about 6 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s [Music]
10s [Applause]
20s [Music]
25s and we are live hello everyone and
29s welcome to another anthem livestream my
32s name is Ben Irving I'm one of the lead
33s producers for anthem and joining me
36s today we have a very special guest Daren
38s McPherson Daren would you like to
39s introduce yourself to our amazing fans
41s yeah hi fans I am the producer for
43s gameplay here to talk about some really
45s cool things that's right so to that
48s point today's stream topic is all about
50s loot gear and progression it's been a
53s really exciting journey I think going
54s through these streams we've talked about
56s our world my story we've talked about
59s javelins we've talked about deer weapons
62s and abilities outside of the streams we
65s talked about personalization two streams
67s ago but the one thing we really haven't
69s got into is how does progression work
71s how does loot work what a rarity is how
73s do the stats work can I make builds and
75s loadouts yep and our goal today is to
78s talk everyone through all of that stuff
80s which is exciting let's do it so we're
84s gonna flip over to the game now and look
88s at the forge so we've talked about this
89s before the forge is split into two core
91s sections we have loadouts and
94s appearances we often call that
96s customization and personalization so
99s personalization is about how you look
101s your appearance and customization or the
103s loadouts
104s as you see in the UI here is about your
107s power so as we dive into this darren can
111s you just talk a little bit about what
113s are the kind of UI elements we see here
115s and then after that just the summary of
117s of yep so each javelin has five hard
122s points or equippable slots that you're
124s gonna have those are broken up into
126s different types so you've got here so
128s you see weapons the Colossus specific
131s heavy assault launcher the Ranger has a
134s different one that sort has everyone's
136s so directive different names ordnance
138s launcher is his rear mounted artillery
141s components and support you right and so
144s in the past we've talked about you know
146s there are three gear pieces so here it's
148s kind of heavy assault launcher ordnance
150s launcher support gear there would be the
152s three for the Colossus you have two
153s weapon
154s if you when we drill into the weapons
156s you'll see and then components which we
157s haven't talked about yet and we'll save
159s that from it will get there so that's
162s that's the construct for how you can
164s equip things and do things with your
165s character but before we dive in what's
168s the like overall system like you have a
171s pilot the pilot has levels like how do
173s what other parts of that - progressing
176s your character as you play okay so you
177s just like a normal RPG you have levels
180s your pilot in this case it's not an EXO
182s level it's a pilot level right so as you
185s progress in your pilot you unlock
188s certain things like for instance if I
191s want a second weapon I get that at four
192s so I start with a single one at cetera
194s these slots are unlocked some of them
198s relatively early in the game and then as
202s you play the game you'll you'll loot
205s items yep those items have levels on
207s them okay
207s those items also have rarities so you've
210s here for me with other mm other RPGs
212s there are there's really common and so
215s we have common we have uncommon
217s we have rare and then we have epic and
219s then we have a couple that we'll talk
221s about later later that that make up
223s basically our six rarity types awesome
226s so you have a pilot level and as you
228s increase that you get more powerful loot
231s and then rarity scales amongst those
234s levels as well okay cool so that's the
238s overview now we need to describe how
241s does this look like so we'll start
242s pretty simply with a uncommon item so
245s here we have the fire world motto do you
247s want to just explain what are we seeing
249s here and yep what are these
251s so we have our stat block this is the
254s firewall more so it does fire damage you
256s can see here you know the damages fire
258s yeah it lays a wall down okay it had we
262s used to see that it's recharge time and
265s fire status a fire status is sort of a
269s new stat for for games like this which
273s is how quickly do you lie someone would
276s fire in this case or if it were AI
277s status how quickly do you freeze them
278s etc so this is a good little segue so
281s that's important to our combo system
283s yeah so the idea here is that you would
286s apply a status effect
288s once you apply enough of it on a certain
289s creature it's now primed right and then
292s you could get a gear piece that's a
294s detonator and use that to do a combo
296s yeah right so so yeah so we have things
299s that work that apply in effect and then
302s things that will then create combos when
304s that effect is there so this one puts
306s effects on how do is they write a tell
308s what here yep so if you look to the left
310s of firewall mortar the name there's a
311s little symbol there that happens to look
313s like a flame but that is our our
315s universal icon for this thing we'll add
317s a that a status effect okay cool and you
319s know some things will build a lot slower
321s than others so while most of the things
324s that apply an element of ice or whatever
325s will build up some of them are so what
328s would take a long time to build up okay
330s gotcha gotcha okay sounds really good
331s and then so that's most of it there's
335s one little pot here Oh every stream then
338s forgets the caveats so a couple of
341s cadets why are there zeros in there bang
343s Lockwood so this is still a game we're
347s working on it's not finished and in this
349s bill we have a bunch of bugs and so one
351s of the bugs we have here is all of the
353s numbers for this next part are all zeros
355s obviously in the real game they won't be
357s zeros in fact most of the numbers here
360s are work in progress or have bugs to
362s them so please don't read into any of
363s the the numbers here the damaged numbers
365s that balance still continues ages that's
369s all work in progress so with that being
372s said when you see zero percent pick up
373s radius that's obviously right the action
376s not as good as you would want as good as
378s you would want okay so now that I
380s remembered to do that thing I was meant
381s to do at the very start
382s can you explain there is a thing here
385s that says zero percent pick up radius
386s what is that so that's an inscription
388s okay so each item that you get above
389s common rarity so uncommon and above will
392s have a number of inscriptions on them
