almost 6 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s you
36s hello everyone welcome to another anthem
39s livestream my name is Jesse Anderson one
40s of two community managers on anthem
43s today on the sticks we've got AJ so I
46s will not be playing and we have a very
48s special guest today would you like to
50s introduce yourself yeah I'm Chris
51s Schmidt I am the lead systems designer
53s on anthem and we're gonna tell you about
55s some cool stuff coming up all right so
59s can we swap to the gameplay so as you
62s see here we're in for Tarsus Chris do
66s you wanna talk about a new thing we got
67s coming up yeah so we have Elysium cash
70s is coming and Elysium cashes our cashes
74s at the end of strongholds right right
76s after you kill the boss and they require
78s a key to open so how do I get a key well
81s every single day there's one daily that
83s rewards you a key and one of the changes
85s we've made is if AJ hits the daily
88s trials here it actually shortcuts you
91s straight to show all of your dailies
92s previously there was like one panel that
94s showed you one of your dailies and then
96s we indicate exactly which daily here
98s gives you the key so if he clicks into
101s legendary contract here I can see yep
103s there's the key once I get that key I
106s can go into a stronghold and open a
109s chest and what happens is it gives me a
111s piece of vanity or crafting mats for
114s every one that is present so it one
117s chest will spawn something for all four
119s people I can always see on my HUD you'll
122s also notice next to coin if you back out
124s all the way that I have a little icon
126s there
127s I'll show us how many keys I have at all
129s times up in the upper left hand corner
131s there with with all those coins to
134s million coins well done
135s Wow someone's been hoarding so it's
139s after the boss you said in a stronghold
141s that that happens yeah so the chest
142s won't spawn in until you kill the boss
144s and then instead of that quest countdown
146s timer or mission countdown timer that
148s hits right now you have a little bit of
150s time to go open the chests if everyone
153s opens a chest everyone gets all four
155s pieces of cash loot or if only one
160s person is a key that's cool too everyone
162s still benefits
163s so this is for a limited time so you
166s want to get in there
167s you'll never get a duplicate vanity
169s piece they're all exclusive to these
171s chests so once you get it you've gotten
173s it it's not gonna there's no dupes or
174s anything like that and there's lots of
176s crafting mats in there there's bundles
178s of I think 30 masterwork embers at a
179s time so good stuff in there to go chase
182s awesome so I know one question a lot of
186s players are probably thinking like well
188s why do we want to kill the boss right
190s now I see a lot of community feedback of
192s it's not worth it to kill the boss so do
194s we have any other changes we're doing -
197s boss salute I mean I heard everyone
199s loves the monitor so much that all they
201s want to do is kill the monitor and
203s harder rage but no actual absolutely so
206s I had indicated also on on reddit I
209s think I think we've talked about it a
210s little bit that there were a number of
212s issues there but so we've we've heard
215s your feedback we've we've looked at the
217s problem and there's a few things the
218s first of which not loot related is we're
221s not gonna let you start into a
223s stronghold more than about two minutes
224s into it
225s so no more starting at the monitor I'm
227s really sorry I know that that was that's
230s a bummer but the loot itself
232s previously on bosses we had like one
234s guaranteed masterwork or depending on
236s the on the difficulties of GM to would
238s have a couple but as as everyone noted
241s that also prevented you from rolling a
243s legendary so what we've done is we've
246s still maintained that one guaranteed
248s masterwork but we do additional roles on
251s the boss now and it's uncapped so you
254s have a good chance of a legendary and
256s you should see more things coming off
258s the boss in addition to that the chests
261s that you see around in strongholds in
264s even in free play they've gotten a
267s little bit of a boost as well so you
268s should see some more items coming from
270s those I think that's a pretty pretty
273s solid reason to kill bosses now yeah all
278s right so where we're at right now AJ can
280s you go ahead and go into the forge
286s so can well so basically now okay so
290s check this out if you notice there he
293s didn't hit any loading screen it just
295s went right in and it seems pretty quick
298s also you notice he can get to it from
301s the main meeting so if you back out from
302s this menu one second you can also access
306s it from you just go into the options you
311s can just go right into it anywhere from
313s in for Tarsus now so pretty cool another
315s improvement we've made to you know speed
318s things up a little bit
319s I know those my components oh yes on the
322s on the side now you can see all the
323s components you've got equipped so you
324s don't have to go in and say oh what do I
327s have equipped you can just see it from
328s right here so yeah this is one of those
331s examples of you know what what Chad's
334s talked about and a number of people that
336s we have these we have a lot of issues
338s that we want to solve that take some
339s time but we want to do incremental steps
342s to get us there and so this is one of
344s those incremental steps that to improve
346s kind of game flow lesson loads show you
349s more information about your things and
350s so these things will continue to add up
352s over time until we get to where we want
354s to be yeah all right so now let's go
359s ahead and hop into the other new thing
