about 5 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

25s hello everyone and welcome to another
27s anthem livestream I'm Ben Irving Lee
30s producer for anthem and today we have a
32s very special guest who has actually been
35s here for every stream I think but first
37s time sitting in the hot seat
39s we have Jesse Jesse do you wanna not
42s that usually need an introduction but
43s just introduce yourself to the fans yeah
45s for those that don't know me I'm Jessie
47s Anderson one of the community managers
48s on anthem Andrew Johnson also has been
51s working behind the scenes you'll
52s probably see him one of these streams
53s coming up but yeah glad to be here on
56s camera yeah we're very excited to have
57s you
58s so actually Jessie do you want to talk
60s us through what's the agenda for today
62s what are we going to cover yeah so
63s originally we said we were going to do
64s some legendary missions we won't be
66s doing that today we're primarily going
67s to cover what we've we've got coming in
70s the next update so we're gonna talk
72s about that we're going to show you some
73s things that we've changed and that's
76s primarily like the point of this stream
78s is just showing every what we've been
79s working on and then you had some things
81s you wanted to talk about - yeah yeah so
83s I think like just kind of to riff off
85s that a little bit what we've heard a lot
87s from reading social media reddit all
90s that kind of stuff is that people want
91s to update on you know what are the bugs
93s that we're fixing with the next patch
95s and what are some of the quality of life
97s things so we figured that we'd spend
98s most of our time just talking about them
100s I think first off the big one is where
103s we're at with crashes and we just posted
105s some stuff on Twitter but we've been
108s investigating crashes disconnects that
109s kind of stuff we actually have a strike
111s team going internally full of some
113s really talented engineers who are
115s spending all of their time resolving
116s that so we have a whole lot of crash
118s fixes going into our next patch that
121s patch is currently scheduled for March
123s 12th that's our goal we'll see where
126s that hits but it should be pretty close
127s to March 12th so in that things like
131s some of the PlayStation crashes so you
134s know there have been some reports where
136s a PlayStation can temporarily power down
139s and so just to be clear in all the
142s instances we're aware of that we've
143s investigated in partnership with
145s first-party they can be powered back up
148s if you know how to just turn the power
149s back on and cycle it properly and so we
153s have discovered a bunch of things that
155s were causing crashes one of them was
157s that and we've addressed them in in our
159s patch so have we caught every crash in
160s the game I don't know probably not but
162s we feel like we've addressed a lot of
164s the really big offenders and that should
165s make the experience really good for
166s players we think when that goes live in
169s on March 12th so that was the first one
172s the second one is I think we're gonna
175s play the whole game today with that
177s level one defender because that's the
179s the new hotness of what to play aunt
181s them with just kidding so we did just we
184s it has been reported and it's getting
186s subtraction on reddit that the level one
189s defender rifle is doing too much damage
192s that's a bug and we can fix the super
194s easily we just got to work out how will
197s how quickly we can get that that out so
199s our goal is to fix that real soon so no
201s worries about that and then I think why
204s don't we yes top 2 gameplay and then we
208s can well why don't you talk about so
210s we're gonna play on the build that's
213s gonna give out next yep so what you're
215s gonna see is the same build that you all
218s have next week when you update hopefully
220s much 12th we'll see how it goes but yeah
224s so here we are we're using so lots of
227s those things first thing first thing
229s Jesse are you in a group yes I know I am
232s I am by myself right now but you do see
234s hold why does thought expedition I do so
237s that was one of the things requested a
239s lot was hey like in a group that things
242s there can I just have it all the time
243s so that if you are you know picking up a
245s contract from yarrow you know kind of at
248s the opposite end of for Tarsus you can
250s now push this button I'll take you
252s straight in the side of expedition so
254s kind of cut out some of that travel time
255s and then we go so I think we was gonna
257s do free play today and mess around a
259s little bit and show some some cool
261s things that we've been we've been fixing
263s I need to go to Grand Master 3 right
270s because he didn't give himself a high
273s level build yeah it's like we can't be
275s playing hot I agree we're gonna be the
277s pleb devs who don't play I tried with
281s with the gear I've got on Grand Master
282s one and it was
284s a little rough that's fine so we can we
288s can hop in here to expedition so some
293s other things we did what was it last man
295s the week's remit of a blow I think it
297s was last week we did some glute changes
299s as well there was lots of frustration
303s about mainly around I think infusions
306s not being good enough like you could get
307s bad rolls and so I'm sure if you're
