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I really like Anthem despite all of its flaws and while I am excited they are changing up loot for us the HP issue is going off the rails. Every time I load into a mission I have different experience either my Storm is able to hover and rain down hell fire from the heavens with enemies having no hope to defeat me...or I have to hide behind a rock, do hit and runs, and get back to the nearest rock because the just ONE HIT from any enemy takes away all my shields and health. In many cases the one shot puts me straight into being down waiting for a revive. I would be different if I just a glass cannon but this isn't consistent at all. This has got to be a bug Bioware PLEASE take another look at this I feel like this issue has got to be slid up to the top of the pile because for me it's making the game unplayable and from browsing the interwebz I know I am not the only one dealing with this issue either.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

We're investigating, I recognize that it's frustrating (sorry for that!)... for whatever reason it's a lot harder to reproduce in a controlled setting. If you get this issue a lot, would you mind DM'ing me some of your information?

Edit: Thanks for all the information! I think I have what we need! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Faust723

Can you be more specific as to what information you're looking for? Just so we don't spam you with a bunch of unnecessary stuff. Like, are you asking about our Gear level, interceptor type, average number of health bars seen, etc. Or just our platform/account name?

Suit, loadout name (if you have more than one loadout) and platform name ideally. We can pull your data and dupe it to the development servers and see if it's easier to isolate. 😊

Edit: Thanks for all the info, I think we have what we need for now!

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by reicomatricks

Not to sound like a massive jackass but until we can pull up a menu and look at ourselves when we are downed we're going to have to start writing down everything we have equipped before we go out into an activity where we could reasonably be able to duplicate this issue for you to be able to get the information.

Sorry I meant the name of your loadout if you have multiples, we can probably do the rest from there 😊.

(I'll clarify above)

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Faust723

Awesome! Thanks so much.

  • Suit: Interceptor
  • Loadout Name: Standard
  • Platform: PS4
  • PSN Username: Faust723

Hope it's of some use to you. Finally managed to push into 4 health pips but I'm not sure if that's what I should be seeing.

(side note: I'm so glad you clarified because I was hesitant to go through and type the entire loadout haha)

Thanks for the info! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by NeoSono

Are you sure its related to the loadout because I'Ve not changed my loadout at all several times and the health bar and also the "felt" health have still changed. Sometimes to higher values and sometimes to lower values. For me it seems to be related to the team composition?!?

Nope, I'm not sure of anything... But I just want to be sure we're covering the bases 😊.