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Getting 1-3 MW's per legendary contract the last 2 days. Getting 1-4 for doing strongholds. All on GM1 / GM2. Today post patch? TONS of white and blues. A single MW on contracts, and a single MW on strongholds from the final boss.

  • Ok fine, its RNG you say. Then I searched the subreddit, dozens of posts reporting the same.
  • Anedotcal, let me text my group of friends, ALL of them are experiencing the same. All? Ok lets test it again. We did 12 legendary contracts across 6 players, with no changes to gear as apposed to yesterday. ALL had Drastic reduced drop rates in rarity of Gear on GM1+. Whites and greens everywhere, a few epics and a SINGLE MW as completion loot. Not cool bioware, your gear already has the worse RNG on stats you could at least compensate by keeping the drop rates high, now you've killed my motivation to even keep playing.

Edit : Thank you for all the comments and replies. Seems a good discussion is taking place, hopefully Bioware can chime in. Thanks all.

Edit 2 : More and more posts about the same issue keep popping up. This isn't just RNG like alot of people are trying to defend it. I think its probably a bug.

External link β†’
about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Hey - update on what happened here.

In our Friday changes, one of the edits we made had the side effect of increasing certain drop chances. This was not intended. Once we identified the problem we changed it back to how it was before. That was about 11 hours later.

Took a little time for that message to make it around internally and to make sure we understood what happened and how to avoid it going forward.

It’s never our intent to make changes without being transparent, so we wanted to come in here to respond and clarify.


Note: we did intentionally change the drop rates of rare items in certain chests, per the patch notes we posted