almost 6 years ago - The Anthem team - Direct link


  • Freeplay
    • Improved the compass to show collectible items as a question mark when you are near one.
    • Added a purple target icon to show an area where an enemy that is guaranteed to drop loot will appear. When the enemy appears, they will have a white target icon.
    • Added the ability to fast travel to different strider locations from the map while in freeplay.
  • Three Emerald Abyss Legendary Missions have been added.
  • Load screens now display lore regarding the location that you are loading into.
  • Added a simple UI for players to communicate non-verbally with each other and express themselves via emotes. This is accessed by pressing down on the D-Pad if using a controller, or B on a keyboard for PC.


  • Fixed an issue where the “Alt” key could not be correctly used in keybinding.


  • Dominion Storm and Frost Brutes no longer have shields.
  • All Storm Javelins (Elementalists, Valkyries, etc) now regenerate their shields like other shielded creatures. When hovering they can be grounded with force or with fire status effects.
  • The Scar Hunter can now be grounded with fire status effects.
  • Improved the animation of the Scar Grenadier grenade throw to be more clear.

Javelin Changes

  • Looking away from interaction point while interacting no longer cancels the interaction.

Gear Changes

  • Interceptor
    • Base damage of Cluster Mine has been increased from 110 to 135
    • Base damage of Searching Glaive has been increased from 550 to 605
    • Base damage of Plasma Star has been increased from 110 to 210
    • Base damage of Wraith Strike has been increased from 250 to 315
  • Colossus
    • Base damage of Burst Mortar has been increased from 300 to 400
    • Base damage of Flak Cannon has been increased from 42 to 60
    • Base damage of Black Powder (Masterwork Flak Cannon) has been increased from 52.5 to 75
  • Ranger
    • Base damage of Blast Missile has been increased from 220 to 310
    • Based damage of Argo’s Mace (Masterwork Blast Missile) has been increased from 275 to 387.5
  • Storm
    • Base damage of Flame Burst has been increased from 150 to 260
    • Base damage of Venomous Blaze (Masterwork Flame Burst) has been increased from 225 to 390
    • Base damage of Arc Burst has been increased from 300/150 to 375/185

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where multiple status effects applied to creatures were not able to be detonated for combos.
  • Inventory slot count at End of Expedition now matches the Forge and Vault
  • Cortex Menu - Various bugs with navigation and opening/closing the cortex have been fixed.
  • Cortex Menu - Fixed issues where some entries could not be ‘mark as read’ or would be become unread
  • New items gained from an expedition will now properly show the new item icon
  • Reduced frequency and intensity of several weapon muzzle flashes and gear effects.
  • Colossus Components “Reinforced Hull” and “Colossal Stock Augment” have had several issues with their text descriptions fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Javelin’s lower body would twist oddly when strafing and swapping weapons.
  • Resolved errors with the “Conductive Lattice” Interceptor Component not always providing correct stat bonuses.
  • The "Recommended Power" values were unintentionally reverted to their original values and have been fixed. The values should now read 425 for GM1, 575 for GM2, and 675 for GM3.


  • General – Fixed various issues where players could get stuck, get outside of the environment, and other art-related issues.
  • Heart of Rage - Fixed an issue where the Monitor’s glaive would rotate oddly during his final animation.
  • Heart of Rage – Fixed an issue where you couldn’t replay the Heart of Rage after selecting to play another mission at the end of expedition screen.
  • Heart of Rage – Fixed an issue where the door closed prematurely preventing players from progressing to the arena.
  • Heart of Rage – Fixed an issue where a player could be party gathered if hovering too close to the door of the second arena.
  • Heart of Rage – Fixed an issue where you would receive no loot if your entire party was downed during the final phase of the titan fight.
  • Heart of Rage – Fixed an issue where the Monitor encounter would break if too much damage was done before the final phase.
  • Sunken Cell – Fixed an issue where the Fury sometimes would collide with rotating pillar on entering the arena.
  • Sunken Cell - Fixed some issues where creatures were unable to path to the player correctly.
  • Sunken Cell – Fixed an issue where the flight suppression progress wasn’t showing for some members of a squad.
  • Sunken Cell – Fixed an issue where Ash Brutes would be able to move while frozen.
  • Sunken Cell – Fixed some issues with the Spanish voice over conversations.
  • Temple of Scar – Fixed an issue where the player could stand inside the shield bubble of the final boss.
  • Temple of Scar – Fixed an issue where the player could be knocked into a cage and trapped in the boss arena.
  • Temple of Scar – Fixed an issue where rejoining a session at the final boss arena would cause the player to spawn outside of the arena and then get party gathered into the arena.
  • Tyrant Mine – Fixed an issue where the icon would appear twice on the Expedition map.
  • Tyrant Mine – Fixed an issue with text missing on the objective.

