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Hey everyone!

After 20 hours of playing I compiled a list of the many things I've noticed in game and read on the subreddit in regards to changes that should be implemented. I love the core gameplay but it has MANY issues and there's much to be worked out by the devs. In my eyes this is still an unfinished product but it can still be extremely fun to play. Another half year or year to polish this game would've definitely been better and the release seems rushed. I can't complain though, since I've been waiting impatiently for this game since the very first trailer.

Here's a list of all the things that should be changed or worked on in my eyes.**If you think something is missing or there is false information on this list regarding the current games state, let me know.**I'll try to update this post as often as I can.This is in no particular order, I just wrote down what I read in this subreddit and what popped into my head.

List of suggestions:


  • Remove the 45 degree angles in the menu or make them significantly smaller. You overdesigned this way too hard. It feels like it's trying too hard to look cool and making a fool of itself in the process. Make space for other stuff and make it look less pretentious cool.
  • Make item icons smaller to show more of them in menus
  • Make menus more responsive. Hovering over multiple things shouldn't take multiple seconds to focus on the thing we're hovering over. Everything in menus takes too long. Its layout is part of the problem and the fact that PC seems like an afterthought in the menu department is also very noticeable.
  • Give us stats on how items we equip change the OVERALL values of armor, shields and damage, not just the single component we're replacing.
  • Give us an entire stat page. This is a looter shooter and most players are gonna wanna min max. Without adding up your own stats on a separate spreadsheet this is currently not possible (ignoring the fact that some inscriptions don't even work properly)
  • Explain the differences between armor and shields and make them consistent
  • Mass salvage should be significantly faster than salvaging one by one. This isn't the case. This partially has to do with the unresponsiveness of menus but clicking an item that you want to salvage should be almost, if not instant (maybe except masterwork and legendaries where it takes (0.5-1 second)
  • Mass salvage could use a "delete all [rarity] items" since after level 30 most players won't need greens and blues anymore. Some of us skip the end of match screen where we could discard them and having a 'bulk delete all items i won't use anyway' would be great
  • Deleting things from the vault for some reason takes longer than from the forge due to the fact that items seem to remain in the vault for several seconds after the salvage animation has been completed, causing items to not move up in the list. if I'm aimlessly trying to get rid of old items and just hold the salvage button on one slot this causes me to get an error message for attempting to delete an item that has already been deleted but is still lingering in the vault.
  • There is still way to many submenus and the navigation of them is terrible. This is a bigger issue and I don't have a suggestion on how to fix it but the current state is still terrible, though improved from the demo
  • Why is there a different menu when pressing escape and one when pressing j to get to the cortex? Can't this be one menu? I'm not sure if this is just me, but from most games I'm used to press tab or escape to see my objectives and 'M' for my map. Adding a third menu to that is somewhat of a chore to press every time. Again, haven't seen much feedback on this by other people but it bothers me personally.
  • Inscriptions are still buggy and often confusing. Give us a clear description of what they change. +- 10% shields doesn't help me understand what's going on.
  • Add a minimap. The pointers are very confusing and I'm often disoriented. Loading up the map takes too long as is (again, unresponsive menus) and opening it up just to check whether I'm going the right way in freeplay is a lot more of a chore than an increase in immersion and a way to encourage exploration. I'll explore when I want to. But if I wanna get somewhere don't make me open up the map every few seconds just to check whether I'm going the right way.
  • I know this one is beating on a dead horse, but please add waypoints.
  • "Out of mission bounds " needs a fix. A cheap method of doing this would be making the timer invisible for the first 10 or 20 seconds and extending by a few seconds overall. Interceptors are just faster with the triple dash combo midair. As a colossus I can't keep up. I don't want a loading screen and to miss out on part of the map just because I chose a different, slower class.
  • Make World events in freeplay visible on map and don't make them something that just appears when you're close to them. If I wanna farm world events I should be able to look at the map, waypoint it, fly there, complete it and check the map to go for the next one.
  • When I press ready, I mean it. Really. I'm ready. If the leader changes the mission I'm still ready. No, really! Actually still ready. But now I'm in the bathroom while others wait for me to ready up again. Even though I did. If I press ready any and all changes should not affect my decision to have clicked ready. Thanks.
  • Allow us to ready up from the forge. While I wait for the last guy on my team to pick up a quest and ready up, I don't wanna just sit there and wait. I wanna change some colors on my javelin, or select some new abilities. But once the last teammate is ready I have to quit out the forge and wait way too long just to ready up.
  • While in Fort Tarsis allow us to just press a key like 'I' or hold R for instant access to the forge. When playing solo I haven't found a way to get to mission select or the forge without walking to the javelin. This always seems like a chore.
  • Add the option to select our output device. Some setups require different outputs for different applications. This would be a great and probably not hard to do change.
  • Add the option to filter out different rarities in the consumables tab. Currently it's just a giant mix of blue and green for me.
  • When changing javelins, once you clicked the loadout you want to select, we should be immediately brought into the normal forge screen where we can change our gear and weapons, instead of having to press escape to get back to that screen.
  • When tracking an objective show it to us on the top right or left of our screen during missions/freeplay
  • When dying in a world event and choose to respawn, the respawn location is far from the world event and many players don't remember where the world even took place as noone really checks the map before going into one. Marking it on the map after starting it would be a great start. Having all the active ones marked would be even better.