394s these are these are stats that have a
397s will have a random range of value so
400s this could hypothetically be five to ten
402s percent right now you get you get this
405s item and you get a seven percent bonus
406s ok cool it's good there is a number of
409s there's over 100 actual different
412s descriptions you can get on an item
414s broken up into into a few pools for us
417s to organize and balanced so on some of
419s them you're going to get extra down
421s stats on some of them you're gonna get
422s secondary utility things like that yeah
425s so just to clarify for everyone watching
427s that would mean every time you get a
429s firewall moto it does the firewall
432s that's the thing it does damage it apply
434s status effects but if you get uncommon
438s or higher you get a random rule and
441s those things would be different every
442s time so the core functionality is the
443s same but all the bonuses are different
446s yes all right
447s yep okay so we've covered a lot stuff ok
450s wait a second what do we have any
453s questions that have come in that are
456s related to that
457s ok so first question will we be able to
463s craft legendary weapons and gear or are
465s those specifically only available as
467s loot drops in the world okay so we're
471s gonna touch on legendary weapons and
472s gear a bit later I think we're still a
474s sport because replace that with epic can
477s we get purple legendary weapons a gear
481s so the primary means of gaining gear
486s weapons components is randomly through
490s killing creatures or defeating
491s objectives etc yeah so you can
494s eventually get some of the ability to
496s give some recipes to craft some of these
498s things crafting is a is a good
500s supplement to not I didn't get the
502s assault rifle I wanted but maybe I got
504s the recipe that I can then craft that
506s yep cool let's oh I think you just kind
511s of answer that question the other
512s question we just got here was will loot
516s be orangey based where we share will
518s have specific mission strongholds that
520s yeah yeah so the answer that question is
523s just what you said right like for the
524s most part you got into the world and you
526s get right yeah let me clarify one thing
528s though that the the base on your level
531s you will get more is more high more high
534s chance for you to get it better rarey
535s right so if I'm level 5 its I'm it's
539s really hard for me to get an epic piece
541s feasibly could happen right but as I get
544s closer to 20 that will start happening
545s more frequently yeah and then if you
547s play how to difficulties how konstanz
549s your chance of getting higher rarities
551s bullying right so if I'm if I'm you know
553s level 30 I'm in a dungeon
554s my that's a really good chance for me to
556s get epic drops you know bigger better
560s okay so I just saw a question in chat
563s come through that was can we trade with
564s other players
566s so our answer that is no like we want
568s this to be about the loot you go out and
570s get yourself and again
573s if you end up in a situation where you
575s don't get the things like I really want
577s an assault rifle an assault rifle never
579s drops then the thing you could do is to
582s your point supplement with craft move so
583s you could find a challenge that rewards
585s a an assault rifle blueprint which is
588s our recipes and then get the materials
591s and craft that if usually just want to
592s have an assault rifle and you were
594s getting unlucky for some reason and not
595s getting your hands on one okay so that's
598s a couple questions we might get back
600s into the explanation so we covered the
602s ordinance the launcher which was a green
605s uncommon piece yeah we're going to look
606s at the heavy assault launcher now yeah
608s so we only have our Flint arm so again
610s fire damage this builds up fire status
614s and you see our descriptions here I have
619s javelin heat damage which affects all
620s the the heat or fire damage that I would
623s do as a player so that's a really good
624s role to have on this on this item and
627s then I get extra shotgun ammo right so
629s here I think you might have mentioned
631s but here we have two inscriptions and
633s before we had one right is there how
635s does that yeah so from from common to
637s uncommon sorry from uncommon to rare you
639s get an additional description and that
641s number grows up to four well up to four
644s will get heavy adding later rarities and
647s the old four would be random roles for
649s this well from different pools so we you
653s know as you get an item you know weapon
656s at level 20 it'll have you know world
658s from a primary damage pool so that
660s primary damage pool is is what you is
662s gonna increase your damage of someone
663s some kind yeah as opposed to sometimes I
666s get you know something that isn't maybe
669s as exciting like pickup radius but it's
671s still helpful as opposed to a really
673s good one I go yeah so like flight time
675s extensions right and you know depending
678s on your build that's really fight time
679s of extension will see little later it's
681s super value I decide you want to do
683s speedruns so having a huge pickup radius
685s is great because you can go through
686s and pick things let me tell you plenty
688s is a storm with big pickup radius is
689s huge hole good point good point
691s okay so that covers off the assault
695s launcher and kind of the rare items I
697s think we're gonna look at epic one or
699s purple one
700s so I wanted to to talk about this one so
702s this is common this is the lowest rarity
703s and here on the side of the the railgun
706s on the left side you see the combo I
709s icon so it's one of those right natives
712s right it's a detonator so each one of
714s the things that does that this says this
716s detonates the detonator calm explosive
719s combo so if we had use our other piece
721s to put a creature in fire status and I
724s use this use this for a combo right and
727s then I don't think we should digress
728s here but then each of the suits have a
730s different effect when they combo yep we
733s can cover it real quick I guess so
735s so the the classes here has explosive
737s combo so he does damage to the primary
739s target that is that has been primed and
741s then an AoE
742s right the Ranger does a high impact
745s single target damage enormous amounts of
747s damage the storm so the guys frozen and
751s he hits him he does not only does damage
753s that guy but he changed the ice frozen
755s other yeah
757s and the interceptor is my favorite you
759s go in kind of a favored child but I
762s can't I'm allowed to they don't talk
764s back to me they don't get jealous but