361s which is legendary missions so we talked
364s about this a little bit before but
366s essentially legendary missions are crit
370s paths you know missions that you've done
372s before once you did and once that was it
374s you could never go back and do them
375s again so we've made the ability now
378s where once a day there'll be a legendary
380s mission available and it just cycles
382s through randomly which one it'll be
384s every day good news is you can run it as
386s many times as you want so if you're like
388s oh I already ran it but a friend needs
389s it you can still run it again and still
392s get rewards at the end believe it's a
395s chest you get at the end there's a chest
397s at the end there's also what we've done
400s is put in at least one apex creature and
403s what an apex creature is is either like
405s an earth six a Titan a luminary or a
408s what am I missing missing something
414s very exciting luminary and fury yes yes
417s there we go so so yeah what we've done
420s is added those to the end and those
421s essentially are bosses that roll into
423s some nice loot tables and so anyway what
427s makes a legendary mission a little
429s different is we took off the the
431s bookends as we call them which is the
433s conversations you would have in for
435s Tarsus at the beginning and the end so
437s you don't have to go get these missions
439s they're just on your map every day you
440s can repeat them pretty quickly and then
444s during the mission we've actually amped
447s up all the encounters we've we've made
449s them basically balance them to a full
452s party and we've made the encounters more
456s difficult so if you've noticed a
457s difference between say a contract and a
459s legendary contract that's that's sort of
462s the difference you can expect except
463s these things are tuned just below
465s strongholds so they should be a new kind
468s of pretty challenging piece of piece of
471s content and I believe we are coming out
475s with six different missions and as Jesse
480s said there will be one available each
482s day but you can run it as many times as
484s you'd like next day new mission run that
487s as many times as you like yep so now
490s we've we've jumped in here to a
492s legendary mission we've got a finding
494s old friends so nice I'm out there yeah
498s if you just want to get started here AJ
500s and well we'll start showing how how
502s it's changed a bit so yeah these have
504s harder enemies now they're Upton
506s difficulty so did you talk about how I
510s don't I wasn't sorry
511s halfway paying attention of single chat
512s was saying but basically enemies now are
515s leveled up essentially right so if they
518s were a regular six before it might be a
520s legendary or sex or yeah exactly and so
523s and they've they've we've basically
526s added in not only along the way making
529s the encounters a little more difficult
530s but at least if there was a former let's
533s say named encounter like you know a
537s named boss now it's an actually named
540s large boss like if it was maybe a scar
544s before now perhaps it's a it's an Ascari
546s elder or
548s you know a Titan or something like that
549s so they have ample opportunity for the
553s increased loot drops that we added last
555s week which still apply to everything so
560s yeah it should be a good time it should
561s be a decent challenge and so for those
565s that didn't catch it they are playing on
566s GM one so everyone is pretty geared up
569s in this group
570s we'll see if anybody dies AJ's already
573s already taking some damage I don't know
576s where your buddies at there we go
578s let the Colossus run in there and do his
580s job so we also got some other notes and
583s stuff we want to run through today of
585s fixes coming in our next update which is
587s kind of already established now what our
589s updates are gonna go by so last one was
591s 103 or 10.3 I just say 103 it's a little
595s quicker so 104 is our next update which
598s we're aiming for it to come out next
599s week as we get closer we'll share a date
602s of when that's gonna land exactly but so
606s I guess we can kind of jump into some of
607s these these notes so the first well
610s let's skip that one I want to I want to
611s save that one for an AJ's not getting
613s murdered and we can we can have him show
615s some some cool things there but so for
619s one a lot of people been asking about
621s Nvidia DL SS support it's here it
624s arrives next update stop for those of
627s you with the RT X cards it's your lucky
629s day
629s oh so AJ is safe he's saved
633s can you go show us a new setting under
636s video for PC players so video here and
642s then you see a new tab here field of
645s view is that fov look at that so there's
649s lots of ways to tweak your fov we've got
651s on the ground zoomed pilot I don't need
652s to read them all but really cool we were
656s super happy to be able to get this in
657s for you all it's been very much a
659s requested feature and so yeah it's
662s coming in 104 next week
664s yeah yeah so if you want AJ you want to
666s show like ground fov to show like just
669s how much it can change it's like just
672s cranks it up just crank it to the
674s hundred it's it's I mean that's really
678s cool if you like me and we'll see you
681s more around there or if you want to get
684s a tighter whatever you want to play like
685s you like seeing your feet if you like
687s seeing your feet that you're let's see
689s what Chet says they're kind of them they
693s can't blowing up they're like ah first
695s person nope not not quite first person
697s however if you do the zoomed fov it can
700s get pretty darn close you want to show
704s that one the AJ like a few zoom in on
705s your gun like it's it's it's pretty
707s close right so it's it's pretty awesome
712s like like Chris said we're happy we got
