about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Bistoory

And by this I mean no stealth nerfs, no controlled RNG, no coin drops nerf, remember Bungie cheating players last year for the XP bar and how it ended as a scandal ? or the recent Bethesda on Fallout 76 stealth nerfs ? (I'm not even going to talk about Blizzard...), they are not good for the community, nor for the game and with "EA" stampeded on your game, it can be even worse with all those people just waiting for an opportunity to jump on the hate train.

Want to decrease coin drop rate to sell more shop items ? no problem, just tell us, want to nerf / buff some enemies ? no problem, just write it in the patchnotes; but just DON'T keep behind the scene, cause someone will find out.

Keep up the good work, you are on the way to create a great gaming experience for the years to come, we love your work ;)

ps : this is not a hate thread, but actually a sentiment on how you are treating your community right now, which is great.

Our goal is to continue to be transparent. We will never intentionally make stealth changes - as we get our patch note process locked in for launch it’s possible we miss things, we will try very hard not to but we hope you give us the benefit of the doubt if something goes live without an appropriate message to the community :)