767s you hit that you hit their prime target
769s with one of your your combos and now you
772s were surrounded by an aura of that
774s element so then I drag that around and
776s freeze or a planet or away you move yeah
778s so there's a lot of depth fed to the
781s combo system which maybe should be a
782s turn to itself but we recovered a lot of
785s the basics anyway okay so we've gone
788s through that next let's take a look at
790s some epic stuff so we'll drive into the
793s weapons real quick which have a few
794s different effects so here's our here's
798s our grenade launcher again heavy weapon
799s have we ever covered heavy weapons on
801s these extremes uh no okay so we're doing
804s it now okay let's so this is a heavy
806s weapon heavier weapons still will be
807s used by the classes right which is cool
809s so there's the grenade launcher and the
812s autocannon big massive our image of the
814s colossus okay for the classes here's
816s here's a marksman again used you can be
818s used by anybody
819s yes oh you can see it's damaged it's
821s optimal range that's where you're gonna
823s do the most damage if it's more than
824s that we damage will be lower and then of
827s course it's going to have the three
828s inscription right now okay so then you
831s know the rest kind of is similar enough
833s to that the one thing you know support
836s years is we don't even probably go into
837s but the one thing we didn't really cover
839s in the general of anthem communication
843s was composers knew which is kind of you
845s to explain so again this comes back to
847s that notion that we've separated vanity
850s and power what we're calling
851s personalization and customization and so
854s in personalization you you pick the
856s helmet you want to wear in the chest and
858s the legs and arms for example but there
861s are no stats associated to it and so
863s players have been asking wool but isn't
866s that kind of annoying because I like
868s that I have stats there and so what
870s we've done instead is have a series of
872s components that bring that back so not
874s only do they add stats to your suits but
876s they add other abilities but why don't I
878s hand over to you and you were trained so
881s and it's and some of the things that
882s they do we I agree with them I agree
884s with everyone saying those same same
885s things yeah how do I customize my play
887s style how do i optimize how I you know
890s what I do how do I incentivize to go
893s down a specific path and pursue a
894s specific item for instance so components
897s are the answer to that so let me dive
900s into these these two on this one there's
902s many many more that you can get
904s components primary purpose is to allow
907s you to tailor and customize the the play
909s style yeah that you want so so what's an
911s example so an example of this is right
912s here all blast damage which means
914s explosions and there are things that
916s aren't explosive that do blast damage so
918s we're very specific here is increased
920s now it's obviously percentage no zero
922s percent isn't good we have a bug in
924s there but if I wanted to focus on doing
927s explosives I would maybe this is an item
930s I would choose these also have up to two
933s descriptions on them okay so the
937s difference between this explosives
938s expert and another one would be the the
940s inscriptions could be the the rarity and
943s the power level of it and so I think
947s explosion is a good one it's like more
948s damage what are other ones are their
950s utility things to focus on so there so
952s there's a utility thing
954s I need more ammo in my I've got an
957s autocannon I want more ammo right you
960s take the you take the one that you take
961s the thing that gives you either more
963s ammo for all your weapons over there is
964s a specific classes when it gives you
966s more autocannon ammo or more ammo for
968s all of your weapons
969s one question we get asked a lot is hey
972s can you know flight school I love flying
975s we'll have you out extend my flight oh
976s yeah is it this way you do it so you can
978s do this an indent in a couple ways you
979s can you can do it here so you're getting
982s ascription that gives you more thrust or
984s life time right or you get them you get
987s that and if you roll really well you get
989s it also as your descriptions so these
991s give you a more thruster so so I can fly
994s for a much longer time or hover for a
995s much longer time if I choose to
997s specialize in that yeah and one little
999s point and then we're going to move on
1000s here so this is pretty complicated and
1004s so sometimes fear and talking through it
1007s it's like hey well what if I just like
1009s want to enjoy playing the game and equip
1011s stuff versus being a min/max alight like
1013s is that does this
1015s cater to both yeah so so it's again
1018s components are meant to allow you to
1020s very easily customize your play and it
1023s is not very complicated it can get
1025s complicated but it's to what degree you
1027s want to participate in that if I want
1029s more if I feel like I won more ammo I'm
1031s gonna equip the fun yeah if I want to if
1034s I happen to be using an assault rifle
1035s because that was the latest drop that I
1037s got and you have the component for
1039s assault rifle damage or assault rifle
1041s ammo equipment yeah so they're pretty
1043s self-explanatory
1043s although rend it's like okay if I have a
1046s specific group play with so if they
1048s combine to do things I could get really
1050s deep good the second one the overclock
1053s regulator the second one you see here
1055s and I had some obvious benefits to the I
1059s both have my firewall mortar I have
1060s electric electricity earpieces that I
1062s can do in the clauses so that's a pretty
1064s good item but when I combine that with
1066s other things that boost elemental damage
1069s or that do elemental damage then I begin
1071s to have some synergy with additional
1073s items so alright so I think we've
1077s covered this build a little bit so what
1080s we want to do next so first of all let's
1082s see if we can get a couple questions as
1084s we're rolling into the next topic but
1086s daran very kindly set up this clausus
1089s loadout and we're looking at it was like
1091s man it would be cool to show like a high
1094s end like a really high end loadout and
1096s so you made an extra loadout that is a
1099s master world loadout so first let's talk
1102s about we talked rarities up to epoch
1103s there are two more do you want to
1105s explain what comes next and then and at
1107s the same time let's talk to the Ranger
1108s and see what you've put together for us
1110s so rarities beyond epic our masterwork
1114s and legendary yeah so a masterwork let