Loading screens

  • From a non-dev perspective, there should be 2 loading screens per mission: from tarsis to the mission and back. The rest just seems like lazy work (again, not a dev, I'm sure it's somewhat complicated to implement this but so many other games have done it and I assume it comes down to tanking performance which could be fixed with enough optimization) also, once in tarsis I shouldn't have to load into the social hub. Or the forge. Or anywhere until I launch the next mission.
  • Since the idea above is unprobable to get implemented anytime soon here's what you should start with: don't make us load into the forge and back. The amount of times I've been stuck in a (not even real) loading screen coming back from the forge and being stuck with some dust particles on my screen for at least 30 seconds, only to want to ready up while my teammates are waiting is insane.
  • After a mission there should be an option to get back to the mission select screen without loading into tarsis, especially for endgame. I might not want and need to go back to tarsis. I'm sure loading this one extra menu in at the end of a mission isn't gonna take that much longer. (or even better, it doesn't require a loading screen at all. Hopefully. someday.)
  • In mission select screen allow us to actually look at our cortex to check which mission is ours and which is our teammates. I can never tell if the quest we're doing is actually mine or if I haven't even unlocked it yet and therefore make no progress with some contracts because they're my friends and I fall further and further behind in progresion.
  • Optimally loading into subareas in freeplay and some missions would require no or a very short loading screen. Currently it's probably one of the shortest ones, but unfortunately that doesn't mean much in the current state of the game.
  • Allow us to do SOMETHING in the loading screens. At least allow us to change settings or read cortex entries or something. I don't need a destinyesque full inventory loading screen but just staring and waiting for what feels like minutes without being able to do ANYTHING except watching something on my 2nd monitor is problematic in my eyes.
  • Why do we need a loading screen to self revive..? The map is already loaded, just put us back in.
  • Opening AND closing the world map should work with a single key (usually defaulted to 'M')


These ones have been mentioned countless times before and I believe it was confirmed you're working on something. I hate that alt f4ing is and rejoining is often faster than waiting on a rez.

  • Allow us to spectate teammates
  • Give us a timer to self revive in respawn restricted areas. Make it 30s-1min instead of the 7 (? Not sure about this one) seconds that it is in freeplay. The amount of times I watched an entire YouTube video while being down is ridiculous
  • Make it so a fallen, Guardian Pilot calls out something like "Guardian Javelin down". I try to pay attention to my teammates when I queue solo but often times I don't even notice that they've been downed.
  • Allow us to rotate our camera and maybe even shoot with one handed guns while rezzing. I like to be able to asses the situation and help killing bad guys while reviving teammates. That would make me look badass. Please?
  • Just like loading screens, I'd love to be able to have access to cortex and settings while downed. Also map access would be nice.
  • I'm aware when I'm downed. The HUGE red indicator in the middle of the screen when downed seems a little over the top. It's quite intrusive.
  • Having everything greyed out isn't great. The world is full of color and I still wanna experience it while down. This would be a nice change if you decide not to add a spectator mode.
  • If a "Javelin down" sound is introduced, allow us to refresh our teammates memory in a time interval to remind them we've been downed.

Text chat

  • **Just do it.**This is probably the first multi-player game I've ever played without text chat. I'm not too familiar with the regulations that some people claim stop you from implementing this but many other people claim that not having text chat is even worse legally due to the fact that mute people have literally NO way whatsoever to communicate. Same thing with parents playing at night, people being tired or in a bad mood, etc. I know few people who use voice chat as a preference. This is a MUST. The sooner the better.
  • An Apex style pinging system has also often been suggested. This does NOT replace text chat but it would be an amazing additional feature if implemented correctly.


