again they both Yamini team
2444s and I'm Lisa who helps out with all this
2446s stuff you guys are amazing
2448s thanks to the fans always most
2450s importantly thanks to the developers we
2452s get to come out here and have a good
2454s time and chat and play the game but
2456s there's a lot of people hard at work on
2458s on getting this game ready to ship and
2460s now moving on to the the live service
2463s content that we kind of just talked
2464s about absolutely yeah thank you have any
2466s parting words and then we'll know do I
2468s get invited back yes I think what sauce
2472s to pull on that I've been
2474s try to come back yes no okay that's not
2476s how friendly is everyone yeah cool so
2479s it's great to be home I'll close with
2480s that do we have an outro video today all
2483s right so no outro video just us saying
2486s thank you all so much we'll be playing
2488s with you all come come Friday and and
2491s into the the service will probably be
2493s anonymous but we will certainly do there
2495s and and we look forward to playing the
2497s game with all of you so thanks so much
2499s and we'll chat to you next time take
2501s everybody