about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Yandayn

Combat in Anthem is based on flight, hovering and high mobility.

The devs stated they want to keep the players moving in battle. That's why we don't have a cover system for example.

But how does stationary effects from support abilities fit in this picture ? Not so well, in my opinion.

For example: if I want to have that nice damage buff from the storm in my group, I need to keep an eye on him to see if and when he's using it. Then I need to run or fly to wherever he put that circle on the ground and keep standing still in that circle to benefit from it.

Would it not be better if the Storm uses the ability and instead of putting a circle on the ground, his teammates automatically get the buff ? Like the armor get's a light blue glow so everyone knows they got the storm damage buff.

This way everyone stays mobile and the fights are more fluid imo.

You can fly through them and you get the buff, you don’t have to stand in them. Going back in refreshes the buff.

Different for bulwark and windfall as they are shields