1120s me go to here I can't do I can't speak
1122s and do things I want two things at once
1124s so a masterwork item is a higher higher
1129s rarity higher higher power level than an
1132s epic and also each one comes with a a
1134s masterwork property okay some special
1137s thing that it does over and beyond what
1139s it's normal things are so we looked at
1143s we can look at the the assault like we
1147s look at our assault launcher you can get
1149s a high explosive missile I think it's
1151s called the blast missile in the game at
1153s any rarity but when you get the
1155s masterwork version it comes with a new
1157s eye a new orange text right so this is
1161s an upgraded version of that that when
1164s when you defeat an enemy an explosion
1167s happens that electric explosion happens
1168s okay so you've got this special property
1171s I then see you've got the full
1173s inscription for descriptions so if I was
1176s to get another argoes mace the special
1179s property would be the same right and
1180s then the four inscriptions will be
1182s different so you might want to get
1184s multiple agro spaces to get the perfect
1186s combination of inscriptions a penny I'm
1188s not chasing deep you want to go you all
1190s right you'll make a critical eye to as
1191s many as you can until you get like
1193s javelin blast damage that's good for me
1195s I want to make it I want thruster life
1198s so you'll see I'm all of this leads to
1201s me getting a build together and then
1204s above masterworks is Legendary's which
1207s we don't have examples here today right
1209s but you wanna explain yes so take a take
1212s a master work item and give it a level
1215s upgrade same properties but probably a
1218s deeper
1219s per inscription pool different
1221s inscriptions it can pull from and more
1223s power and also the same property it's
1224s the kind of the same but more power yeah
1226s it's it's like the ultimate chase for
1228s the people who yes will play hard to get
1231s and do the hottest content of the most
1233s dedicated it's the the big chase item in
1235s there all right little little breath dia
1237s we have got some questions that of Bank
1239s yes can you agree Wayne the gear score
1243s more yeah so each item that you have has
1245s a power EC the power level that those
1249s values added together form your your
1252s gear score we use that to say this is
1254s the this content is appropriate for
1256s someone of your of your level right and
1259s so you can see the top right al says
1261s legendary range I think that's a bargain
1262s it's above should say boss the work yes
1264s we're in master work but then so what
1266s the sum of all my part is fall is 433 so
1270s when I if I were to take some of these
1271s items off you'd see that bar go down and
1273s then but suddenly I'm now an epic Ranger
1274s yeah and as you cross thresholds you'll
1276s go through the rarities yeah okay
1279s awesome this is another question I'll
1282s answer it is inventory space limited so
1285s yes there is a limit because there has
1287s to be because that's how servers look
1289s it's pretty large though and so the idea
1292s is that you have plenty of space to keep
1294s enough of these things that you need for
1298s your different loadouts but you will
1300s have to maintain it a little bit like in
1301s most games you fill up and you realize
1303s oh yeah half of it is John can you keep
1304s it a day and salvage it which salvaging
1307s an hour game is really important because
1308s it gives you crafting materials so
1310s you'll want to break down the things
1311s you're not using or you don't need
1313s anymore and use them to to craft stuff
1315s so yes there is a cap it's it's meant to
1317s be big enough that you can freely do all
1319s this stuff but that there's a limit at
1322s some point like our engineer start
1323s complaining when he gets too much yeah
1325s we'll blueprint scale yeah with you take
1328s a question walk so basically I think the
1330s the question is if I get a blueprint on
1333s level 5 look let's say it let's say
1335s crazy something crazy happened and I'm
1336s level 20 and I get a master work
1338s blueprint and I create that you would
1342s then created a level 20 version of that
1343s right and then if you so it's basically
1346s whatever level you you are you marry the
1348s same one you would be recipe
1350s you don't it's not levels there's a
1352s recipe it gets created for the current
1354s level when you yes right I didn't know
1357s that was good
1359s is there a way to re-roll inscriptions
1361s the method for we rollin descriptions to
1365s recraft the item okay so if you're
1367s crafting an item you craft lots of it
1370s yeah into your conceptions you want if
1371s you just got an item the answer is to go
1374s out and get the item again right so
1375s there yeah you can't reroll except my
1377s crafting all right perfect
1379s alright so let's get back to our build
1381s so we're gonna get deep here I think
1384s it's about to get complicated to the see
1386s this you don't get a get a spreadsheet
1388s out get a get a pencil on calculator
1391s we're going to just talk through
1393s Darrin's build the different pieces of
1395s it and then at the end we'll talk about
1398s the synergies I think if we gave the
1399s high-level thing you've created a build
1402s that excels at being a ranger who hovers
1404s right and by using gear you can do lots
1408s of bonus damage and hover wander and
1410s reduce cooldowns and keep doing lots of
1413s gear right so a hover I do explosive
1415s damage yep I do Ultimates as much as
1418s possible that's the three key pieces
1420s right so let's explain how that works so
1424s we'll start with the components which
1426s are for this bill the most important
1427s thing I want to be super clear here I'm
1429s focused on explosions which are coming
1431s from gear right but the other build that
1433s I was playing when playing with it was
1436s an impact build which would have been
1438s focused on weapons yeah well and then I
1440s have other I have gear that actually
1442s does impact damage as well so it's yeah
1443s it's the opposite so I guess the point
1446s there is there are lots of different
1448s builds oh you make and I think the
1449s players will come up with many that we
1451s never even thought oh I hope so this is
1452s just one example to show kind of the
1454s depth and that the kind of choices
1456s you'll have as you're doing this
1458s ourselves
1458s okay so airborne advantage is a ranger
1462s only component while I'm hovering my
1464s gear recharge rate is increased by half
1467s huge so like a 10 second thing comes
1471s five second five seconds yeah okay so I
1473s can do my I can do my here more often
