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So I was just f*cking around with various guns and components, trying to quantify their damage amounts, when I stumbled upon something rather strange. It seems that the default weapon you get when creating a new loadout, is better than any other weapon in the game!

Components used during this test are Airborne Advantage, Convergence Core, Defensive Bulwark and Firearm Calibration Core. All are Ranger components which increase weapon damage. Anyway as for the test itself:

-With my Level 1 common Defender rifle, one bullet does 286 damage against a normal scar trooper.

-With my Level 45 masterwork Ralner's Blaze rifle, one bullet does 1184 damage against a normal scar trooper.

Given these numbers, you might (reasonably) assume that the MW weapon will kill enemies faster, since it does more damage.

This is NOT the case!

Going back to the scar troopers, the MW rifle takes 6 bullets to kill our scar friend. Given the damage numbers, our level 1 rifle should take around 5x more bullets to do the job. Guess how many it actually takes?


That's right. 4 bullets!!! Not 4x as many. Literally 4 rounds. Our level 1 rifle is somehow more effective than our level 45 masterwork, despite what our damage pop-ups are telling us.

I have tested this with various weapons and enemies, and while the numbers vary, the results are always the same: the level 1 defender rifle is by far the most effective weapon in my inventory. It melts literally f*cking everything!

So, from this we can draw two conclusions:

1 - There is some buggy f*ckery going on with the default level 1 rifle

2 - Damage numbers are meaningless and do not reflect the actual damage done to a target

The second one is by far the most concerning; as it implies some rather disturbing things about how the game was balanced.

Anyway, I'd love it if someone else could run these tests too to confirm that I'm not crazy or something...let me know what your results are!


Thanks to u/beatpeet42, here is a GIF of the phenomenon in action!

As you can see, the first weapon (a legendary Ralners Blaze with 225% damage) does slightly less damage in 3 shots than the second weapon (level 1 Defender), despite the damage popup numbers telling a completely different story.

u/takeshikun also made a GIF showing this, only he used two defenders (one epic, one common) in the GIF.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Insane_Unicorn

We really need a comment on that u/benirvo u/brenonholmes

We'll need to investigate this, scaling systems are supposed to allow low level players to play with high level players to be effective against high level enemies.

This is not intended, something ain't right there...

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Hey everyone – Thanks for the feedback on this. I have confirmed with the team that this is in fact a bug related specifically to the default items on a loadout in combination with higher level gear you have equipped. It’s not functioning as intended and the team is working on it for an upcoming fix.

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by merkwerk

That's great but can we get a discussion going about scaling in Grandmaster content though? Is that the intention? I personally feel like there should be no scaling going on in Grandmaster content as it is meant for lvl 30 anyway.

We are listening to all your feedback. We'll update you as soon as we have some new information to share.

In the meantime, check out the developer livestream starting now: twitch.tv/anthemgame

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Fixed in March 12th update

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by xSerp

Out of curiosity why are you waiting until march 12th to push a large number of bug fixes?

Yeah there are things like QA time and first party cert and a bunch of stuff that makes it better to roll things into something like a 2 week cycle.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


It’s actually done before every update.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by OmniBlock

Honest question. With so many broken or bugged issues on release. Was there an issue that effected QA before release? Something that your team encountered?

I think a lot of people are interested in understanding.

It’s a long a long topic. The short version is whatever issues exist, it’s on the team as a whole, not one discipline.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Rare_Lingonberry

As lead producer isn't it your job to accept the blame and not shift it onto the rest of the team?

I’m happy to say it’s my fault. As a leader of the team that is true.

You missed the point of my comment which is - don’t go blaming QA, that’s not how it works.