310s watching the stream you're kind of aware
311s but we did some posts to Reddit
314s communicated the problem what we wanted
316s to do and then we were able to get that
318s in I think it was the day next the other
320s day after my remembered I think was
322s Thursday yep and and the TLDR of that is
326s you know in inscriptions sorry yeah in
329s description should be more relevant to
331s the weapon or the items specifically if
334s they impact that item so the gear icon
336s things which means it's just for that
338s item are always good for for the weapon
342s or item that it's on and then any suit
344s bonuses that could apply to anything
345s will they apply to anything so having a
348s white lightning damage or electricity
351s damage bonus on a weapon is still cool
354s because if you're playing an electricity
356s storm build like that's still useful to
357s you so yeah I think I seem pretty good
360s we're monitoring all of that you know
363s we're always going to review things like
367s drop rates and and and that kind of
368s stuff we think there are a couple things
370s missing still so originally we wanted to
373s remove uncommon and common so white and
376s green drops from our level 30 content we
379s couldn't do that the fast way or the
382s server-side way but we have addressed
384s that in the patch coming on March 12 so
387s hopefully that makes that experience
389s better I think people were getting
391s frustrated they're doing super hog
392s content and then you get us a stack of
394s common and uncommon strokes not really
396s cool so we've addressed that for March
399s 12 and then I think the part we haven't
402s done yet and we'll just monitor it and
404s we're talking into about some plans are
406s you know GM 2 & 3
408s that's grandmaster 2 & 3 don't feel as
410s rewarding as we'd like them to be right
412s now I think from an efficiency
414s standpoint and
415s from a quality of leads you get
419s perspective Eva through like the drop
422s rates or even the types of items that
425s are dropping the rarity and stuff like
426s that so we're going to look into that
428s that's not in this next patch but we're
429s on top of that we're listening to the
431s feedback so you know something like a
433s consolidated thread on reddit would be
435s cool if you guys feel like doing that
437s that just kind of talks through any
439s feedback you have for GM 2 & 3 we'd love
441s to read that feedback we're reading it
443s but it's a bit spread out so I wanted to
445s point out also if anyone was like Oh a
447s noob you overheated and crash to the
449s ground then anyone notice how quickly I
451s actually recover yeah that's right
453s I just know as you're looking at me you
455s would trauma time and talking but I talk
457s too much that's why it's my fault okay
459s so when you overheat now before Colossus
462s players might have noticed it took a
464s little while to the heavy hit reaction
466s was so overheating running into walls if
471s you you know happen to do that takes a
473s little while but so if you watch now and
476s crash into the ground you can move
479s pretty quick if you blink you miss it
480s this yeah so but here's the thing there
484s right stuff like this at least to me
485s it's like little quality of life things
487s and we get enough of them done again
489s based on player feedback I feel like it
490s makes a really big difference to like
491s the enjoyment of when you play the game
493s yes so it's a lot faster I've been
496s playing Colossus and if you make a
498s mistake and run into a wall you're
499s you're a sitting duck for a while
501s actually so I can't remember do you know
503s if we did that just for flight crashes
505s or is it all heavy kit reactions
508s it's all heavy hit I think that's all
509s yeah so so there are a couple other
511s situations where you can get in a tough
513s spot as a Colossus where you can't bring
515s your shield up in time because you've
516s gone in that little time out on the
517s heavy hit reaction I don't feel better
519s as well yeah so gear you can use gear
521s quicker after being taking a heavy hit
524s makes it a lot quicker yeah like you
526s said to pull up that shield and this is
527s this is gonna be fun so other stuff I
532s mean we almost suggest reading through
534s not all the patch notes but a bunch of
536s the patch notes we we went through the
538s patch notes I think we fixed we made
540s like 300 changes of
544s sometimes like five changes equals one
546s patch no so it's not really away but
549s just for context like mainly again our
551s lens what we wanted to do was like
553s anything that would improve any kind of
556s friction points or kind of play a
558s feedback is what we want to do in this
559s patch for next week so some other things
562s so I mentioned we had kind of our crash
565s instability strike team going and so
566s they were focused a lot on on the
568s specific PlayStation crashes but
570s honestly looking at all of the the top
572s crashes and connectivity issues so
575s there's a bunch of stuff later to that
577s that will go in the patch and so
578s hopefully you know people have a better
580s experience there one of the other big
584s ones that had come up both for social
587s media just because like when we play the
589s game was annoying is quick play wasn't
592s going so great you would back fill in
595s two missions and they wouldn't progress
597s so we made a lot of improvements there
