over 5 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Hello Freelancers,

Thank you for all your feedback over the last couple of days following the release of our 1.4.0 Patch. As many of you have discovered and communicated to us, we have a few issues the team is addressing ASAP (listed below). The good news is, we did not intentionally “stealth nerf” anything. The less good news is, fixing these bugs will require a patch, which the team is feverishly working on now. We’ll have full details in our Patch notes, but here are some of the bigger ones...

  • Some damage formulas  from Gear & Weapons are not functioning as intended.
  • Some Support items are not functioning as intended.
  • Jarra’s Wrath is, well… “kinda” OP (yeah, we know)

Finally, since we know this may have put a slight damper on this update for many of you, we have decided to extend Week 5 of the Cataclysm an extra week. You’ll now be able to play with all the current Inversions and Seasonal Store items exactly as they are until September 17th.

NOTE: As usual, this is not everything that the team is working on, and just a list of some of the biggest reported issues from 1.4.0. If you have additional bugs you are encountering please report them to us on Answers HQ so that the team can properly investigate them.

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