about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by topher347

I really hope it stays as awesome and positive as it currently is after launch. So far the devs have been the best I've seen of listening to the community and reacting, the launch bay being an awesome example of this.

This sub staying positive and constructive will hopefully encourage that relationship. They've already shown they can take suggestions and roll with them, and very quickly at that. If people start spamming demands and being negative it's probably going to discourage them.

Basically, I'm sure the game won't be perfect post launch, and will have things we'd like to see, or have changed. I think as long as we keep up expressing both points we like, and improvements we'd like to see, but doing both in a civil and positive way, we can keep that up with the awesome dev team, and this game will be great for a long time to come.

The plan is to stay active regardless of the state of the game and the subreddit. We know there will be challenges, awesome moments, laughs, frustrations, etc and we plan on being here through all of it.

Launch is just the next milestone, we’re already working and planning many milestones after it. We’ll need your help and feedback to be agile enough to change course where we need to.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by topher347

I think that's an awesome attitude to be going in with, and very encouraging to hear! I for one am pumped to try the demo tomorrow, and see what else you guys have in store for us.

Knowing the game can be a live, evolving thing is really cool, and I certainly plan to do what I can to share my feelings with you guys as it goes. Knowing that it's not falling on deaf ears and actually makes a difference makes it feel worthwhile, and much as that seems like it should be a given these days, it really isn't.

Kudos to you guys, and keep up the good work! I'll be jumping in at launch tomorrow :)

Thank you topher347, appreciate the reply and heartfelt sentiment. Can't wait for you to try it and tell me what you think.