600s so we kind of took most of the
602s situations that got flagged with us so
604s people were great about reporting
606s specific missions and specific
607s situations where they were hitting
608s issues so we've addressed all the ones
611s we know what on that doesn't mean we've
613s fixed all of it I think there's some
615s stuff to quit play we just we're gonna
616s have to get better at and make it better
618s but at least those big things that were
620s reported we believe you address them
622s it's like seven or eight specific
623s situations that we've fixed and our hope
626s is that that means you know most of the
628s time in quick play my to wake up the
631s laptop most of time and quit play we you
634s should have success there so that'll be
636s good another big one I'm sorry let me
640s read so I have this fancy iPad how do we
644s yeah so like this is twitch chat with
647s questions it is and I get distracted
649s very easily but I should probably read
651s this and little questions as well so I
656s hope you know what
657s I was about to fake it but I shouldn't
659s which is like oh here's a question but
661s it was actually my next question okay so
664s no faking about faking real glad the
667s next thing I had and then I'll read for
668s some questions nice pad
670s thank you man it's really nice to be
671s safe next question we wanted to sorry
675s next word we want to talk about was
676s another piece of feedback was hey it's
679s frustrating when I'm in matchmake with
682s the group of people that I don't know
683s well I had not on on voice comms with
685s and they don't notice when I go down
688s anime don't resurrect me and I have no
690s way to like do anything so we really
693s heard that feedback agree it was
694s frustrating so what we've tried to do is
696s we've removed as many of the respawn
700s restriction restricted areas as we can
702s from the whole game so and just add at a
706s time up so for example like if you're in
708s a stronghold and you go down there's a
710s 30 second timer and so like ideally your
712s friends come and repair you because
714s that's what good friends do but if they
717s don't it's just 30 seconds it's not like
719s an unlimited time until they defeat the
721s boss or whatever you're doing at that
723s point in time and so there are there are
726s still a few missions where that has to
727s be in there for like reasons it's just a
729s long story but as many spots as we could
732s remove it we have so that was great
734s feedback as well so thank you all for
735s that I think that will make people's
737s lives better all right so so do you have
742s anything you want to talk about while
743s I'm read twitch chat um
745s I mean we've it's actually scrolling to
747s files so if you if you scroll down like
749s you hold the finger and you can but then
751s what happens I guess you can pinpoint on
753s something but so one of the things I've
755s seen is people talking about the
758s messaging that can pop up during free
759s play of your servers gonna shut down
761s we've actually changed that so it does
764s not happen near as often until the
766s server is actually going to shut down
768s pretty close to it also another
771s messaging people with the the cortex
774s entry that kept popping up in free play
776s it's like open the cortex and crack this
778s thing that doesn't pop up anymore so
780s when she's completed that it won't pop
782s up anymore it's a nice little quality of
785s life improvement getting a few questions
787s about so that's cool with the removing
790s restricted respawn but can you make that
792s whole thing better yes we should do that
795s that's like a longer-term thing you know
797s some of these things are what's a quick
799s way to improve the experience and then
801s what's a longer term item so on our
803s longer-term thing I don't have a
805s timeline for it we have things like you
807s know if I'm down
809s how can I experience be improved and
810s there's all kinds of ideas I don't want
811s to get into specifics but that's a great
815s question and yeah we're gonna look at
816s that doing what we did for this patch
818s was a way we could do something like in
820s a day and then getting in a patch
822s quickly so it was at least removing that
824s major friction point of like you know I
826s can't use the map and I can't do
828s anything and I have to just sit here so
830s that's kind of a pluggers right oh
837s that's for me or Jesse or someone but
839s thank you that's nice
842s GM 2 & 3 changes when don't have
846s anything to announce there yet again I
848s think it would be cool to get some
850s feedback from the community on ideally a
853s consolidated thread so it's one place to
855s look on just some thoughts you have We
857s certainly have ideas but until we have
860s an actual plan that's implemented like I
862s don't prefer not to comment on it
863s because so many things can change and
865s game development I don't want to you
867s know give give the wrong idea to people
869s or something that we're doing so next
874s content drop so we've talked a bit about
876s content that's coming you know
878s we released a 90 day calendar in there
881s there's a whole bunch of stuff slated
883s for March so our plan is to still
885s release the things in March and March
887s you know I don't we don't have new
891s content in this patch March 12 new
894s content specifically but the one after