Missions and Legendary Missions

  • General: Fixed an issue where the Legendary Missions did not unlock after completing Return to the Heart of Rage.
  • General: Fixed an issue where a player could launch a legendary mission that was no longer available on the schedule and would spawn in with no content.
  • General: Fixed an issue where Legendary Missions would be locked until the next mission was available if you started a mission and didn’t complete it.
  • Finding Old Friends – Legendary: Fixed an issue where disconnecting during the mission would cause the mission objectives to disappear and prevent the mission from progressing.
  • Finding Old Friends – Legendary: Fixed an issue where two objective markers were present at the same time.
  • Finding Old Friends (Original and Legendary): Fixed an issue where dying on the “Go to Strider” objective, the player would be respawned across the map.
  • Finding Old Friends: Fixed an issue where dialog wasn’t playing for some players in a squad.
  • Finding Old Friends: Added missing summary text in the Journal entry for completed mission.
  • Finding Old Friends – Legendary: Fixed an issue where players that did not bring both pieces of Ursix meat to gain entry to see Princess Zhim stopped the mission from progressing.
  • Fortress of Dawn: Fixed an issue where players were able to control their EXO during the cinematics.
  • Incursion (Original and Legendary): Fixed an issue with party gather after leaving the interior of the cave.
  • Incursion (Original and Legendary): Fixed an issue with multiple objective markers appearing.
  • Legion of Dawn: Added missing outcome text in the Journal entry for completed mission.
  • Lost Arcanist – Legendary: Fixed an issue where the objective marker was using an incorrect icon.
  • Rescue Haluk – Legendary: Fixed an issue where the mission didn’t progress until all party members arrived at the beginning location.
  • Rescue Haluk – Legendary: Fixed an issue where the move to the lower courtyard objective didn’t appear until all party members reached a specific point.
  • Rescue Haluk: Fixed an issue where the summary did not appear in the Journal after completing the mission.
  • Matthias Contract – Arcanist Runes: Fixed an issue where no enemies were spawning on the last objective.
  • Yarrow – Tempting Target: Fixed an issue where the objective marker was missing.
  • Yarrow – Imposter: Fixed an issue with the text in the Journal when this mission was completed.

Fort Tarsis

  • Fixed an issue where Forge UI appeared during cinematic for Crafting the Dawn Shield.
  • Clarified the objective text for building and equipping the Dawn Shield.
  • Fixed visual issues with the curtains at the entrance to the bar in Fort Tarsis.
  • Adjusted the conversation with Sev in the introduction to the Sunken Cell stronghold to reflect that you’ve spoken with Sev previously.


  • Fixed various issues where players could get stuck, get outside of the environment, and other art-related issues.

Freeplay/World Events

  • Fixed an issue where scar hatches would sometimes appear and be enabled to enter in the middle of a world event instead of at the end.
  • Reputation rewards – Fixed an issue where reputation points were not being awarded for the Freelancer in Need world event and added reputation points for discovering caves you can enter.
  • Fixed issues with the Arcanist Korox Study world event where dying and respawning was sometimes causing the world event to break and not be able to complete.