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All this talk about masterwork items getting better drop rates is great. Yay the devs listens and react super quick. But I'm sitting at level 16 because I cant play more than 2 consecutive missions without either crashing back to the title screen, or my PS4 just straight up shutting down.

It's gotten to the point where I started wondering what the PSN's return policy for broken games that just don't work. I've never had a more frustrating experience with an online game in my life.

Yes, I've tried reinstalling, forwarding ports, ect. I've tried everything. And only myself and one of my friends out of the 6 of us that bought the game are having issues of this severity, but that 1/3 of us just straight up unable to play.

So can we get an update on some work being to correct these types of issues? We could get a million masterwork drops every 15 seconds, but that doesn't matter to a fragment of the player base that can't even play.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

We are looking into crashes. It sucks you are having this experience.