713s that one in there yeah and this is
714s flight cranked up all the way you can
717s see it looks pretty different for people
718s who like to go out and farm it gives
720s away bigger viewer the field see those
724s there's harvest node locations but yeah
728s I don't know if you want to keep those
730s settings on that AJ that's totally your
732s call but you good with that all right
736s cool alright so yeah that's that's one
739s of the many many things we got coming up
741s so another one we've made some
743s performance improvements this one's kind
747s of interesting so the patch note is
748s we've improved performance on gameplay
750s effects that were updating or running
753s often to reduce performance strain so
755s for example things like whether the time
757s of day the UI I don't know how that is
760s really on the back end but basically
762s it's done in a way now that should help
763s improve performance for some players
765s yeah and when we say we're always
767s improving performance that's true
769s there's oh you know no one's ever
771s finished and so that we have some
773s changes here that should improve your
776s experience and we're just gonna you know
778s keep doing it every single patch we're
780s always looking for opportunities to
781s improve them performance so this is just
783s one of those steps so let's see let's
787s see if we can grab a question stream if
789s you guys have any questions try to not
791s spam them makes it a little harder to
793s read we're looking on questions both
796s from twitch and mixer so we each have
798s our source of truth to pull questions
801s from
802s let's see we got here yeah people asking
809s about you know performance in Crete like
812s we just spoke about that of how we're
813s always looking to
814s and prove that see any more to the story
824s I'll answer that one so for some people
827s who look at social media a lot of the
831s actors who portray the characters and
834s anthem were recently doing another mocap
836s session so I think that kind of speaks
837s you know that we're doing more story yep
841s let's see people's like more loot can I
844s already talked about it we're making it
846s better you can get more loot from chests
848s and bosses and we're not we're not done
851s there we're still making making
853s improvements yeah I see something about
856s salvaging we've made salvaging a little
861s snappier in the vault I believe yep but
864s again that's just one's one step in the
866s right direction there's a lot a lot of
868s things we want to do there but hopefully
870s you'll see you'll see a difference where
871s you can pretty rapidly the way I
873s understand it now is before you would
875s have to hit it and you see an animation
876s who is almost the same time if you just
878s you know salvaged it straight from your
881s menu after an expedition so now it
882s actually will be as you tap it it's
884s pretty much instant yes oh it should be
886s way faster so once this update drops you
889s know check it out let us know what you
890s what you think of it the components
895s dropping for other javelins so I know
897s this has been talked about in the
899s community a lot where people are you
902s know they're playing an interceptor and
903s they finally get a legendary and then
904s it's four Colossus teams looking into it
907s what's going on there I don't have any
909s answers yet just team is aware and
911s they're investigating what's going on
913s there there is a small percent chance
915s you can get a component for another
917s javelin that's the way it's intended so
919s mm-hmm
920s yep we're we're looking into it I'll see
924s any new enemies there bosses coming in
926s the future I'm sure there'll be
930s something down the road always looking
932s to explode again yeah we're not talking
935s specifics but but yeah I mean we're
938s we're just didn't in those things too
940s it's important to expand you know the
943s game world and to improve the experience
945s so
946s we're definitely doing doing both of
948s those things all right so let's see I
953s will jump into a few more of the other
955s the other notes we've got here so also
957s this is just a preview of some of the
959s stuff for the notes this isn't
960s everything that we're talking about here
962s on stream so you're aware of how big
965s this update is I think when I got done
966s putting the patch notes together they
968s were 13 word doc pages so it's it's a
972s lot very detailed a lot of changes for
976s components for javelins pretty much
980s buffs across the board from what I saw
982s in a lot of a lot of things which made
985s me smile yeah I see someone's asking
988s about fog walls okay that's the next one
990s I have on my notes so it's actually yeah
992s yeah good question
994s everyone loves fog walls no so we've
997s done a pass and removed a lot of fog
1000s walls especially the the biggest
1003s offenders in stronghold so we're pretty
1005s confident you should not run into many
1008s if at all but you know there's always a
1012s chance there's one left but you know
1014s we've I think we've we've hit almost all
1015s of them yeah yep definitely some
1017s improvements there and for players that
1019s are running into that issue in tempo
1021s Lascar if you do get stuck you can
1024s select to respawn on your squad after
1026s the encounter is finished it will move
1027s you ahead yeah you can go to your map
1029s and then it's a it's a button press
1031s there to respawn and it'll just put you
1034s right into the right yep its spot just a
1037s temporary until it's fixed then the
1039s update next week yeah um let's see what
1042s else do we go so we're still working on
1044s quick play improving that with a lot of
1046s the missions I know players reporting
1048s they get in there that Dominion spy like
1051s I joke around that he was hiding really