1474s it's ridiculous so on this one it's a
1479s little confusing when I defeat an enemy
1481s with the left bumper
1484s right bump both my right bumper my left
1486s bumper gets more damage okay so in my
1488s case it happens to be yeah a high
1490s explosive blast missile mm-hmm and a
1493s grenade both of which do explosive
1495s damage right so you you to feed the
1497s enemy with the missile then when you
1499s throw your grenades you're doing 50%
1500s extra yes okay if I climb it up requires
1503s some timing so there's some skill
1504s involved here right absolutely
1506s which is good while not integral to my
1512s build
1512s if I get multi kills which happens a lot
1515s with a grenade that doesn't a lot of
1517s damage my shields are restored right so
1519s if you use right defeat enemy with your
1523s missile then you throw your grant at
1524s three people it's doing double damage if
1526s it kills them Richard shields right so
1529s if I'm in the thick of things I could
1530s stay in longer if I'm executing my
1532s rotation probably okay so tip of the
1535s spear I also I want to use my ultimate a
1537s lot because and I'll show you why I'll
1539s show you what I have to do that there
1540s but when I use my ultimate it increases
1543s my gear damage by 50% so that's tax with
1546s with the with the other one okay so I'll
1549s more likely be able to trigger them yep
1552s and for five seconds also very integral
1556s to my thing and then I pulled in a
1557s couple things that that were really good
1559s epic versions of my standard pieces
1561s because I want my assault launcher to do
1563s more damage and that 5% is actually
1565s higher than that it's a value and I want
1570s it I want to throw out as many grades as
1572s I can clearly that which render yes you
1574s know turn it so I want the recharge rate
1576s as low as possible and see I think you
1578s can really see the difference between
1579s the master work items are really
1581s interesting yeah you know and then the
1584s lower Rarity's are impactful to your
1585s playstyle but it requires less thought
1588s into how you'd pieces right so this
1590s Grenadier inscription I could get that
1593s all the five six right it's it's a
1595s obviously you know but it would have
1597s been straight right inscriptions right
1599s okay so it built up in layers the
1602s players don't have to go up it all down
1604s at the same time so that's components
1605s but that's not the end of the bill right
1607s there are a few extra pieces or so so
1609s let's look at this guy
1610s so this is my my blast missile Electric
1615s explosion when I did if he didn't enemy
1616s so I
1618s I want to do more explosive damage as
1619s much as I can this allows me to do that
1622s because you so you also had when you
1624s defeat an enemy your grenades get more
1626s damage but also any defeat an enemy it
1628s does bonus damage as well yeah see you
1630s like defeating an enemy explosion damage
1633s and bonus great yeah I want to go
1635s stacking up into you know I've also got
1638s thruster life here because I I want to
1641s hover as much as I can and blast damage
1645s forget to the weapon yes especially okay
1648s so oh let's look at the grenade first
1650s okay so this is on a small multi kill I
1654s add that that number is bugged
1657s don't worry is not a thousand but a 10%
1659s could be about so that's 10% but you're
1666s gonna get this you're gonna get this a
1667s lot it's not hard to kill two guys so
1669s big so now we're into okay make sure
1672s I'll wear I'll follow huh I use my
1674s missile to defeat an enemy hold on
1677s start at the top violent do-do-do-do-do
1680s though gun NYX because then we came to
1682s go to the whole thing okay okay because
1685s the hovering pot you're at in someone's
1686s critical the most critical part of this
1687s which is where we go okay so this is so
1691s I've got two items here we talked
1692s earlier about combos yeah so normally a
1697s weapon doesn't doesn't apply any status
1699s effects this one that number should be
1702s 10 but if I hit somebody 10 times it
1705s will light them on fire right which will
1706s I find them for gettin a is an
1709s accomplice okay so while I'm hovering I
1712s get represents which gives me extra week
1714s 1 damage so while not vital to my build
1717s is an extra perk while I'm hovering cuz
1719s I'm already supervising hovering so even
1721s you didn't manage to defeat an enemy you
1723s could clean them up pretty clearly with
1725s with the bonus right damage okay so then
1729s what we're gonna do is well so we
1733s weren't planning to show this but I
1736s think we can show it I don't know where
1738s at one time but eval lovely questions
1741s first allow us to show it why don't we
1745s try to show it all right
1747s thumbs up so let's we'll swap back just
1750s to our heads
1752s answer some questions and then we'll get
1754s ourselves covered up well let's let's
1756s just describe the sum of all of that
1758s let's say you correct me this wrong okay
1762s I hover I hover I'm getting but reduce
1767s vehicle down by half yes and we point
1770s damage I defeated enemy with my missile
1773s right it does bonus explosion damage and
1776s it makes my grenades do 50% more damage
1779s for 3 seconds if I use my grenade and
1782s get a two person multi kill right it'll
1785s regenerate my shields if I get a three
1787s person multi kill it will fill my
1789s ultimate meter faster you got those
1791s numbers reverse but yes so yeah ok with
1793s us so after I do all of that oh can you
1797s load up into the okay so after I do all
1801s of that if my Ultimates filled up I use
1806s my ultimate that increases all of my
1808s gear by I remember the number now there
1810s was 50% or something yep which at that
1813s point my gear cooldowns are so good
1815s there's probably refreshed and I'm doing
1817s a deliverer it's ludicrous that's
1819s ridiculous
1819s yeah so anyway that but but - so it
1823s sounds ludicrous and unbalanced but if
1824s you want to push into we've talked about
1828s and I think you've seen on streams
1829s Grandmaster difficulty something like
1830s that though you're required to have that
1832s power to push that content where you're
1834s getting better so you'll do this don't
1836s you want to be playing the top hand
1838s right right ok and so on that at launch
1840s there'll be three difficulties as you
1842s play through the creep path and also get
1846s towards max level right we've showed
1848s them I think it's Lancer freelancer
1852s master mm-hmm and then there'll be three
1855s more difficulties available at launch
1856s once you unlock them that a grandmaster
1859s one two and three right and that's where
1863s I think this kind of stuff comes into
