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We know you hear our cries and anger, but we need some reassurance. You dont need to tell us we have a big patch tomorrow or we wont be having act 1 in March. We just want you to talk to us with small updates. For example, we have fixed a bug, but we have encountered another problem so itll be delayed. Or we pulled an all nighter to address some issues today hoping to settle them soon.

You dont need to reveal anything. This community knows your working hard, but when things go quiet we get nervous. Tell us the baby is gonna be ok. Tell us how your day has been. I dont know if I speak for a lot of people, but I'm always looking for updates. Yes I like art and the stuff people create, but I like hearing from the developers more. We are listening too.

Strong Alone, Stronger Together.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Heya :)

about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

We're here, just hard at work. I'm putting together the patch notes for the next update that contains a lot of fixes to issues being reported.

I'm also putting together a livestream for this Wednesday. Time isn't final yet, but we're aiming for 3pm CT.

about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Originally posted by Jixor_

Like the system crashes and system failures? Those things that you have been silent on? Meanwhile Ben is trying to be cute with his little "heya" reply that isnt helping anybody. Tons of people have lost faith in this team and you havent communicated any information since the half assed loot patch.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by tuanster1119

u/BenIrvo, I'm one of guys who has a knee jerk reaction and told you to F off when I read this comment. First off, I apologize for that. I wrote this as I was playing Anthem, having a blast doing freeplay in GM2 but knowing that at the end of my time I would receive the inevitable gut punch that is the loot summary screen. First of all, my reaction was an emotional one and I've been trying to think about why the word "Heya" triggered such a reaction. After giving it some thought, I'd say that the word that sums it up best is tone deaf. Before launch you guys were active and updates were flowing frequently. Honestly, something along the lines of, "we're working on something, you'll hear from us soon" would've been a better reply than "heya" considering the current state of the game and the issues that are mounting. This game is so frustrating because the core gameplay is fantastic, you've built something fantastic here but the loot system is broken and when it felt good to the players, Bio determined that it was an error. You literally had things at a decent place and decided it was too favorable to the players and took it away.

I want to see this game succeed, I just fear that the problems are self-inflicted and the clock on this game's viability is running out. I don't know about the inner workings of the EA/Bioware relationship but we've all seen what publishers have done to games that are not performing well enough to satisfy the money/marketing people.

tl;dr: I told BenIrvo to F off. Feel bad about it, and structured my thoughts. I love this game and want to see it succeed but am frustrated that "heya" is the only thing he's said with all the issues going on.

So in the last 7 days (lets start tomorrow - wed). I will have done 2 live streams, set an appointment for loot. Followed up with the loot description then the loot patch. And done numerous posts. In 7 days. We also did a bunch of game patches.