1052s really good kid he couldn't couldn't
1054s find him but so a lot of those issues
1058s fixed and as an extra precaution err but
1061s the team has done is once a quick clean
1063s mission has reached a 15 minute timer
1065s you can't match make into it anymore so
1068s if in the chance that one does break you
1071s won't keep getting put into that same
1072s one over and over and over so yeah so
1074s ultimately what that means is your quick
1076s play experience should just be better
1078s yep the odds that you get into a broken
1080s mission should be pretty low and again
1083s the stronghold issue which was similar
1087s to quick play but different you know
1089s when I cue into a stronghold I should I
1091s should be at the beginning every time
1093s yep for sure see oh this one was
1098s interesting people brought to my
1099s attention I was like oh where are you
1100s fixing it cool so if you're in a down
1102s state and you got your 30-second timer
1104s counting down and someone attempted to
1106s revive you and then they stopped your
1110s timer would go back up to thirty seconds
1112s so that is fixed so now that doesn't
1115s happen anymore less annoying that was
1121s kind of like oh let's see we've done
1124s more fixes I was actually talking a team
1125s today on crashes that players were
1128s experiencing still we fixed a lot more
1131s of different kind of scenarios that
1134s could cause you to crash so we're still
1136s always looking to improve stability on
1139s that front yeah yeah here's another one
1142s that would randomly affect players being
1144s able to interact with items so sometimes
1147s there'd be that one player in the group
1148s they would be unable to interact with
1151s anything whether it be reviving another
1152s player or a room room or anything they
1156s wouldn't be able to so that is also
1157s fixed a couple of nice changes that as
1164s we see Ajay kind of flying around we've
1167s increased for all javelins the max
1169s thrusters by about 20% and we've
1171s decreased the overheat duration that one
1174s is good so yeah when you do overheat you
1178s shouldn't overheat it'll take longer to
1179s overheat and when you do overheat it
1181s should be for less time that your dad
1182s yep so you know especially with with the
1185s storm hovering players like myself
1187s that's a big one that helps quite a bit
1190s yet yep so like yeah that went down
1192s pretty quick and if you've been noticing
1194s whenever ages flying around here that
1197s it's it takes a lot longer to overheat
1199s so I can only and that's across all
1200s javelin so I'm sure storms can just kind
1202s of really go to town but flying around
1204s even more
1207s oh yeah an AJ doesn't have components
1212s there's there's a I believe there's a
1213s universal component added and one a
1215s three that increased like flight
1217s duration by another 50% so I mean with
1221s that come behind you can just really fly
1222s around for a long time
1223s yep I see a lot of people asking about
1227s at least on mixer about waypoints on the
1230s map you know we talked in general about
1234s we know we want to improve the nonverbal
1238s communication tool as an anthem and that
1239s would include everything from you know
1242s like waypoints on the map or a way to
1244s communicate with somebody that's not
1246s just you know miming an emote
1247s so you know definitely on our radar
1249s definitely things we're looking into and
1252s building to I don't have any specifics
1253s to share but we hear you and and we're
1256s working towards it so interesting thing
1258s AJ was I know what he was trying to show
1260s me and and Camden they're also they're
1262s just spinny boys right now but he's not
1266s pressing the button multiple times so an
1268s improvement we've made we heard player
1270s feedback they don't like having a mash
1271s all the time
1272s so once you start mailing with the
1274s Interceptor you can just press it once
1275s and hold it and you can just change the
1276s direction where you want to get the
1278s blade machine now no I did hear that
1281s doesn't apply to the ultimate yum we
1283s didn't want to do a changes across the
1285s board probably so let us know feedback
1286s if you like still when you have that
1288s ultimate just you know if it feels good
1289s or if you'd like no I just want to hold
1291s the button down on that - I mean just
1292s chain around listening so let's see what
1298s else do we got oh yeah I just wrote a
1300s note here lots of changes to components
1302s and gear for all javelins so I'm trying
1305s to remember some of the the ones I play
1307s Colossus a lot so I was looking at those
1309s but there is one where it was like best
1312s defense damage just increased across the
1314s board I think 25% the other 20 or 25%
1316s which I'm just like okay that's cool
1319s so yeah what's lots of buffs there we
1323s are adding more Universal components
1325s also and in this next update I've got
1328s them here but yeah they're kind of
1330s targeted towards weapon and gun play so
1333s you know a couple of examples let's see
1336s I like acid slugs which is a
1339s enhance its a shotgun oriented one so
1342s enhanced shotgun in ammunition and
1343s increases damage and if you hit seven
1345s shotgun shots in a single burst it
1347s applies acid on the target pretty cool
1350s yeah AJ did you want to go in there you
1352s uh yeah no you're fine I just didn't
1357s know if you were like you were scared to
1359s go talk to the cool cool
1364s all right well we can yeah whenever
1366s you're ready cuz I know there's more to
1368s this mission afterwards and I'm sure
1370s players would like to see how it ends
1372s also and be like show us how it heads
1376s let's see any more cool
1378s can you guys buff more masterworks I
1382s want to say some of the master works are