1865s play but also by doing that harder
1866s content you get a higher chance of
1868s getting these more rare items like
1871s master works and things like that right
1872s okay so we're gonna show all of that but
1876s while we're just getting ourselves
1877s worked sorted out let's do a couple more
1881s questions if we have some
1886s okay that's a good question it's very on
1889s topic let's say there is a legendary gun
1893s called the exploiter is there going to
1895s be only one version of that gun with
1897s fixed stats or can we find an infinite
1899s version of the same gun with better
1901s rolls on the stats so that we don't end
1903s up with the same builds yeah so as we
1907s said the the Explorer is a masterwork
1909s that explodes like that if it's orange
1913s property the orange property that it has
1915s will always be the same on the explorer
1916s right but the infusions on it will be
1919s different so because there's a wide
1921s variety of builds multiple builds could
1924s use the exposure and depending on what
1926s build I use the Explorer in I may want
1928s different stats so it's perfect for me
1930s if it's gone if they stay a thruster on
1932s it so they can hover more right but if
1934s I'm not hover base if I'm melee based
1935s then you and I don't care about it right
1938s all right so we're gonna flip ourselves
1940s over to free play I think we're sorted
1942s out here all right we are good to go
1947s so so we've talked about grenade right
1951s refresh that's right so let's let's let
1954s me show you want to explain yeah yeah
1956s right so so I think it's about 12
1958s seconds so see the little little bar
1961s raised now watch what happens when I
1963s hover yeah it's off much faster like
1966s it's ridiculous and you can see is there
1969s debuffs on the left is that right yes
1971s yeah so yeah let me I guess almost which
1974s but so Raptors relief is the cooldown
1977s reduction and Raptor sense is is my weak
1979s point damage yeah so you can see and you
1983s see the electric explosion there that
1985s happen yeah okay
1986s so so let's do so you've got to get the
1990s feed an enemy with your mantle watch oh
1992s so I'm gonna do that oh oh you didn't
1994s didn't kill him didn't kill him okay I
1996s do a bunch of damage with that grenade
1997s so it's cool and it comes back fast yeah
1999s you better get on the ground
2000s okay so let's we'll see if we can get
2003s this here okay so you defeated here
2006s Celia got Victor's boost I guess which
2009s is grenade does extra damage and then
2011s you got the grenade coil if that was a
2013s multi kill if I would have very shield
2015s the shield back and everybody's - we'd
2017s see how old
2018s you know go occupy and I think one of
2020s the bugs here is you have a bunch of
2022s Plus Rasta and I think it's not what's
2024s not working nor is the extra the
2026s ultimate regeneration did I have base
2030s regeneration yeah
2032s so you'd be at a hover longer and
2033s probably get your ultimate even faster
2035s than what Willis O'Brien
2036s oh that's fine cuz if you miss you got
2041s to get those weak points yep okay so why
2046s are you doing this I'll field some extra
2048s questions as you keep explaining stuff
2053s alright so now the grenades are really
2057s the Great's are really powerful but
2058s what's slow when we balance them that
2060s way but this this is way around now
2066s we're perfectly set up burn into yep so
2070s I chose Hard difficulty how did you yeah
2073s for the first summer we didn't one shot
2075s everything so yeah you something that
2079s means sometimes these things but you
2081s have to choose the right targets right I
2083s think you know just even showing off how
2086s when you weren't hovering first hovering
2088s like look how fast those cooldowns are
2089s coming up like it's it's crazy when
2091s you're in hover mode and then Darren's
2094s actually doing something might maybe
2096s subtle here but he's purposely playing
2098s around the water so as he's overheating
2100s he's coming back and calling himself
2102s faster by playing through the wall right
2104s says a lot of like there's some
2105s environmental things you can do here to
2107s help all right there we go
2112s oh nice okay oh so you're I've got me
2116s out of here so if you also now you're
2119s old
2121s awesome alright I'll answer some
2123s questions do bosses drop unique loot
2126s like if either stronghold and killed one
2128s of those Giants triplet looking things
2130s that gorilla they get I don't know a
2132s crazy quad barreled shot and I like the
2136s creativity in the question I have to
2138s make that so I think we've kind of
2139s addressed this but generally the answer
2141s is by playing the game there are loot
2145s tables and the higher content and play
2147s gives you higher chances of rarity
2149s amongst the the loot tables and those
2152s loot tables are kind of if you're
2153s playing a ranger you're more likely to
2155s get more range of gear or or mostly
2156s Ranger deer separately to that we have a
2159s challenge system so you can think of it
2162s as what some other games kind of use
2164s achievements as like but there may be a
2166s challenge to be like hey go kill the
2168s giant gorilla thing ten times and on the
2171s tenth time you get a specific reward and
2173s so we're trying to work out exactly how
2175s we'll kind of mix those challenges in to
2177s the rest of the game but the primary
2179s thing will be their loot tables and then
2182s between crafting and challenges there'll
2185s be some outs to chase certainty okay is
2192s there anything else you want to show
2193s because we're actually over time is
2195s there anything else you want to show
2196s here I mean not really I think we've
2198s we've complicated this enough there's
2200s more things I could add to this bill
2202s there was a whole bunch of other stuff
2202s that I thought I should put in here but
2204s we wanted this to be the kickoff right
2206s so players could go oh wow okay just
2209s with those things they've told us which
2211s is only a small subset of all the
2212s options available man what are all the
2214s different kind of options and thoughts
2216s we have of cool things that we can do so
2220s what we might do then is flip well
2225s actually you can just keep playing
2226s around for a bit I'll answer a few more
2227s questions and then we'll we'll start to
2229s wrap it up so supportability got asked
2233s as a question oh yeah we didn't show it
2234s which actually for you do these super
2236s usually most super would have been super
2238s useful yeah let me see if I use 3-play
2241s folks so I don't know where other people
2243s are oh that's enough they were young it
2245s wasn't a mess you missed those who else
2247s is fine