897s at the end of March we we hope to get a
900s couple of things in there that we had
901s talked about before like the Elysium
905s chests we called strong cold chest
906s before and a legendary missions again
908s that's not a commitment that's like a
909s goal just trying to be transparent about
911s what we're aiming for like I said many
913s things happen so that's our goal for now
915s though so that's that'll be the next
916s thing so a couple weeks it's a couple
918s weeks away I guess any word about
922s immense yeah I think events is a good
924s topic so we've had some we tried doing
927s some really light events we call them at
929s ultra light event because we were trying
933s to see like what's the amount of change
935s in free play we could do that was
937s meaningful to players and then kind of
939s work on that and so I think we've had
941s some things that
942s we're interesting but didn't quite hit
944s the mark and other things that were I
946s think pretty cool like there be giants
948s was an event we've run before and we're
950s gonna rerun that again every now and
952s then where if you kill the fall named
955s Titans in free play you get a cool
957s deckle and that's like something that
960s you just get from gameplay I think I
962s might be the first one we have like that
963s maybe I know there's a couple but you
964s notice I'm not getting any common air on
966s comments I did not notice that yeah
968s that's a great call out maybe let's get
970s some Jesse pagas in chat and see if we
972s can get that flowing oh actually you
974s just talked about there be giants
976s another fix we have in is that if you
979s are downed right when it ends and you
980s kill you know the Titans and you will
983s get credit now if you're down when a
984s Titan dies you get the credit you get
986s the woods yep I know a lot of people
987s were pretty pretty sad that they they
990s weren't able to get credit on that but
992s so this is my twitch street cred
994s there is no partisan chat like I'm like
997s let's get punished because no like not
1000s even one person was like alright then
1001s fine here like I feel bad for you he's
1003s fine I okay so yeah so there be giants I
1008s think was a pretty cool event you know
1010s an event being something that has a
1012s limited time to it in that example it
1014s was like three days we also did some
1017s other things like outlaw outrage which
1018s we filled all the free play with outlaws
1021s there's actually a named
1023s outlaw out in the world I didn't
1025s actually see anyone post about that but
1026s you drop this kind of better loot so
1029s next time that's not usual watch for
1030s that but I think like some of the
1033s challenge was it wasn't directed enough
1035s flake outlet outrage as outlaws
1037s everywhere like that's kind of cool it's
1038s kind of different but we kind of learned
1041s that hey it's probably better to have
1042s like a specific area of the map where
1044s something happens and then we direct you
1046s to that area so that you're not flying
1048s through all the free play trying to
1050s discover something so there are some
1052s lessons we've learned with that and
1053s we'll be doing new stuff over time and
1055s improving myself over time so again
1057s feedbacks really great it's helpful in
1060s in this kind of iterative process for
1062s some of these things support gear what's
1065s the deal good question so we would like
1069s to add I assume you mean like for the
1071s third gear slot where the master works
1073s being unfair
1074s that's that's fair yes we want to do
1078s some we want to do some soon ish I don't
1082s have a timeline for it we'd also like to
1084s add some new ones at some point as well
1086s part of part of the idea was like let's
1089s see how players use them let's see what
1091s works and then let's see what gaps the
1093s different suits have and go from there
1094s so definitely no timeline on that but
1096s the combat team talks about it a bunch
1099s actually on the combat team okay did
1102s that post go live does anyone know okay
1105s so one of the things that has been asked
1108s for by the community is hey some of your
1110s inscriptions are a little confusing to
1112s me I don't know exact what they do could
1113s you explain it and so Chris King who's
1116s our gameplay design director and Darren
1119s McPherson who's our lead gameplay
1120s producer so you know Darren from the
1122s streams forever my crystal ball they run
1126s up this big post that is like how do
1128s inscriptions work like on a masterwork
1130s and there's four things what are the
1133s four things come from how you decide and
1135s then what does do they all mean so it's
1137s a pretty lengthy thing that we're gonna
1138s post to reddit today it might be up we
1141s were like approving it just as we came
1143s in here so anyway so that'll go up and
1146s we're gonna put it up on the EA website
1148s as a blog as well so hopefully that
1149s gives some insight to that because I
1152s know that people were asking for that so
1154s that's cool another huge question Sarah
1158s myself carried away here you know this
1159s is fun with the iPad it isn't right
1161s there we can just kind of keep going
1162s whatever I want that's fine for two of
1164s it it's like are you gonna do so I was
1171s gonna say column what I read something
1173s that reminded me about it okay there's
