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So I had meant to make a post during the VIP demo, but haven't had a chance till now. Somewhere near the end of the demo I noticed that in the settings was the option to play with Color Blindness settings. I am Red-Green Color Blind (Protanopia). I for the most part spend my life kind of just accepting colors without really labeling them or thinking about it. But in some game content I've found that settings like this can really help discern between different items or areas (Destiny for example makes it easier to tell the difference between element shields and engrams).

So on to the issue. Upon setting the game for Protanopia I found that the games contrast had been heavily changed to the point that I could not see in front of me during a night time Stronghold. Obviously I played with the brightness and contrast, but found it to largely wash out the picture, both with monitor settings and game settings. My monitor (XF270HU) does great in other games that offer these options, so at this point it seems like an issue with Anthem's settings, but I'm curious to hear if anyone else had any experience with them.

In case anyone is interested this was seen on my 7700K+1080ti desktop with the previously mentioned monitor, as well as a 6600hq + 1070 laptop rocking a 60hz monitor.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by SoSoMeaty

So I had meant to make a post during the VIP demo, but haven't had a chance till now. Somewhere near the end of the demo I noticed that in the settings was the option to play with Color Blindness settings. I am Red-Green Color Blind (Protanopia). I for the most part spend my life kind of just accepting colors without really labeling them or thinking about it. But in some game content I've found that settings like this can really help discern between different items or areas (Destiny for example makes it easier to tell the difference between element shields and engrams).

So on to the issue. Upon setting the game for Protanopia I found that the games contrast had been heavily changed to the point that I could not see in front of me during a night time Stronghold. Obviously I played with the brightness and contrast, but found it to largely wash out the picture, both with monitor settings and game settings. My monitor (XF270HU) does great in other games that offer these options, so at this point it seems like an issue with Anthem's settings, but I'm curious to hear if anyone else had any experience with them.

In case anyone is interested this was seen on my 7700K+1080ti desktop with the previously mentioned monitor, as well as a 6600hq + 1070 laptop rocking a 60hz monitor.

Just as a note, we're looking in to this 😊.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by pianopower2590

Is there a way to reduce the intensity of the blue flashes you get when you take damage? Im a epileptic (very controlled/mild case) and those effects are almost triggering. Sorry for my english, but they are best described as blue stutters.

That's concerning, I'll make sure we get something filed! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by pianopower2590

Thank you so much!

Which suit were you playing?

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by FearParable

I might have some recorded footage of this happening on my Storm. I have not uploaded. I can get it uploaded to youtube tonight. What would be the best way to get it to you?

It's ok, I think I have what I need for the bug report - thank you though! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by hamsterkill

Do you know if there are improvements to this we can expect for release or would it be for some time after? The filter in the demo was frustrating because it felt like I had to choose between seeing the UI and seeing the actual world.

Likely not for day0 - but I think it's something we'd like to address soon after. I'll poke some folks again and make sure it's on their radar. 😊