1384s being buffed also I was looking through
1386s the notes yeah there's a whole lot of
1388s specifics which makes up a lot of the
1390s pages of the patch notes but especially
1392s for individual items I see a lot of
1394s individual items being asked about I
1396s don't remember them all off the top may
1398s have but there's a whole lot of fixes
1400s there and buffs yeah there was one there
1402s was a fix I remember it was the the one
1407s that was for storms was was broken where
1409s they didn't get the buff that's fixed no
1411s no for storms it was like it just wasn't
1413s applying right bonuses yeah so that
1416s one's been fixed let's see what else you
1420s read that you bet that we talked about
1422s that talked about a lot of this stuff
1425s trying to I should have put more here I
1427s know there was more notes but um you'll
1429s see also spoiler if you haven't seen the
1432s scene before
1433s gosh aj no there's not too many big
1437s spoilers here it's for anyone who's
1439s played the game this is a really cool
1440s scene and yeah you get to re-watch the
1442s cutscenes in these two which i think
1444s it's pretty cool but let's see any other
1448s yeah someone asked about the acid slugs
1452s what that is it's a universal component
1454s so that's added to the pool there's one
1456s for each weapon that's been added so
1459s that should bring some new interesting
1462s ways to play with weapon bonuses so so I
1465s see this one I'm not gonna I'm not going
1467s to dodge it people are talking about the
1470s the display bug with armor so the team
1472s is still working on it
1473s they've made some improvements so that
1475s it should they've identified some of the
1477s things that were causing it and it was
1479s for those who were talking about it
1480s there were two sides of it there was a
1482s UI side to wearing it looked like you
1484s would have more or less health and then
1486s the other one was you functionally would
1488s have less health yep so we'd be I
1490s believe we've addressed most of that and
1493s the next update but let us know if you
1497s see anything weird but otherwise no we
1499s hope we've got at all yep as a lot of
1502s these are you know it's just the reality
1505s they're they're pretty complicated fixes
1507s they have several several components to
1509s them so you know we we make our fixes we
1513s give it our best crack we test test test
1516s and and you know inevitably sometimes at
1519s the last second there's a thing that'll
1520s pop up but you know it's it's it's a lot
1524s of work to try to find the act all the
1526s little pieces to fix but you know we're
1529s working hard and we're and we understand
1531s the frustration and we're just attacking
1532s as much as we can let's say people are
1539s asking about Ranger updates like I said
1541s all javelins across the board with their
1544s components and abilities have been
1546s pretty much buffed in some way from what
1549s I've seen there might have been one that
1551s was like a slight decrease I'm trying to
1554s member what it was but overall like
1557s everything got pretty pretty
1558s significantly boosted a couple of
1560s abilities changed too in other words one
1562s on Colossus that made it so when you got
1565s hit it increased like your bike heat
1568s reduction or something like that which
1569s you know it's kind of like okay that's
1571s cool but now it's when you get hit you
1573s just start doing more damage so which is
1575s pretty cool you know yep you're in there
1577s getting shot you just start hitting
1578s things harder same with the master work
1582s flamethrower I forget the name of it but
1584s basically before on kills it would start
1586s doing more damage now on hit it starts
1589s doing more damage so it's like the
1590s numbers went down on that but now you
1592s don't have to kill things you can just
1593s stack it right away from hitting things
1594s pretty cool yep
1597s I've seen someone asked about the
1599s interact button occasionally not working
1601s we covered that a little earlier we have
1604s fixing this patch for that also I see a
1609s lot of questions about scaling so I kind
1614s of talked about this a little online on
1616s on a couple of different channels we
1617s have but the scaling problem in general
1620s there's a lot of pieces to some overall
1624s issues we're working towards right so in
1627s this game as I imagine everyone that
1629s realizes things like scaling difficulty
1632s stats progression loot they're all kind
1636s of tied together and we understand that
1638s and so it's not there's not really any
1640s quick immediate fixes for that but what
1642s we did is again speaking to you know
1645s what Chad referred to on Twitter we have
1647s a plan we have a long term plan and then
1649s we work backwards and we have these
1652s intermittent fixes to get us there or
1654s not intermittent sorry but these
1657s piecemeal fixes to get us there so it's
1659s not a very quick thing to solve but we
1661s are working towards the spot where you
1664s know scaling and progression and looting
1665s it all feels real nice and where we want
1668s it to be so it's gonna take a little
1670s while to get there but again each patch
1673s you should see incremental progress
1675s towards that and scaling is is one piece
1677s of that
1677s so definitely we're definitely aware
1680s we're definitely working hard on it well
1683s people keep asking about it even though
1686s I don't I don't have an answer but
1687s people are asking about what we're
1689s looking at luck and what it does and
1691s thinking about it at all yeah we are
1693s looking at luck and we're thinking about
1695s it nothing to share I have my opinions
1699s about luck and and they're probably
1701s similar to yours but we're just trying
1704s to solve it the right way so yes