1176s been a lot of questions about a stats
1177s page late so just to say yes we think we
1181s should add a stat page yes it's
1182s important we've been talking about it
1184s long before any reddit posts and the
1187s images get sent to me every 45 minutes
1190s has been around we want to we have to
1194s work out like how quickly we can do it
1196s and when we can add it in so there's no
1199s timing for that like it might be soon it
1201s might not be soon but we at least want
1203s to recognize yes you all right if you're
1206s doing builds with master works like
1208s having a
1208s that's page is super important and we're
1210s gonna work on that and when we have an
1212s update of timing or whatever we'll make
1214s sure to let you all know but it's a
1216s great call-out you guys alright we
1218s should do that no that doesn't mean
1222s never that means soon ish we just need
1225s to work out the timing plug this plug is
1228s plug is finally getting smart is
1229s excellent
1231s okay let me put this down for a second
1233s cuz I get too distracted okay what else
1235s we got so you talked about messages okay
1237s did you talk about the stronghold quit
1239s play thing nope okay so in the start of
1244s expedition screen you might have caught
1246s it if you have paying attention when you
1248s launch free play there's now a quick
1250s play missions items so to help people
1253s who are leveling playing the critical
1256s path there's also a random stronghold
1258s basically so you can just join any
1260s random stronghold that was in the game
1264s and then it was out of game now it's
1265s back in the game we think that's cool in
1268s the future we'd like to do something
1270s better probably with rewards if you pick
1272s the random but for now it's just a cool
1273s option so that if you're like just want
1275s to help out whoever's queueing you can
1277s do around in stronghold it's kind of
1278s cool this next thing infuriated me but
1283s mouse button 4 is no longer bound to the
1287s back button for PC players so like I use
1291s mouse button Flora's push-to-talk in
1293s like this code so I started playing and
1296s every time I talk to my buddies it would
1298s cancel where had a freaking I was
1299s dipping I'm like what is this I actually
1302s found the solution from a reddit post so
1304s thank you random right oh that was great
1306s but we fixed that so that's a small
1308s thing but sometimes a small things count
1312s there's a bunch of problems on
1314s respawning where you would end up behind
1316s blackout a wall like my clothes so you
1319s can get back in
1320s we've tried to catch as many of those
1322s spots as possible and remove them so
1324s you've bought on the right side of the
1325s wall which is pretty cool we hope with
1330s the next point we already showed you the
1332s launch Bay that you can spawn from
1334s anywhere again that will teleport you up
1336s to the forge so that's pretty cool we
1340s have a few more things but maybe I'll go
1342s back to to twitch I don't know is
1343s anything I'm just right I'm just talking
1346s at this point I guess I would say we've
1347s covered that Oh another bug fix the
1350s ultimate ability bar like how you'd
1352s start a mission and then it looks like
1353s you have it and you don't and then see
1356s your totem now when I dive into ten mobs
1359s on GM one we're not gonna know yep it's
1361s gonna I think it'll either actually
1363s definitely work or I won't think it's
1365s for right if we've all been there to her
1367s like I am just running here and I'll pop
1369s my open nope I did see a bunch of
1372s questions what about the sound bugs so
1373s we found a whole lot of situations that
1376s would cause sound to cut out and we fix
1378s them that's it also in this patch for
1380s March 12 again this is a tricky like do
1383s we catch every single one ever I don't
1385s know but like did we catch a lot of them
1387s yes like hopefully this is a huge
1389s improvement that it like basically never
1391s happens but we kind of have to see but
1394s we definitely caught and fixed a lot of
1396s those ones which is cool yep what about
1404s the health bug which I feel certain that
1407s we fixed it so for a referent what this
1410s means is sometimes when you load into
1412s different difficulty missions there the
1415s you I would show different amounts of
1416s health bar pips basically and it was
1419s just a UI thing like you had all the
1421s right health as far as I understand I'm
1423s pretty certain we fixed her in this
1424s patch as well like 85%
1427s I didn't read in the patch notes okay
1430s we'll double-check I think you're still
1432s working on the patch notes okay
1433s I think it's fixed
1436s Oh
1440s someone said ultimate buff exclamation
1442s points so let me talk about that so one
1445s of the things that we weren't happy
1450s about was how combat abilities that
1454s don't have items scaled almost like a
1457s weird sentence but well that means is
1458s like like you'd have a melee item you
1461s don't have an ultimate item so how do
1463s those things scale right and we felt
1465s like and people reported this on the
1467s forums and read and social media but as
1471s you pushed like I think GM one's not too
1474s bad by GM to like melee damage and
1476s ultimate skilling really wasn't good and
1478s that affects I think you know things
1480s like the Ranger who like you can have