  • When flying down my overheat meter goes down. When falling it doesn't. This doesn't feel good and doesn't make sense since my flight engines are disabled and should therefore recover.
  •  When I'm overheated and in water, allow the overheated effect to go away more quickly.
  • Sniper shots should not make my flight meter go from 0 to 100. Sure, cause it to get a lot hotter, maybe add some 50% to my meter or make it dependent on difficulty. But don't make me instantly overheat.
  • The flying meter is hidden when "out of mission bounds" shows up on screen, leaving us in the dark on how much further we can fly.

Other QoL

  • Stun locking in higher difficulties (GM1+) is insane. Let me move. Please. I actually just can't move for multiple seconds until I'm dead and wait for a revive, tab out and start watching a video cause I know I'll be downed for a while
  • Make freeplay more than a 4 player instance. It's a huge map and with 3 random I'm basically never where they are. Noone helps with world events unless I go through the chore of finding my way to them without waypoints or a minimap. The more people the better. This isn't a mission after all. It's a huge space to explore and the more pilots I meet out there, the more immersed I feel in the universe. Lending a helping hand will also be a lot easier with more players in one instance.
  • Maybe add some sound to know when we equip something. It already takes a second or more until the menu updates, that we equipped it. At least give us a sound Queue or some indicationso we know we actually clicked it and it registered without having to wait for the menu to update.
  • FOV slider.
  • The launch bay feels empty. There's nothing to do, I have no incentive to go there if I can't communicate and show off properly what I have.
  • The overall optimization in this game seems to eat up an insane amount of CPU usage even with very high end processors.
  • When it comes to audio mid-fight a lot of important sounds get drowned out or are too similar. When our shield breaks there should be a clear way for us to notice by just hearing it. Sometimes even the combo sound (very satisfying by the way) gets drowned out by everything else. Headshots aren't apparent at all even though they can hit really hard, harder than combos even! (devastator is a monster) Highlight the important ones and make sure the player hears them even mid-chaos. If I were to not look at my monitor mid-combat I should still be able to tell whether I'm low on health, headshot an enemy or chained a huge combo.
  • For particle effects: sometimes there's so much going on on our screens that we literally cannot see anything. There should be a good middle ground between looking really epic but keeping the players field of view clear to the extent where they can still orient themselves.
  • The weapon reload circle gives no indication on the progress of the reload. Maybe add a small progression bar to the circle so we know when our gun is fully reloaded, or whether we should pop an ability because we're not even halfway through a reload.
  • When you pick up loot it takes a couple of seconds to show up on the right side of your screen. It'd be nice if it was just instant.
  • Some abilities fire in the direction the character model is facing, some in the direction we're currently aiming. Consistency would be great.
  • Stronghold specific loot
  • Colossus has no way to avoid elemental damage causing overheat. This is especially annoying against Titans. Allow the shield to absorb the status effect without our engines overheating.

Some of these have been addressed by devs. I just wanted to make a complete list of what's missing or should be changed.

I understand that many of these changes would (will) take a while to get implemented. Nevertheless many of these are necessary and will vastly improve the overall experience when playing Anthem. I can't speak for everyone but in my opinion priority number one for the devs should be implementing as many of the suggested changes as possible before working on more content that won't feel good because menus, loading screens, rezzes, and many other things aren't quite right yet. Fix the game as best as you can, then pump out content.

I'm aware that I sound a bit ranty here and there but I really do love this game and I'm very passionate about it. I hope that these things get ironed out as soon as possible.

I don't think I included any bugs, only suggestions.If you experience bugs post it in the megathread that's pinned at the top of the subreddit.

English isn't my first language. I'm sure I made some mistakes. If you want to correct me please do it in a civilized manner and I'll fix it as soon as I can. Also this is my first formatted post. Please be gentle.

EDIT: Thanks for my first gold stranger! Much appreciated :)

EDIT2: Thanks for 2 more gold and 1 silver! This is nuts!EDIT3: The list has become very long and it now seems like a chore to read. Sorry about that. Open to suggestions on how to reorganize The "Menus" category with subcategories

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by cannotcontainexcite

/u/biowarejer . Just tagging to get a dev here. Not sure if you guys want to be made aware of suggestion threads, but OP put some work into this :)

Yeah thank you - we are tracking ALL suggestions internally - I expect about 30 to 40% of our schedule over the next year to be dedicated to responding to the community. Keep em coming!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Greenmoon234

This is great to here. Thanks for being so communicative. I feel like I see a dev comment every other post. Keep it up!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by reyx121

Doing a better job at Community Outreach and Communication than Bungie so far. Keep it up!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by BigDildoOfJustice

Glad to hear that ! Any plans on adding a damage meter, either for yourself or the whole squad ? Without it there's no really good way of knowing which build works best, at least damage wise. It could be a more indepth stat screen, kind of like in League of Legends, with damage dealt, damage taken, crowd control score.. it would help players know what they're lacking and how to fix it.

