about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by twi5t3d

I was doing the stronghold mission with two friends and a random joined our group (public). He proceeded to AFK and there was no way to trigger the boss fight. I saw no way to report or kick him in the menus. We messaged him, waited for 20m, and gave up. Anyone have a similar experience?

We definitely have support for afk/activity detection and auto-kick. It may not have made it into the demo, but I will investigate. We did not add in vote kick as it is ripe for abuse.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by NVZ-

Just give us an option to play strongholds in private mode maybe?

Private mode means solo play with no matchmaking. Strongholds are 4 player content and are balanced as such.

You do have the option to form a premade (squad) while you are in Fort Tarsis. Inviting the other players from Start of Expedition forms a 'private' squad, bypasses matchmaking, and gets you in the stronghold as a team.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by shamus727

I think NOT having a vote kick option is ripe for abuse. What happens when someone wants to troll and just run around in circles not helping? Or worse than that your giving us no way to deal with someone who decides to spam the mic with loud noises or hate speech.

We have a 'mute' feature which silences that person and a 'block' feature which would avoid all future matchmaking with that person.