1482s really cool builds around fast ultimate
1484s and ultimate damage just weren't working
1486s out so great or even interceptor melee
1488s builds where the melee damage going to
1490s didn't work so I'll sorry it wasn't
1492s great so we've improved that scaling so
1494s as you push hard difficulties melee and
1497s Ultimates will now be much more
1498s effective so that's really cool and it's
1501s part of doing that wait to change some
1503s of the itemization so you'll actually
1504s see different power score numbers now
1508s than you had before so for example I
1511s think what is a masterwork now is 45
1513s right yep 45 bends brain is getting
1519s tired let's see
1521s I think it's 45 okay so and now it's
1524s like 61 so like you'll login and have
1527s like all this extra power it's like you
1529s have more power but part of doing that
1531s was to get the distribution between the
1535s tiers of items to be more in line with
1537s what we wanted for damage scaling and
1539s that also facilitates the melee and
1542s ultimate scaling as well so yeah 25
1548s right and so same at that same I'll
1550s circus 45 I think it's at 61 I remember
1553s and then like legendary 7 I think so now
1556s it's like I don't know 65 or 67 or
1560s something so again part of that is about
1562s just scaling in general that will free
1564s us up to do some more things and
1568s does that make gm3 easier now no it
1571s should well like your melee and
1573s Ultimates will do more damage yeah but I
1578s think it should all be about this planet
1579s about the same I guess you guys will
1580s tell us oh this is a great question
1583s oh man you guys are getting it going
1585s wind wall blocks Ranger alt also fixed
1588s bug fixed for Tuesday yep wind wall is a
1592s good question and bull walk point so put
1595s your hand up if you use them in GM one
1598s or two oh no I put the hand up in the
1600s whole world that's right because it's
1602s not worth using so what we did was we
1606s changed their scaling as well so I mean
1610s you're all will have to be the judge if
1611s we did enough there but like what we did
1615s was increase the damage absorb for those
1617s things so that we hope that they're
1619s useful on things like Grand Master one
1621s and then to compensate for that we just
1624s shortened they're hella map before so I
1626s think like the bullet point do we write
1628s down something here I think used to be
1629s active for like 30 used to be 60 seconds
1633s yeah like you put it down it's there
1635s this is now it's gonna be there for 20
1637s seconds but it will absorb more damage
1638s so hopefully that makes them useful
1641s that's a goal you guys let us know if
1643s you find a cool bill or a way to use
1645s that
1656s ongoing progression where is our XP
1659s going - yes so right now at max level XP
1662s is really useful for alliance so to get
1666s coins but that's not really good enough
1669s and so we have a bunch of plans for that
1672s that we can talk about later don't want
1674s to talk about today but we definitely
1676s want to extend progression and I think
1678s one part of that is what happens to X P
1680s at level 30 so no announcements here but
1683s good question and we're on it is
1686s gunslinger Mart gonna get fixed yeah so
1689s the problem with gunslingers Mart was
1692s like I remember it was either stacking
1694s too high or if you hovered too long it
1696s stack too many times whatever it made it
1697s way too powerful and we couldn't service
1700s I'd change that except for turning it
1702s off so he turned it off and then that's
1704s fixed in this patch also so you should
1707s see gunslingers Mart go back in and work
1709s and have its values again what about the
1717s defender rifle thing you must have
1719s missed my incredibly funny joke at the
1721s start of the stream that's a bug we're
1723s gonna address that as quickly as we can
1725s no worries it's just one of those things
1728s that happens it's kind of funny but not
1730s funny
1732s please make Ranger Meili a detonator so
1735s here's the thing I love the Ranger
1737s melees a primer like I actually love
1739s doing the jump into melee prime - back
1745s use a detonator I use like homing
1748s missile or missile blasts or both
1751s whatever and like to set off a combo I
1754s think that's cool so no it also makes
1758s her into different but what if here's a
1760s deal like we get that the Ranger is
1763s performing a little less than the others
1765s right now we have some ideas for how to
1767s address that I think it's just that the
1770s master works for on kill a hard to set
1773s up in a full group on like GM 1 or 2 and
1777s so we're gonna look into that we don't
1779s have that in this patch but like that's
1780s that's something we need to work
1785s okay I will now go back to other
1789s questions other things okay what else
1791s did we do oh by the cost of stuff okay
1797s so we talked a little bit about it yeah
1799s so Oh can't really show it here but the
1803s Colossus can have shield charge through
1804s destructible objects before you would
1807s kind of like bounce off their barrels
1809s and things like that now you just keep
1810s on going through that's cool it's pretty
1813s awesome
1814s my buddy plays Colossus when I play with
1816s him all the time like all he does I
1819s swear is put the chute up and run in
1821s circles it's fun it's actually pretty
1822s effective and when I make fun of him