2247s that's some done that's alright
2249s I shouldn't vaccine arrived I think the
2251s feeling right now the wall turns back
2253s and back see drive
2255s I just need so the the equipment that I
2258s have here is the muster point the rally
2265s point rather so I don't you have bulwark
2267s oh I do i okay you're right
2269s so this blitz is shield around me so
2272s that the projectiles can't get in yeah
2275s it doesn't it blocks them now which is
2278s super handy against River do it but I
2290s can I can pop it in the air I time it
2294s incorrectly I can't yeah so the bull
2300s walk is the bulwark will prevent
2305s projectiles coming in so if you didn't
2308s get set on fire all the time that goes
2310s and shows it would have been much more
2313s traumatic but see now with your hovering
2315s you know to get it back faster so we can
2317s show it off right kind of cool so they
2319s have a long cooldown but it's it's short
2320s one here okay so we should that is lute
2325s individual sheds so lute is instance to
2328s be individual loop and again there's no
2330s trading it's really about you having to
2333s go in and with yourself and of course
2335s anywhere you get you on you got to us
2338s again away I know and remember you wanna
2344s Salvage lose you're not gonna use to get
2347s crafting materials to craft things you
2349s may really have yep do inscription stack
2353s I assume this videos if I had to plus
2356s five percent flat times would I would
2358s they work together they do sure they
2361s sure do a question was will a high-level
2368s key have wildly impactful abilities I
2372s think that was an older question before
2374s we started showing all this so the
2375s answer is yes yes as you can see pretty
2378s pretty impactful stuff you can work
2381s kind of your own rotations if you will
2383s or playstyles based on putting together
2386s I think you should just like go I know
2389s planting tempting fate so that's an
2392s interesting point because you've
2393s mentions to me we were playing around
2394s with us yesterday you're like you know
2397s this bill is really about having to
2399s defeat a lot of enemies pretty quickly
2400s that's where you get the most value so
2402s then when you fight like an ER sticks
2404s like this isn't the best bill to go and
2406s fight single rocket high right hit point
2410s I can't dance I can't get those shoes
2411s those those I'm afraid of right now you
2414s could have made a different bill that
2415s was balanced for that I might yeah your
2418s impact would be imperfect for it it's
2420s all about single target damage weapons
2422s so there's gonna be a lot of trade-offs
2424s here and then if you think you're just
2426s one player you know ideally you have a
2429s squad of of you and three of your best
2432s friends and you're trying to work out
2435s the builds that support the whole group
2436s or forward be together right so you
2439s might make a mixture of some people
2440s Aveda to take out the trash so to speak
2442s the the easier to kill creatures and
2445s other people are there to deal with the
2447s kind of rare priority target things you
2451s know the apex creatures like the six or
2453s even like a sky heavy you know things
2456s that are harder to defeat so another
2458s interesting thing that we see here
2460s because it's not working unfortunately
2461s is I really needed to hover time to work
2464s the the me stacking that stuff that like
2467s just loosely for players like do you
2469s think it would be about twice like how
2471s much more hollow cuz it's not infinite
2474s you know no it's not infinite well that
2476s was that awesome come down yeah it's not
2480s infinite and these guys have a lot of
2481s help yeah well but it needs to be
2484s extended to a point where I can I can
2486s reliably do a combo I do not have to
2488s worry about falling out this guy right
2490s right okay that's cool that's that's all
2492s part of the in development nature of us
2494s grabbing a a recent bill that has some
2496s bugs I'm a big deal do enemy scale with
2500s your gear skull all probably better
2502s question is how do enemy scale cuz we
2504s talked about friends of any level can
2506s play together right how would it work so
2508s key to making that work is it that
2509s enemies scale to your you
2512s pilot level right there are there are
2515s things that scale slightly differently
2516s but the creatures yeah so the biggest
2519s boost you get is just the biggest boost
2523s you can get is increasing your rarity is
2526s that right get increasing rarity an item
2528s and getting rare item level and that's
2530s way to get ahead item level and ready
2535s and then we took through this before but
2538s you know if Darrin's level 20 and I'm
2541s level 10 we can play together because
2543s we'll do without getting into it
2545s relative damage to the creatures and
2547s they'll be relative damage to us so we
2548s can play together but when Darrin has a
2551s build like this with all these synergies
2553s he will be more powerful than I will or
2555s he will be able to defeat up teams
2557s faster he has all these extra synergies
2558s and he has a breadth of things available
2560s to him but we can still play together
2562s and and have a lot of fun
2564s we wouldn't he would never take me to do
2566s the hardest endgame stuff yeah I think
2569s we probably would like even when I'm on
2570s my quick path missions or we would play
2573s you know whatever piece of content
2575s together on some of the regular
2577s difficulties and we'd be having a great
2578s time other builds that can improve your
2583s melee oh yeah absolutely so again I was
2586s doing of all the chimneys that's
2589s somebody so like somebody suggest that I
2591s actually make a tanky Ranger melee don't
2594s and I could have done that too yeah lots
2596s of lots of melee components and things
2601s didn't apply to that so one question was
2604s can you show the other gun which I think
2607s it's not working I was so excited to
2611s play with the gun like 42 minutes in
2613s before being caught with them yeah yeah
2616s so we found out it was above we have top
2620s people fixing centroid but it's not it's
2622s not perfect okay
2625s okay so we might do I don't know two
2628s more questions and then we will sign off
2632s we'll get a summary posted of the stream
2635s and if there are questions in reddit
2637s and/or other plus social media like
2640s we're kind of around in general will
2642s poke in and and see if we can answer
2643s some for you if we want it to get yet
2647s it's a couple more question so a couple
2656s times will there be swords or other
2659s things so right now the way it works is
2661s each javelin has its own melee abilities