1707s absolutely
1708s looking at luck cool not this patch not
1712s always bad shit but yeah yep and I see
1715s other people asking about things we've
1717s already talking about new loading screen
1719s yes so that was an an elysian cache that
1722s you saw there so that's what it looks
1724s like yeah it's a fancy fancy cache
1728s or chest or whatever you want to call it
1730s another people come with their own
1731s unique name for it yeah and and you'll
1734s notice it's pretty obvious it's very
1736s similar to stronghold chess so once we
1738s do kill the boss in a stronghold you'll
1741s see there's the four caches and the icon
1743s is there it's on your compass pretty
1745s easy to find so should be no problem
1748s there let's see if someone asking here
1750s support gear master work so good
1753s question
1754s team is working on it still just want to
1757s make sure it's you know it's good it's
1759s solid it's not just you know another
1761s gear piece so more on that later
1765s I don't think there will be any and the
1768s next update but probably shortly after
1771s that I would say is it's safe yep I see
1775s a lot of achievement fixes questions too
1777s and yep we're we have a lot that we're
1780s investigating there isn't any really one
1782s or two achievements that are a problem
1786s there's just a lot of different ones for
1788s different people so you know it's
1791s complicated but we are definitely
1794s investigating all of them to see if we
1796s can we can get a fix in for you but
1798s nothing that I know of in this next in
1801s the patch next week but still on it
1804s let's see what else are people asking
1809s next javelin soon ye already bored of
1812s the four we've got like no way man who
1817s knows what the future holds but right
1818s now it's we got we got our javelins
1823s people asking about a stat screen like
1825s Ben has said on previous streams team is
1828s you know looking at all ways we could
1830s possibly do that I think we agree it's
1833s you know something we would like to do
1835s but we're you know we don't want to just
1837s throw something together and it you know
1839s doesn't meet the quality bar right yes
1844s agreed and I just so sorry I was trying
1847s to thought I just saw someone else about
1848s the Quint the Brynn quest for bug which
1851s I believe is the one where it disappears
1854s off of your math if if that's the same
1858s one there's a similar one with
1859s strongholds where some people it could
1861s disappear off your map and
1862s you wouldn't be able to pick a
1863s stronghold we do have that fix for this
1866s next patch and it should be fixed I
1868s believe for not only stronghold but also
1871s contracts and other places it was
1872s popping up yeah I know there are some
1873s people with the Mathias they were
1875s missing some yeah I believe we've
1877s addressed that but yeah no longer do you
1878s have to just message random people to
1880s hey my tyrant mine is missing can you
1882s group up with me so that I can run it
1884s again yeah exactly now you can just run
1887s them by yourself but probably not grid
1890s stronger together
1891s no no see oh this one uh can we skip
1898s cutscene so earlier
1900s can you skip like how AJ was in the
1903s cutscene earlier on this legendary
1904s mission I believe I could be wrong and
1908s my phone will probably buzz if I am but
1910s I believe if everyone in the party no no
1913s not for these so everybody oh it's yeah
1917s but these are only only a couple of the
1919s missions have a mid scene cutscene for
1922s the legendary missions so the beginning
1924s and end like we said in the beginning
1926s the beginning and end cinematics or
1928s cutscenes are taken out so just the
1931s middle ones remain and since these do
1935s rotate each day and we do have six you
1937s know there should be lots of options
1938s during the week got it all right Oh open
1942s chests
1943s this is it this is your moment man
1948s please be something good
1954s purples and blues really AJ you gonna
1958s stack that luck man said it's all your
1960s fault this was on gm1 to where we didn't
1964s do we didn't increase the loot drops
1969s that's correct yeah geom two and three
1972s have a pretty noticeable especially
1975s three if you can hit you can hit three
1978s it's I've seen some amazing screenshots
1980s from from players of they'll get to
1982s legendaries and like five master works
1985s from one thing which it results may vary
1988s it is rng on some of those things you
1990s know yep
1992s you should also start seeing more master
1994s work embers dropping in general from
1997s bosses especially GM two three yeah but
2000s also from all from chests in the world
2002s yeah so it does apply to all all chess
2005s also did we say how it's not just loop
2007s but you have a chance of getting embers
2009s also yeah like additional embers so that
2012s was I thought that was pretty cool so
2013s you have that extra you know I think
2016s it's like four items you can get on
2018s average but there's a chance to get even
2020s more items and more embers and them so
2022s yeah and and again its uncapped there's
2026s one guaranteed masterwork about every
2028s other role has a chance to be a
2029s legendary so bosses should feel pretty
2034s good pretty beefy
2035s I love the chat they're just like yep
2038s all Purple's all blues I just remember
2043s that was just one oh yeah sorry those
2046s drop the increase drops from the bosses
2048s is coming in the patch next week yeah
2050s we're talking and that does so the
2052s increased drop side is I understood it
2054s it does apply to GM one two and three it
2057s won't apply to normal or hard yeah so
2059s though there's a chance for more loot
2061s but then for the chance of like the
2063s higher drops is still just GM two and
2066s three yeah and it's additive so
