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I like the extra charge inscription. Thing is if I use both shots and wait until recharged to 1.5, then use ability again, it drops down to zero charge. In this example I think using one shot should drop me down to half a charge. It really diminishes the bonus where if you're trying to use the ability as often as possible, you only benefit a lot of the time at the opening of a fight.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Agreed, this is a bug - it's filed and we're looking at fixes!

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by shoopdewhoopwah

Can we please also look into Ranger's seeker missile not refilling on combo kill like it should? Please!

Sure thing, I'll poke QA and see if there's an issue logged.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Kingpin3339

Yall have been looking at this bug with the multiple charges reseting if not fully filled, for over 26 days according to this post. When will it be fixed?

I'm pretty sure I saw this come through as fixed, though it is not in today's patch.

Edit: Days.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Dtaggart91

Todays patch?

Yes.... Because today is not in fact Sunday.... 😊 (I'll edit above - thanks for the catch)

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Kingpin3339

Thank you for your quick response. So you believe the next patch will fix it but just didn't get into the patch notes? I hope it gets fixed soon because not wanting to use abilities until the 2 or 3 charges are full is a pain.

No, I believe it's fixed but is not in this patch. It will likely be in a future patch. 😊