Noted, good idea.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by BigDildoOfJustice

Nice ! May I also ask if it's planned to add shield/arm vfx color customization for the storm in the future ? I've seen quite a few AI enemy storms with differently colored shields ( red, gold, and dark grey, if I remember correctly ) ?

I think a LOT of people have been asking for that - so I expect something but actually have no idea :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by EthioSalvatori

The fact that you're giving us an actual metric of resources being attributed to community demands is astounding.

I want to not pre-order, but you guys make it so hard

Yeah - on a Sunday to boot :)

A lot of really talented people want very badly to make this game as awesome as it can be. We will keep trying!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Nihkou

While i'm also onboard of this kind of stat meter, i feel like it'd be best left for everyones personal use. Making it squad wide and displaying everyone's stats to everyone may lead to some Freelancers getting upset over the perfomance of others, leading potentially to toxicity among Freelancer teams. But, i'm no expert on the subject, just my 2 cents!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by winterds001

Please check if white/green or even blue items are really supposed to be dropping from GM2 dungeon chests, seems a little ridiculous.

Yeah that was brought up on the tuning side - not sure what the plan is but it's been called out numerous times. Thanks for the feedback!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by fearthelettuce

Can you pretty please move the out of mission bounds message so I can see my heat meter? Like, emergency hotfix for this?

Also, I'm not sure the answer but the whole out of mission bounds thing feels too overbearing. I get it if I'm lost or wondering around on my own but it comes up when I'm just a little behind. Maybe add some delay (20 seconds?) before it appears and shorten the countdown itself (5-10 seconds shorter) so it comes up less frequently but still accomplishes the goal of keeping the mission on track.

Yep - many people have brought this up. It's on the list of things to address, although I don't know what the exact plan is.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by TitaniumDragon

Please be sure to remember that just because people complain about some things doesn't necessarily mean that most people are bothered by them.

In particular, while I think that the game needs to do more to notify people that teammates are down (a HUD indicator would be nice, as well as an audio cue), I don't think that letting people auto-revive in the no-respawn areas is a good idea - beyond the fact that it will lead to people zerging the objective, it also discourages people from reviving their teammates, and encourages people to just fly around and dodge until people auto-revive. That's bad.

Totally agree! We are working on polishing up the entire downed experience :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by impressive

I’ve never seen a developer being this responsive towards the community’s concerns. I love it, and it gives me a lot of confidence in the game!

Awesome! We are here to stay. Thanks for the support!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by latot

Colossus has no way to avoid elemental damage causing overheat. This is especially annoying against Titans. Allow the shield to absorb the status effect without our engines overheating.

The Colossus Shield should also protect from stunlock attacks since the shield is the "dodge" of the Colossus. Especially in GM1+ stunlocking is the cause of 90%+ of my deaths.

/u/BioWareJer - tagging you since I've seen you be active here. Would love this feedback to get passed on if you can :)

Stunlocking at high difficulties has been brought up a lot, it's being tracked.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by ShingetsuMoon

Lots of good suggestions here. I'm all for using up the available space but PLEASE do not make icons and images smaller. Players like me have enough trouble seeing game information at times as is. There's plenty of usable space to rearrange things though.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Psychatix

This game will not survive if you take the next YEAR to fix these problems. They need to be fixed ASAP, forego content patches and the dlcs in favor of fixing the major problems that turn people off from the game in general. Don't end up like Fallout 76, crappy at launch, finally fixing their crap but already too late to resuscitate that corpse.

We hear that, for sure. The plan is to do both, as far as I know!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by latot

Excellent! Thanks for letting me know :D - and great job being so responsive!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by JetStorm93

u/BioWareJer I know people can easily get acquainted with hubs or small maps, but I think adding the ability to "track" a person in Fort Tarsis would be helpful. Maybe add a holographic line on the ground that takes you to the person you need to talk to next. I still have to consistently open my map to make sure I'm going to the right place, then walking around that area to actually find them.

Good idea, noted :)