2068s obviously more in GM two and more more
2071s in GM three and it's not just across the
2073s board it's it's additive depending on
2076s the difficulty so you should you should
2077s notice a difference and did you just hop
2079s straight into the forge so AJ hopped as
2081s you saw the end of expedition screen
2083s there how to
2084s right into the forge and could you know
2086s start equipment any gear make any
2088s changes before he went back into go-to
2091s for Tarsus yeah so yeah entering into
2097s the forge it's it's a pretty often used
2100s thing so we've essentially made this if
2104s he hits activate forge it's essentially
2106s instant yep you know one step in the
2108s right direction also as you notice we've
2111s been hearing a lot of stats screen as
2112s you mentioned earlier one small step
2114s towards that point is we had you know
2116s all the components in this view you can
2119s see we're building towards a direction
2122s there so definitely intentional another
2125s thing I know we made some improvements
2127s on I've seen a lot of people reporting
2128s the pilot data error mm-hmm so we made
2131s some more improvements there so you
2133s should encounter that less frequently
2135s yeah yeah lots of fixes there that are
2140s in next week's patch for sure
2141s let's see people want more customization
2145s so actually I saw some people asking
2148s wondering why we had I believe it was
2150s storm and Ranger that had the new armor
2153s packs yep and then they're like okay
2155s well where's where's interceptor and
2157s Colossus they were coming I believe
2160s they're coming with this next update so
2163s like shortly after that this next update
2165s happens they'll be kind of like that
2166s equivalent style differ for those two
2170s javelins someone asked about consumable
2173s organization I believe I believe we have
2179s sorting by rarity and name as the first
2184s step in this patch automatically sorted
2186s and so again and I've commented on this
2190s on reddit there's a lot of opportunities
2192s with consumables and so this is just one
2195s step we've heard you on things like you
2197s know the ability to craft multiple at
2199s once or you know how the flow is a
2201s little a little strange we're working on
2204s that and looking into you know how we
2205s can smooth that whole thing out yep
2209s I'll see anything else cool before we
2213s before where you going AJ
2216s just hopping in the free play um
2219s I can't let's see I'm kind of think if
2221s there any other improvements there in in
2223s free play I don't know if there were any
2228s or not in there so yeah there's some
2232s little little things yeah we noticed
2234s going in and out of water oh yeah yeah
2237s so there's like some transitions I
2239s noticed that when playing the other day
2240s like going into the water out of the
2242s water a lot of people were saying it's
2243s kind of jarring and felt stuttery I did
2245s it it's very smooth and and it's it's
2248s pretty cool actually if you could show
2249s like finding water anywhere and show
2251s that field of view slider also don't
2254s faceplant into a puddle I would not be
2256s good
2257s maybe up there by the fortress dawn or
2259s something let's see if there's any of
2262s their things don't faceplant man we have
2272s we have Lisa over in the comp corner
2274s saying do it now people ask me what's
2279s going on with SOI I believe that still
2281s being probably still being worked on Oh
2283s Chad talked about that before like I had
2286s said earlier if you missed it DLLs s
2288s support is added this update still
2290s working on the SOI ones the top left map
2296s and free place some little square icons
2300s did you have the map open you're getting
2306s some some mean things oh oh
2309s open the map a second where are you
2310s right right here yeah check out your map
2312s so you see now you can I don't know if
2314s we had that before I don't believe so I
2316s don't think we did but now it shows the
2317s area of where a free play event is so I
2321s believe even if you were to die and
2323s respawn it would show you where that is
2325s still I believe so you can you know get
2329s back there and and you're not like lost
2331s in the world
2335s let's see someone says yes a couple
2338s people said yes up some people like it
2343s was there before well if it was it's
2344s still there that's cool though
2347s someone wants grab it's to spew from the
2349s tyrant
2350s boss when you kill them I agree a little
2353s too soon for this patch but that is a
2356s great idea that would be terrifying that
2360s just no just cope fall zombies grab it's
2367s popping a gaggle of gravity that all
2369s they want to do is are people let's see
2373s grab it javelin win I want to say there
2379s might be like some grab it final may be
2383s pretty sure we have to find out later
2386s we're big fans grab its we do like
2388s Rapids there were limits there will be
2389s more grab it things patch ETA next week
2396s yep
2398s so probably as we get closer to whenever
2401s the patch would hit will probably share
2403s more details yep AJ you're just letting
2411s me down with that loot man they're still
2415s in gm1 okay okay that's fine I won't
2418s hold it against you and you're nuts yeah
2422s you don't have any luck luck is not on
2424s your side okay okay trying to find the
2433s water let's see what is this one win our
2440s patch notes
2442s there'll be shortly before whenever the
2443s update drops like we did before where we
2445s post some like the day before so
2450s probably do the same thing again want to
2452s make sure everything's in there I know
2453s last time people were upset that we
2455s didn't have everything in there so we
2458s want a triple check make sure we're not
2459s missing anything this time yeah we are
