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this screenshot is taken right in the middle of firing "Death From Above",

"Thunderbolt Of Yvenia" and the LOD Weapon does have this strong flash also as do some more weapons i believe.


Please tone down the effect, it gives me and some more people headaches after using those weapons a lot.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

I'll check to make sure there's a bug entered on this issue. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by _MrBubbles

While you're at it sir, it's not just this gun. I don't think I have found a single gun or ability that doesn't cause blinding light scenarios.

It's at its worst in darker areas but it's a general thing from basically anything that creates light and explosions.

Even the lights on my Colossus' armor are like I would look into an actual light in real life.

After every mission I basically have to take a 10 to 15 minutes brake, or I get massive headaches, which alone is doable but if you play with friends, you can't just make them wait that long after each mission.

I don't have that problem in other games nearly as bad as in Anthem after that short amount of time. Maybe slightly when I played something intensive for 5+hours but not after just one 15-30 minute mission.

I'll definitely raise it, thanks for asking!

I know for a few things we were looking at the base light intensities weren't a problem by themselves... but when they were combined with other shaders they could get quite extreme.