about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Tonybear94

Sea of thieves went thru the same exact situation. All parties were open on launch and if someone gets disconnected midway thru playing, then a random would be able to take their spot almost right away, which in turn the party would have to back out completely and be remade. It took a couple months before invite only parties were a thing. Now the good news is that one of the devs mentioned in a video is that you do have that window of opportunity to join back in and maintain the loot you got throughout the dungeon, but wasn't direct on any sort of timeframe and also wasn't direct if that spot would be held for that specific person who got disconnected in the first place. Everything that I mentioned before is moot if invite only sessions are a thing, but I have yet to see any evidence.

There's a reservation system that holds your spot if you crash out. It holds it for a few minutes or so before it opens up for someone else (assuming it's public). 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by ZEE_THE_CEO

Thanks Brenon. What about joining friends who are already in freeplay, and not in an organized party of 4 (in the world with 3 randoms)? Do they have to back out of their activity so that they can be joined?

I believe what happens is if you try to squad up with a friend who's in a full server, you'll get a message saying "server is full" or something like that.

They'd have to leave, or join you instead and then you could go do whatever. Hope that helps! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by ZEE_THE_CEO

I mean, that's what I figured. But that's the least desired method to be honest. It's 2019. LOL

Statistically (if things work according to our models), the average populations for Freeplay servers should be just under 3 - so on average there should be room for your friend to hop in... that said, things get more complicated if you have more folks you want to play Freeplay with.

Anyways, big picture - if it sucks, we'll figure out ways to make it better 😊.