about 6 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by ForbidenMonkey

As someone whos colourblind, it helps me tremendously when games have HUD colourblind setting but the current colourblind settings (at least on the menu, i havent been bale to get in yet :( ) in anthem are colour overlays over the whole screen.I really dont want to play this game with everyone looking likes Smurf but i will struggle to see the HUD if i dont.


Overwatch did had colourblind settings that put an overlay over the whole screen which they recently changed and love their new colourblind accessibility.

I know only around 5-8% of poeple are colourblind so it might only be a tiny percent of your player base, which i can understand it wont be very high on your priority list, if its even on it. but i would be amazing for the people who rely on colourblind settings to see things clearly.

Edit: Thank you for the silver kind stranger! :)

This is a very valid suggestion and I will make sure that it gets through to the dude that works away on the UI.