2665s so the Ranger has the shock mace it just
2667s has the shock mace you bet there are no
2669s other things we like the idea of maybe
2671s somewhere down in the future like we
2672s could do some more stuff but at launch
2674s everyone kind of has their one thing all
2676s right and that will scale wood pile
2678s rubble oh yeah I think we have that so
2683s the next question I'll field this one as
2686s well what about raids and endgame
2688s content so that's a much longer answer
2691s so a lot of the kind of core loop to the
2696s game as you get through the crip path
2698s and get towards the endgame content is
2701s around taking on more challenging and
2703s more challenging content at those higher
2704s difficulties to get more Awards right
2708s then the question says but hey like I
2710s would like aspirational content like
2712s it's important to have aspirational come
2714s here and so we have some things coming
2716s that were not quite ready to talk about
2717s but as we get into the new year we'll
2720s give some more detail on that but
2722s certainly at launch there's a lot of
2723s content and a lot of difficulty levels
2726s and a lot of ways to challenge yourself
2728s with you and your friends to try to get
2729s these rewards find out what these
2732s amazing builds are find the builds that
2733s are right for you find the build that's
2735s right for you and your group find the
2737s build that's right for you and your
2738s group across the fall javelins across
2741s multiple word outs you know there's
2742s really a lot of stuff to chase there and
2746s a lot of amazing content to play to do
2748s it but we'll talk about some of that
2751s other stuff
2754s when can we see the interceptor point of
2756s view so for those paying attention a
2759s certain person promised we would show
2762s the interceptor perspective nexium yeah
2764s but what happened is last stream we had
2767s a couple of technical problems and we
2768s don't get to show it and then we what we
2770s promised which shows loot like showing
2772s lewd on the Interceptor that you've
2774s never seen wasn't we're gonna make sense
2775s we want to show the Ranger so you could
2777s compare it to what a regular show before
2780s so our hope is that next time we do a
2783s gameplay stream there's a game poster
2786s that we will show that UNICEF is
2787s perspective and so I realize I promised
2791s this thing it accidental promise
2793s breaking not not intentional I would fix
2804s next tree but we should fit gameplay
2807s I'm a caveat sky baby yeah I know why
2809s are present but yes we want to show off
2811s like we love the UNICEF to to like we're
2813s really excited I mean it was the lost
2815s javelin that we build as a team and it's
2818s being shown in the Belize and it's
2819s amazing so we want to show up alright so
2824s that's all the time we have for
2825s questions we're gonna do a little bit of
2828s a wrap up here so what are some of the
2832s things we covered let's not go through
2834s it but just how about it so we talked
2835s about pilots and pilot levels how that
2838s works there's lots of loon in the game
2839s it comes in mortal rarities as you push
2842s through rarities you get more
2843s inscriptions the inscriptions are random
2845s from a big pool of over a hundred for
2848s about a hundred rights and things you
2851s can combine all these things together to
2853s make unique builds as you get towards
2855s the end game and and you get some of the
2856s higher and rarities like the build we've
2860s shown off today within the forge itself
2863s you can equip the three gear pieces the
2866s two weapons and then up to six
2868s components and all of that as you level
2870s unlocks so at level 1 you can you have
2873s like a weapon and 2d pieces and then at
2875s level 4 you get like the second weapon
2877s and at level remember 12 or 6 you get
2880s the third gear P so however it works and
2882s so all that unlocks on your journey
2885s - max pilot level so that's kind of what
2888s we've covered today looked at the
2890s Colossus and the Ranger so that was that
2895s we're really excited to show this stuff
2897s off you know it's been a long time
2899s working on this and and it's great to
2900s show it off obviously thanks to all of
2903s our amazing fans for tuning in again you
2906s know this community has been so great so
2908s positive and we really love interacting
2911s with all of you so thanks for coming to
2912s watch us thank you to our amazing
2914s production team who set this up today I
2917s don't know if you guys saw any of the
2918s photos we posted but we really did a
2920s double upgrade to our after II mean
2923s setup this time around and it's been
2924s amazing we have microphones and all this
2927s cool stuff it's all that fancy I guess
2929s but we do have lots of fancy stuff and
2931s and the team actually was here super
2934s late last night so thank you all so much
2936s obviously thank you to the amazing dev
2938s team who built all this stuff we get to
2940s represent them which is great for us but
2942s but there are lots of people doing all
2945s this work in the background so we're
2947s we're thankful to share that on behalf
2949s of them we'll be announcing on our next
2952s stream here pretty shortly to let you
2956s get give you all a heads up of what
2957s we'll stream next if you want to find
2960s out that information you can follow us
2962s on twitter at @anjghie
2964s you can follow me at at banner bow
2967s because I like to go rogue and announce
2969s things sometimes also but with all of
2972s that said and done did you want to wish
2976s a farewell time yeah
2978s farewell to anyone in particular anybody
2980s who came to nerd out with me about
2982s builds which is probably my favorite
2985s thing like when Darren and I play games
2987s together this is where he gets deep I am
2989s just lost in bills just like man could
2991s we just play the game this is it so your
2996s interests very closely aligned to our
2999s interests where it comes to having
3001s really cool things to allow you to
3003s customize your play yep and be different
3005s than each other everyone wants to be
3007s individual right I'm so don't you can
3009s find that unique build right it kind of
3011s blows everyone's mind and we think
3012s there'll be a lot of community back and
3013s forward around trying to
3014s right yeah that's that's one of my
3016s favorite parts of being a developer also
3018s well Darrin thank you so much for coming
3019s on it was awesome having your expertise
3022s to kind of talk through this with
3023s everyone so thanks for joining us thanks
3025s everyone for tuning in it's been a
3026s really fun stream and we will see you
3028s all next time bye bye folks
3033s [Music]
3046s [Music]