about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Khamael_X

Yep. finished it for the first time right now and I was like "what? NOTHING?"

I see that you get the rewards in the end-screen, but not knowing what it was made it incredibly underwhelming as the end to an otherwise really cool Dungeon

Yep, this is on our list - I think we can do a bunch of stuff to make this a lot more celebratory. Thanks for the feedback! ๐Ÿ˜Š

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by FlameInTheVoid

Just to add to this note on raid/dungeon/stronghold design:

Most games donโ€™t have a lot of good opportunities to really just explore and appreciate endgame spaces that are usually a step above the regular play spaces aesthetically. Youguys put a lot of effort into those zones, but we only get in when weโ€™re too busy to stop and smell the roses.

It would be nice if:

1) Not only could we not get immediately booted to a mission complete, but if there was literally no timer at all, and we could just explore once everything is dead.

2) The whole space became available on completion. My original thought was until the instance is abandoned. But Iโ€™d actually prefer if completion unlocking a separate exploration mode option. Then we could investigate a completed stronghold any time, on our own, without wasting valuable group time on sightseeing and secret hunting.

This would be a great place to stash lore items and secret stuff as well.

To continue the destiny comparisons, I hate that after killing Riven or Atheon, I canโ€™t go exploring the whole zone because Iโ€™m stuck in the last room and I get kicked after like 2 minutes anyway.

Also, from a story perspective, it makes sense that a completed dungeon be available to enter as though Iโ€™ve cleaned it out. Obviously, these need to be easily repeatable. But if I killed all that stuff, there should be some instance I can get to where it is still dead and the space is safe.

That's a really interesting idea... I'll kick it over to the Stronghold guys. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Š