about 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Greetings, Freelancers!

Today, we’ve rolled out an update that will change what’s for sale in the Regulator Shop in Fort Tarsis. Since its introduction, the Regulator Shop, owned and operated by the lovely Sayrna, has specialized in providing players an opportunity to exchange Coin for various crafting components. We recognize that this shop became less of a need for Freelancers after lvl 30 and felt it could be improved a bit in this interim.

Starting today, the Regulator Store will begin to sell Legendary items (exclusively for Coin). You’ll have the option to purchase a Legendary Weapon or a Legendary item for each class. Level 30 players will get these items at 80 power and players below level 30 will get these items scaled to their respective levels. Be sure to keep a lookout in case something you’re trying to get shows up in there.

There will be no downtime for this change and you should already see it in-game. Should we have any other small tweaks or updates for the game in the future, we’ll be sure to let you know!

—Anthem Team

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