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First of all, I wanted to talk about the power level of this combination of items. My storm, with no investment in gun damage in any way besides these two items, crits for about 20k per headshot on regular trash mobs and much higher on anything weak to crits. The blastback shoots at about 2-3 shots per second with a quick reload, so that's about 50k dps. This build can kill turrets in a gm1 stronghold in about 2 seconds. But it goes much, much higher, see below. At the maximum, I was able to do about 1 million DPS to the final boss of the 3rd stronghold in completely ideal conditions.

So here's the interaction:

Avenging herald gives 200% weapon damage while hovering. When you use an avenging herald in your main wep and your 2nd wep, these bonuses stack giving you 400% weapon damage. Ive tested this directly and I'm 100% sure it works.

This may be intended, but if it is I find that it's terrible design because I don't think any gun in the game can compete with 2 heralds in any situation except maybe a devastator with frequent ammo pickups and the interceptor isntant reload perk, but in that case you'll want a herald in offhand anyway for the buff.

Here's where it all gets crazy though: Gunslinger's Mark on storm is bugged. It's supposed to give you 60% weak point damage while hovering (Raptor's Deadeye buff), which it does. However, every time you dash/Dodge in the air, the buff gets added an extra time giving you 60% more crit damage. This stays until you stop hovering, which on a storm can be minutes or longer pretty easily.

The limiting factor in a large fight can be your ammo before it becomes your hover duration, but it can be stacked to at least 30 stacks pretty easily. Especially in the hilariously overtuned final boss fight in stronghold 3, where the boss has 10+ million HP on GM1 for some reason, this gun can get up to about 1 million dps. I can also kill the tyrant mine boss in a 4 man group, solo, before she even climbs up the wall and spawns adds once.

Obviously the Gunslinger's Mark is bugged and will get fixed, but I think that avenging herald needs to not have any effect if it's used on your unequipped weapon. I don't think any gun in the game even close to compares with this combo, and even if one gun does emerge that does, you're going to absolutely use a herald as your 2nd gun along with that in every build which is also stupid. Avenging herald should just modify it's own damage while hovering and not have any effect when it's sitting as your spare weapon while you use your other one.

TLDR: Avenging herald's 200% damage while hovering applys if you're using that gun AND from a 2nd one in your backup weapon for 400% total damage. Gunslinger mark gives 60% weak point damage while hovering, but if you dash while hovering the buff gets added again and stays until you stop hovering, allowing almost unlimited stacks and damage. 250k crits for around 1 million DPS. are possible. They shouldn't be.

Edit: also, so this is more of a bug report and not a "everyone go out and exploit this" kind of post, paging u/BioCamden

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Hey Mind-game thanks for the heads up here. We’re aware of the Avenging Herald bonus when not equipped, but I appreciate the report about Gunslinger’s Mark in combination.