1825s he's like he's got way more here than I
1827s am and he's a better player so it's like
1829s those that flame throw on a Titan like
1833s isn't your greatest nobody look did you
1837s see for a second I actually primed him
1839s did you know the change that I wanted to
1841s talk about was so you can now prime
1844s Titans yeah flame is not the best but
1847s you you can actually prime them with too
1849s soon I think I thought flame used to
1851s zero damage okay so they can take damage
1854s from stuff that they're highly resistant
1856s to
1856s but yeah they'll still take more damage
1859s that's cool so that's my phone going
1861s crazy let me just double check and check
1866s in normally what happens is the dev team
1869s goes hey you said this thing innit it
1871s said this thing it's not right so sadly
1874s the health UI bug isn't fixed so what's
1879s still working on that sorry team but
1882s it's just a UI bug so your health is
1884s good it's just the UI bug so we'll have
1887s to get on that sorry about that one mmm
1896s okay I probably shouldn't read all those
1898s things okay cool okay what's next
1906s the mark of ruin is now functioning
1909s properly so which was Martha Bruin I'm
1915s trying to remember is that that wasn't
1917s the storm was it I'm not sure
1922s well marker Bruin users it's it's been
1926s fixed they're a bunch of other fixes
1931s like the Ranger Grenadier component now
1934s actually lowers the cooldown of grenade
1935s abilities by the correct amount the rest
1942s of this there's a bunch of all bugs and
1943s stuff in here but I don't know how much
1945s is noteworthy there is something that we
1948s missed didn't we like increase the base
1953s damage of all masterwork weapons yes yes
1958s okay yeah I think like I mean I
1961s certainly find this when I'm playing
1962s like like we've had this philosophy for
1964s a long time that gear is really
1966s important and anthem that kind of
1967s separates us from other games and we
1969s really like that but I think some of the
1972s masterwork weapons just felt like it was
1974s a bit of a struggle to use them
1976s especially in like GM 1 plus so we made
1980s them a bit better so yeah we probably
1983s didn't buff them when I came in probably
1985s not just spoiler because that thing's
1987s amazing cool so I guess oh wow it's
1993s we're already over time why don't I see
1996s we can find a couple questions then we
1998s can do a wrap-up sure well you reckon ok
2005s please take advice from Travis day you
2009s made a great post that's cool he did I
2013s said he made a great place that wasn't
2014s the question just boost avenging hair a
2018s halt to week I don't think so my friend
2021s will not be doing that deer in the game
2027s is lame it's actually not the gear is
2029s really cool so it wasn't even a question
2031s that was a statement you made it's fine
2034s yeah loot drop stuff again we're gonna
2037s keep monitoring it like we're really
2038s open to making changes it's better in
2042s our mind to make a change watch it make
2045s a change watch it just so we understand
2046s exactly what's going on so the one in
2049s this patch will be removing the uncommon
2052s and common items from drops at 30 let's
2054s see if that helps at all and if not
2057s we'll keep investigating as well as for
2059s us an important thing is reviewing Grand
2062s Master two and three and just making
2063s sure that we can make that rewarding
2065s completos and that won't be in this
2067s patch or probably even the one after but
2070s it's something that we're gonna do
2072s pretty quickly we'll just we're just
2074s working on that now what else do we have
2080s I feel like I forgot something that I
2088s thought was gonna be important but
2090s that's okay we can post afterwards arrow
2094s dance as an emote that's a it's probably
2100s a good idea I don't know okay I'll pass
2102s it on how about that I do it with emotes
2104s here's what happens I'm not very
2106s knowledgeable about like the impact of
2109s emotes to the world and in that things
2111s are a good or a bad idea but we have
2112s people who are so like often I'll be
2114s like what about this idea and they're
2116s like here are the reasons why that's not
2117s a good idea and I'm like okay
2118s my bad but we can we can pass it on to
2121s the team I'm short of listening and so
2123s they can see it's good idea or not good
2126s idea
2127s fix quick play I did talk about it
2129s earlier so we've discovered a whole lot
2133s of situations where free play was busted
2137s like when you join into a mission that
2138s wouldn't progress and we've fixed about
2140s seven or eight situations of that we
2143s don't know we've caught every single
2144s situation but it should make free player
2146s a lot better so patch notes when when
2149s will we have patch notes publicly I
2155s think probably Tuesday probably just
2157s when the patch goes long when it goes
2158s live yeah I mean we talk through a lot
2161s of it I think a lot of the big things we
2163s picked out the things we thought you all
2165s would care about the most yes there's a
2167s lot more little ones for sure but yeah
2170s that sue and I do want to point out one
2172s thing people might be noticing there's a
2174s bug on my on my colossus here with his
2177s arm mm-hmm so if you're wondering it's
2181s probably cuz you I I did some weird
2183s dance yeah so weird the way we I set
