about 6 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s welcome to anthems Tips & Tricks
8s gameplay series I'm moonlight wolf and
10s in this episode we're gonna look at
12s basic combat I know you're all eager to
18s dive right in but there are a few things
20s you should be equipped for if you're
21s really going to want to take advantage
22s of your javelins abilities first off you
25s should know that every javelin has their
26s own strengths and there isn't just one
27s way to play the way you walk the way you
30s talk and the way you bestow a mad hurt
32s on your enemies it's all based off of
34s how you want to play it's important to
36s know that you won't have access to each
37s javelin right away you'll need to level
39s up to unlock new suits but don't worry
41s the journey isn't too far away your
43s first suit is unlocked at level 2 second
45s level 8 third level 16 and your fourth
48s at level 26 here are your options
53s the Colossus this javelins the rock the
57s heavy the tank with his massive
59s directional shield for blocking or
61s tearing through enemies this javelin
62s aims to protect both themselves and
64s their teammates and if anyone gets in
66s your way
67s pull that exclusive heavy artillery and
69s mow em all down interceptor master of
74s agility this melee swing and javelin is
76s meant for up close combat and
78s specializes in hopping in and out of
79s fights with quick precision unleash your
82s inner ninja with this lightweight suit
83s for more agile combat and fury attacks
86s and combos to maximize your damage
88s Ranger this javelin best fits the common
92s runner and gunner this suit is much more
94s balanced and versatile in terms of
95s movement and strength whether you prefer
97s closer long-range combat you don't have
99s to be too choosy with this one you get
101s the best of both worlds storm this is
106s the super hero of the group it even
108s comes equipped with a cape glide through
110s the sky with elegance as the master of
112s the elements wielding ice fire and
115s lightning as your main source of combat
118s it is however a glass cannon so you
120s don't want to go diving in like the
121s interceptor Colossus but rule the skies
124s from above and come raining down with
126s your power of vengeance once you have
130s your suit selected you'll want to
132s customize your gear so that you can
133s optimize your game style even more there
135s will be certain equipment that you will
136s find work best together to form great
138s combos for attack and some help overall
140s with utilization some combinations can
143s help reduce cooldown times and some can
145s increase the power of your weapons and
147s some can even help you with continued
148s flight if your playstyle is more of a
150s long-range shooter after you've exited
153s the forge and have your javelin being
155s everything you imagine it's time to work
157s on your combat carest off get familiar
161s with your weaponry in the field once
163s you've unlocked an extra slot for your
165s secondary weapon you'll find yourself
167s wanting to switch back and forth between
168s them quite regularly you can do this by
170s holding the reload button to pull out
171s your next gun whether you need it for a
173s long range snipe or simply just to
175s continue a fight while the other has
176s exhausted its ammo you should also be
178s mindful of how you move all fighting
180s this isn't just a game where you're
181s limited to the ground so take advantage
184s of that you want to remain in the air
185s for an extended period find a waterfall
188s to cool off your jets or hover over a
190s body of water or even a stream or a
192s small lake you'll notice your jets meter
194s will freeze in place so you don't have
196s to worry about overheating something
199s else to keep in mind during combat is
200s this important to be mindful of your
202s abilities cooldowns each one is unique
204s and again your gear can help shorten the
206s times on some of these but familiarizing
208s yourself with the javelins abilities
210s will help keep your combos going and
211s your fight in your favor when you see
215s the bar below your abilities on the
216s screen fill up that means you're ready
218s to unleash the beast
219s ie your ultimate is ready each javelin
222s has their very own Altima and we can
224s utilize them in multiple ways these are
227s best used against large groups or
228s extremely large enemies I do not
231s recommend using them on small targets
233s that is unless they really did something
235s to make you mad but that just sounds
237s personal
237s if you're playing solo you can firsts
240s out on your primer and then Ultimax
241s amazed your damage and if you're with a
243s group this can be done with quadruple
245s the power so yeah you're gonna want to
248s team up and make call-outs
249s but your ultimate isn't just something
251s to help you wreck phase if you're low on
253s health you can also use it to boost your
255s shields and health back up as a form of
256s defense just hit your ol and use your
259s jets to carry you to safety
261s all in all remember this game is a fun
264s time no matter how you play and you can
266s be the ultimate warrior but those strong
268s alone you're much stronger together
270s so wouldn't hurts to find a random
272s player in the launch Bay or even one who
273s happens to be wandering around in free
275s play it'll make for taking down high
277s difficulty dungeons Titans world events
280s and even strongholds a lot easier and a
282s lot more fun now that you're well
285s informed freelancer get out there and
287s show them what you got
293s you