2461s not trying to hide anything there's just
2463s a lot like I said 13 pages of notes yeah
2466s a lot of moving parts we're not we're
2469s not ever going to intentionally keep a
2471s passionate from you and then we when we
2473s realized the mistake we'll get them out
2474s as soon as possible
2475s which I think we've been
2477s for sure I see people talking about like
2480s with with Luton here they're like you
2483s know what's the point of GM 1 if there's
2485s GM 2 there's also a lot of people you
2488s know if they're not quite ready for GM 2
2490s and they just get in there and get
2491s stomped right away GM 1 it's a good
2495s oh yes yes we can show an image of that
2497s in the in a second but basically running
2501s a strongholds now on GM 1 also will
2503s yield more loot right absolutely
2506s so strongholds are probably I say the
2509s best way to get loot after the update
2510s yeah and the changes we made last week
2513s do apply to all difficulty modes which
2515s is those legendary creatures dropping
2518s more and better leave you know that's
2521s still applies but yeah I can't wait to
2523s get in there and try and see the changes
2525s on the bosses because I was one of those
2527s people who would quickly into cart of
2530s rage and I would kill the monitor every
2533s time I stuck around I did not leave
2536s doing a hero's work doing the heroes
2538s were like man just leave didn't do it
2543s stick around here we go oh wait AJ found
2546s water found deep water down deep water
2548s ok is this the oh yeah see it's like it
2552s seems smoother there to me anyway I
2553s don't know if anyone else thinks it
2555s looks smoother but dolphin dive dolphin
2560s scepter now people are gonna ask for
2564s like dolphin armor but it can look like
2567s a dolphin and just swim around and is
2573s that what the field of view pulled out
2574s AJ on the water so you can you can't you
2580s won't drown just sit under the water and
2582s and then pull the field of view out
2584s because I know some people had mentioned
2585s they don't like how it looks under water
2587s so we can show players what it looks
2589s like when you're zoomed out a little bit
2591s on there yeah 33 percent bump that up
2595s hundred there you go
2601s looks pretty cool and so if you leave
2603s the water now it should zoom back in you
2607s and then if you go back again it's
2610s pretty cool I like it
2615s more extreme oh what a J's gonna pilot
2623s feel it yeah what are you doing oh I
2630s know what he's doing
2632s zooms in so it's not too jarring it
2634s doesn't just snap back yeah that would
2637s make me not happy so field of view only
2641s for PC yes just for performance reasons
2645s I think mainly it's a little a little
2648s harder it does put some more strain I
2650s think on on resources with with pulling
2653s up at that camera view more someone's
2657s like okay I'm sold on the field of view
2658s slider sweet man did it for you a
2662s question can we have more inventory
2665s space yeah we're best getting that yeah
2673s you know inventory spaces and free on
2676s the on the back end and the database so
2677s we're looking at anything we can squeeze
2679s out of it right now to see what we can
2683s do so no promises but we're definitely
2685s definitely trying as we know especially
2687s as you explore different builds and
2690s different suits that becomes a bigger
2692s and bigger need and you know as the game
2694s gets older meaning you know in your
2696s first few hours I don't have a whole ton
2698s of stuff I need to hang on to but now
2700s you know I have lots of different
2702s horizontal builds I can do so yeah we're
2704s definitely we're aware we're looking
2707s into it and seeing what we can do there
2709s for sure yet we're not gonna hide it
2712s someone's like NPC vanished yes yes it
2715s did which I don't know if we talked
2718s about it so sometimes there can be
2720s different things I can cause enemies
2721s despawn so like when a world event pops
2723s up one of the things that would happen
2727s that really sucked is if you're fighting
2728s a Titan and then a world event appeared
2730s and someone else activated it your Titan
2731s would disappear yep but now that doesn't
2734s happen
2734s anymore yep we have that fixed for this
2737s patch next patch so enjoy your your
2740s sweet Titan lute all right so I think
2745s that is about about it for today I think
2749s we've covered just about most of stuff
2751s we want to like I said update is
2754s dropping next week as we get closer
2756s we'll let you know exactly what day that
2758s is on so you can plan accordingly patch
2760s notes will go up to do or unless Ben
2763s tells me no Ben Ben will be back from
2767s Australia soon he's you know he's done
2770s hanging out kangaroos and koalas and
2772s he'll be on a mission and have a very
2774s strong opinion about the patch notes may
2776s yes he probably will I'm sure he will
2778s but yeah thanks everyone for tuning in
2781s so we hope you got a lot of information
2783s out this and you can know what to expect
2786s in the next update our next stream will
2788s be a couple weeks probably we're trying
2793s to time it good with some more cool
2795s content coming to the game if you look
2796s at that you know our road map right now
2799s I might give you some ideas of what
2800s we're gonna show next time don't want to
2802s spoil it you can guess what it might be
2804s but yeah any other parting words Chris
2808s enjoy enjoy the Elysium caches enjoy the
2811s legendary missions I think they're a lot
2814s of fun so let us know though listen you
2816s think keep the feedback coming we we're
2818s listening and we make changes based off
2820s of what everyone likes to see we read
2823s basically everything every day I read
2826s everything yep alright thanks everyone
2830s tell us what