2186s this up it is not not really what did
2189s they play it did some funkiness so
2193s someone else about DL SS support so it's
2195s not in this patch but it will be coming
2196s soon
2198s so we've heard your feedback about Stahl
2204s we're just trying to work out what -
2206s what we want to do so people have been
2208s kind of asking like hey can you rotate
2210s fast can we have more stuff so we're
2212s looking at that like yeah so just we're
2216s hearing the feedback we just got to work
2217s out some options oh okay so I think a
2226s lot of the stuff I'm reading now is
2227s similar sorry we didn't get to all of
2230s the questions we did our best
2231s yeah so let's summarize some of the big
2235s talking points out I mean you can scroll
2236s back wonderful me to the top so very
2242s aware of the crash reports specifically
2245s for PlayStation 4 we've found and fixed
2247s many many crashes that will be in the
2250s March 12th patch
2252s the patch were aiming for March 12 as
2256s far as we know there was some instances
2260s where PlayStation 4's would temporarily
2262s power down but in every instance that
2265s we're aware of you could power it back
2266s up you had to like go push the power
2268s button basically and so it's definitely
2273s very safe to be playing PlayStation 4
2275s and then we have some fixes for the
2277s issues that we're aware of coming soon
2280s on hopefully much cold that was a big
2284s one
2286s lots of stability improvements in
2288s general so between crashes and audio
2291s cutting out fixes are in there we've
2293s made lots of improvements the quick
2295s place so that that should be a more
2296s reliable experience we removed respawn
2299s restrictions so that if your teammates
2301s aren't paying attention while you're
2303s down you'll respawn after a timer the
2305s timer is different depending on the
2306s content you're doing you know things
2309s like server shutdown message doesn't
2311s happen as often
2312s Colossus hit reaction bugs they're
2314s ranger ultimate behind win wall thing is
2317s fixed we've scaled up a bunch of the
2320s power score for master work and
2324s legendary specifically so that we can
2325s better scale may way an ultimate damage
2328s so that should make that experience be
2330s better for people who want to focus on
2331s melee or ultimate builds which you know
2333s ultimate should be really powerful so
2335s that's cool tons of stability fixes done
2338s tons of bug fixes we tried to hit the
2341s big things that we saw as feedback from
2344s the players as many as we could in the
2345s time when we have C I think this is
2348s gonna be a great patch that hopefully
2350s you know makes the experience better for
2353s what people yeah
2355s I gots a summary yeah it did good cool
2358s well on that note should we bid farewell
2362s any parting thoughts from you otherwise
2364s I'll give some bombs no next next thing
2368s is uh just wanna say we're gonna keep
2370s streaming we're not stopping we're gonna
2371s keep doing this we're aiming for the
2374s goal of doing it every two weeks
2376s kind of how we've already been doing so
2378s yeah yep and I'll probably miss one or
2381s two of them I'm actually going my
2383s brothers
2384s getting married so I'm gonna take a
2385s little time to go hang with him so I
2386s might miss the next stream but I'll be
2387s back after that if you want me I don't
2390s know
2391s we will probably rotate all of us and
2392s we'll do a little bit of everyone but I
2395s might miss miss one or two otherwise
2398s yeah thanks again for all the support
2399s all the feedback you know a special
2402s call-out I know there's a lot of great
2404s community members who put a lot of
2405s energy into writing really constructive
2408s feedback you know either in positive or
2411s negative ways and that's the best stuff
2414s like if the community if you're asking
2416s yourselves like how can you help
2418s influence the game the absolute best
2420s thing you can do is be vocal but do it
2422s in a constructive way that explains why
2425s you feel this way the reasons for it
2427s like that's the stuff that we really
2428s love reading you know I know there's
2431s lots of passionate people out there and
2433s sometimes that passion kind of comes
2434s across as being a bit rude sometimes
2436s intentionally or not and and I would
2438s just say please do your best to be
2440s constructive and in return we'll do our
2443s best to listen respond and keep making
2446s changes and improvements hopefully like
2448s the ones we're doing now hopefully
2449s that's well received we know we believe
2452s that anthem is an amazing game but we do
2454s know there's a lot of work we have to do
2456s and we're ready to roll our sleeves up
2458s and fix the things that have to get
2459s fixed and and add that things need to
2461s get added so that's kind of our
2463s commitment to all of you so in that note
2465s thank you all for tuning in thanks once
2467s again to Lisa who is here kind of
2470s running all this in the background
2471s Jessie for the first time coming on
2474s thank you for keeping me company and a
2477s special shout out obviously to all the
2479s devs on anthem who are out there putting
2481s in a lot of hours trying to trying to
2483s get all the right fixes and changes into
2485s this game but thanks again for tuning in
2487s and we'll see you next time