about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by alt-thea

from recent article on https://m.windowscentral.com/anthem-bioware-past-present-and-future-interview?_ga=2.182669222.164551917.1549623811-915868595.1549623811

" So they all unlock at [Level] 30, but what we're doing is going to turn [Grandmaster] 2 and 3 off at launch, just to make sure nothing weird happens with progression and difficulties. And if anything is looking good against the models we have, then we'll turn 2 and 3 on, or we might look at all the feedback and might go, "Okay, we need to adjust these numbers" make it harder, easier, or whatever. So we'll probably, soon after launch, turn them on. The idea is that the endgame has Grandmaster 1, 2, and 3 in it, as soon as we think it's safe to turn them on. "

Not a bad idea actually. They already changed difficulty numbers from what we saw, and they might do it again after launch. So this is just a heads-up cause I sure haven't know this before.

They will be on for launch, we changed our mind since that interview.

