about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by 708145

So, wait, does that mean you're absolutely limited to only two javelins per account throughout the demo? Because if that's the case then I'm going to have to use two of my friend codes to create alt accounts to try out the other ones

Yes I believe that’s the case.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Between missions and expeditions yep!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by 708145

That's a real shame because for a demo that's going to run for 3 days per session, 6 days total, that probably only has a comparably slim vertical slice of things to do, one of the best things to be able to do in that time would be to spend time trying out all four of them :(

Yeah I agree, but there should be plenty to do outside of that. The story and free play should keep you busy. I hope anyway!